Seth MacFarlane

Seth MacFarlane Claims Fox News Channel Is ‘Incredibly Destructive’
December 29th, 2018 6:59 AM
Liberal celebrity Seth MacFarlane is the creative force behind such TV projects as the disgusting Family Guy cartoon and the Star Trek ripoff series The Orville. He stated on Wednesday that he has been “open and honest” about his feelings regarding the Fox News Channel, which he described as ”incredibly destructive.” In addition, the producer and actor praised another TV project, the Showtime…

2.5 Million Ways to Buy this Contest: MacFarlane Donates Big To Dems
November 6th, 2018 2:32 PM
Celebrities don’t just participate in politics by putting on a show. Sometimes they add plenty of cash to their in-kind work nudging culture to the left.

'Family Guy:' 'Guns Are Hazardous and Unsafe'
November 4th, 2018 11:57 PM
Family Guy took a predictably anti-gun stance in the fifth episode of the show’s 17th season on Sunday night, titled “Regarding Carter.”

Media, Celebs Slam SCOTUS’ Cake Ruling: ‘Abolish the Supreme Court’
June 4th, 2018 2:29 PM
Progressives in the media have no respect for the traditions and structure of the branches of the government. As soon as one issues a decision based on anything but liberal ideology, the world is over.

'Family Guy': Religion Just 'Blind Subservience to an Imaginary Being'
May 21st, 2018 12:50 AM
In Sunday night’s episode of Fox’s Family Guy, “Are You There God? It’s Me, Peter,” Peter Griffin meets a very vulgar God while in a coma and eventually learns that God doesn’t exist, which is unsurprising for the show created by notorious atheist Seth MacFarlane. The conversation between the two ranges from God’s non-existence to God’s statement that humans are reincarnated as other animals and…

‘Family Guy’ Mocks Emmys, ‘Transparent’ in the Perfect Way
October 2nd, 2017 12:38 AM
The Season 16 premiere of Fox’s Family Guy aired Sunday, October 1 with an episode titled “Emmy Winning Episode.” The show has never won an Emmy Award (although creator Seth MacFarlane has won Outstanding Character Voice-Over Performance for the show) and Peter Griffin decides it's time to change that. He goes about trying to make changes to the show specifically with an Emmy in mind. It was a…

Religion Slammed on Fox's 'The Orville'
September 29th, 2017 12:09 AM
Notorious atheist Seth Macfarlane can’t help but attack religion any chance he gets. In keeping with tradition, Thursday’s episode of Fox’s The Orville took a swipe at believers of an “omnipotent being.” In the episode titled “If the Stars Should Appear,” the Orville crew encounters a massive bio-vessel adrift in space full of people who don’t know they’re on a space ship. The ship, which is…

Seth MacFarlane Claims Trump Stinks Because He's 'Of Hollywood'
December 3rd, 2016 5:40 PM
Notoriously atheist and leftist Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane took to Twitter on Friday to explain why so many celebrities loathe Donald Trump. He claimed Trump reminds Tinseltown folk of slimy deal makers, as if Trump is an elitist who rigs the system, and Seth MacFarlane and his Hollywood pals are red-blooded lovers of America.
“Wanna know why Hollywood folks hate Trump? We live and work…

FOX's 'Family Guy' Plays the 'Trump Tape' in Primetime
October 17th, 2016 3:46 AM
Ever eager to do their part this election, Family Guy decided to wade into the 2016 presidential election on behalf of Hillary Clinton by including the “Trump tapes” as part of last night’s episode, “American Gigg-olo.” Crammed into a plot that spent most of its time following striking pilot turned male prostitute, Glenn Quagmire, Family Guy's writers weakly shoehorned the embarrassing video into…

Federalist: Gun-Grabbing Celeb Seth MacFarlane Made THIS Logic Fail
June 16th, 2016 9:05 AM
The conservative website The Federalist on Wednesday corrected a massive reading comprehension fail by liberal, gun-grabbing celebrity Seth MacFarlane. Federalist senior contributor Daniel Payne noted that the Family Guy creator “tweeted out two charts to seemingly make the case for gun confiscation.” Yet, they prove exactly the opposite of MacFarlane's point.

Bill Maher Applauds Seth MacFarlane's Beyond Vile Attack on Jesus
January 26th, 2016 12:00 PM
When serial anti-Catholic bigots Bill Maher and Seth MacFarlane get together, it is a sure fire recipe for new lows in tastelessness. And that's what we got on HBO last Friday night, as MacFarlane appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher. "…[Y]ou're so lucky that you do cartoons," Maher told the creator of Fox's Family Guy, 'because the things you get away with in cartoons—I'm so jealous." The…

'Family Guy' Creator Seth MacFarlane Endorses Sanders, Socialism
October 15th, 2015 11:32 PM
Socialist Bernie Sanders traveled to Hollywood for several fundraisers, including a small-dollar event for hundreds at the Avalon nightclub, where Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane endorsed Sanders for President.
MacFarlane said that he was particularly impressed by a response that Sanders gave at Tuesday night’s debate. Asked what was the country’s greatest national security threat, Sanders…

Fox News Pundit Shames Seth MacFarlane On Just Who's Oily
November 15th, 2014 7:25 AM
“Family Guy” creator Seth MacFarlane messed up his one chance hosting the Oscars with a song called “We Saw Your Boobs,” outraging feminists from coast to coast. His image as a creep is only enhanced by the latest Twitter smackdown.
Twitchy reported MacFarlane tried to take a swipe at allegedly oil-obsessed Republicans over the Keystone XL pipeline, and faced an embarrassing accusation by (much…

New Seth MacFarlane Sitcom Called Racist By Asian-American Group, Want
August 16th, 2013 12:06 PM
Two weeks ago, NewsBusters reported Seth MacFarlane's new sitcom Dads was full of "disparaging portrayals of white men."
The upcoming show came under more heat Monday when the Media Action Network for Asian-Americans asked that the pilot be reshot to remove racist depictions of Asians.