Tammy Baldwin

Editor’s Pick: WashTimes Shows Funding Bill Filled With LGBTQ Earmarks
In a story published Saturday online and appearing on the front page of Monday’s print edition, The Washington Times’s Valerie Richardson detailed a sampling of the far-left earmarks inside Friday’s spending package to keep the government open that would assist groups in helping underage children become transgender, fund drag shows, and hospitals that conduct abortions.

'Just One Vote,' PolitiFact Defends Dem Senator's Spending Record
GOP Senate hopeful Eric Hovde has run afoul of the nitpickers at PolitiFact for correctly stating Democratic incumbent Tammy Baldwin's record on the national debt. The Thursday fact-check from Hope Karnopp defended Baldwin by claiming his statistics are unfair because the economy is larger than it has been historically and Baldwin is “just one vote in Congress.”

Chuck Todd Skips Pro-Abortion Terrorism With Dem Wisconsin Senator
On MSNBC’s soon-to-be-streaming-only MTP Daily Thursday afternoon, host Chuck Todd fretted to Wisconsin Democratic Senator Tammy Baldwin about the failure of Democrats to pass radical pro-abortion legislation in anticipation of the Supreme Court overturning Roe vs. Wade. However, unbelievably missing from the softball chat was any mention of the pro-abortion terrorism perpetrated…

Bolduan Doesn't Ask Wisconsin Senator About Attack on Pro-Life Group
A Wisconsin pro-life organization recently came under attack and a pro-abortion group took credit for it, yet CNN’s Kate Bolduan could not bring herself to ask the state’s junior senator and the Madison area’s former representative, Tammy Baldwin, about it on Wednesday’s At This Hour. Instead, she wondered why Baldwin isn’t concerned about Democratic unity on the issue and refused to…

Another Biden VP List Pick Gets Mostly Softballs From 'View'
Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) appeared on Thursday’s The View, where she received virtually no critical questions, despite being a contender for Vice President in the November election. The only question that was the exception, was co-host Sunny Hostin insisting a black female should be Biden’s choice instead.

Seth Meyers Preaches for Single-Payer Socialism: 'Makes Basic Sense'

MSNBC Host Urges U.S. Senate to Block Wisconsin ‘GOP Power Grab’

Heartless? ABC Ignores Death Threats Against Kavanaugh’s Family

PolitiFact Throws 'False' Flag at True Quote on Flag/Pledge Bill Vote

CNN Host Asks Senator: Did You Protest Family Separations Under Obama?

Sen. Baldwin: Freedom of Religion For 'Institutions of Faith' — Period

NPR Practices Viewpoint Discrimination: No Conservatives Allowed To Sp