Ed Luce Mika Brzezinski Joe Scarborough MSNBC Morning Joe 1-20-22

Scarborough On Ukraine: Not Saying Biden Is Chamberlain, But...

January 20th, 2022 3:33 PM

While claiming that he wasn't comparing Joe Biden to Neville Chamberlain, Joe Scarborough says that Chamberlain was so "desperate for peace" that he appeased Hitler, leading to WWII. Scarborough suggested that Biden might also be "desperate for peace" in suggesting at his press conference that Putin ordering a "minor incursion" of Ukraine wouldn't merit a full-blown US response. 


ABC REFUSES to Cover Biden Delegitimizing Midterms If His Agenda Fails

January 20th, 2022 12:19 PM

ABC’s Good Morning America chose on Thursday it wouldn’t share with viewers one of if not the top takeaway from President Biden’s marathon Wednesday press conference, which was that he signaled he would wage a campaign to delegitimize and question the results of November’s 2022 midterm elections if he doesn’t get his way on voting rights.


Nets Actually Criticize Biden Approving 'Minor Incursion' By Russia

January 19th, 2022 9:59 PM

You know Joe Biden really stepped in it when even the network newscasts heaped criticism on the geriatric President. On Wednesday evening all three evening news broadcasts were flabbergasted over Biden’s comments during his press conference where he seemed to suggest it would be ok if there was “a minor incursion” by Russia into neighboring Ukraine. 

David Sanger John Berman Kasie Hunt CNN New Day 1-18-22

CNN Analyst: Biden's Afghan Disaster Emboldens Putin To Invade Ukraine

January 18th, 2022 7:34 PM

On CNN's New Day, David Sanger, the chief Washington correspondent of the New York Times who doubles as a CNN analyst., opines that Biden's catastrophic mishandling of the Afghanistan withdrawal has emboldened Vladimir Putin to invade Ukraine. 

Joe Biden Vladimir Putin MSNBC Morning Joe 12-8-21

Morning Joe: Hard to Subdue Ukraine — People Have a Million Guns!

December 8th, 2021 12:29 PM

On Morning Joe, Washington Post editor/columnist says of a potential invasion of Ukraine ordered by Putin: "He's also going to face a guerrilla warfare, extended partisan warfare in Ukraine. There -- I counted 400,000 people who've received some kind of militia training. There are a million guns floating around Ukraine. I mean, it's a place where it’d be hard to subdue the population…


MSNBC Blames Russia Invasion Threat on 'Republican-Russian Alliance'

December 8th, 2021 10:24 AM

On Tuesday, President Biden met with Vladimir Putin to discuss the latter amassing of a potential invasion force on the Ukrainian border. That afternoon, MSNBC's Deadline: White House host Nicolle Wallace wildly wondered if Biden's job has been made more difficult by former President Trump and a supposed "Republican-Russian Alliance" that she claimed seeks to serve Russian interests…

Surprise: WH Reporters Join FNC’s Heinrich in Pressing Psaki on Russia

December 8th, 2021 12:29 AM

Tuesday’s White House press briefing was jam-packed amid Russian troops gathering on the border with Ukraine and a high-stakes call between President Biden and Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, so it was a welcome sight when Fox’s Jacqui Heinrich and others highlighted the U.S.’s acquiescence to Russia on the Nord Stream II pipeline, Biden’s lack of public comments about the tensions, and…


New York Post Reporter Dares to Ask Psaki About Hunter (She Hated It)

December 6th, 2021 6:38 PM

During Monday’s episode of The Psaki Show, New York Post reporter Steven Nelson made the most of his infrequent opportunities to question Press Secretary Jen Psaki by invoking news about Hunter Biden’s Chinese business dealings and Miranda Devine’s new book about Hunter’s laptop. However, Psaki wanted nothing to do with either of them.


Evening Nets IGNORE Biden Approving Russia’s Pipeline for Two Days

July 23rd, 2021 8:51 AM

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening networks didn’t seem to care that President Joe Biden canceled the Keystone XL while behaving like a Russian crony and approving the country’s controversial Nord Stream 2 pipeline. 


Brian Williams: Get Rid of Fox News on Military Bases?

June 27th, 2021 7:00 PM

On Friday's edition of The 11th Hour on MSNBC, host Brian Williams seemed to suggest that Fox News be banned from military bases because Tucker Carlson responded to Gen. Mark Milley's recent defense of Critical Race Theory by declaring "He’s not just a pig. He’s stupid." Later, Williams tried to tie concerns about CRT in the military to Vladimir Putin.


Meghan McCain Calls Out The Media; Biden Has 'Gotten a Pass so Far'

June 17th, 2021 5:30 PM

The G7 summit has revealed a lot more about Biden’s personality than we were expecting, although we knew it wasn’t going to be good. Even his leftist fans in the mainstream media and Hollywood aren't very happy with his performance. Of course Meghan McCain didn’t hesitate to call out the double standard when it comes to the coverage of Joe Biden versus what Donald Trump had to deal with.…


‘What the H***?’; Biden FLIPS OUT at CNN Reporter Over Putin Question

June 16th, 2021 5:57 PM

Closing out his week-long European trip and Wednesday’s Geneva summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, President Joe Biden snapped at CNN’s Kaitlan Collins on Wednesday for simply wondering “why” he’s “so confident [Putin will] change his behavior.” Not to be left out, Biden also tussled with Fox’s Peter Doocy over China when he, like Collins, interjected once Biden worked through his…


Nets Fluff Biden Before Putin Summit: He's 'Confident' and 'Energized'

June 15th, 2021 8:37 PM

With just hours to go until gaffe-prone President Biden was set to sit down for an hours-long summit with Russian authoritarian Vladimir Putin, the big three broadcast networks diligently worked to fluff up the confused President Tuesday evening by suggesting that he looked “confident” and “energized.” They also did the bidding of the White House and tried to lower expectations in certain ways…


FNC Calls Out Media’s Doting Praise of Biden on Russia for Nothing

June 13th, 2021 2:55 PM

With President Biden in Europe for his first overseas diplomatic mission to the G7 summit, the liberal media have been tripping over themselves to put out doting the reports that glorify the pointless and empty spectacle and overtures. Touching on this fact Sunday, Fox News Channel’s MediaBuzz highlighted a recent Time magazine cover that touted Biden for standing up to…