
Colbert Laments Pope Is 'Less Pro-LGBTQ Than NASCAR' Ahead Of Meeting

June 13th, 2024 10:11 AM

On Wednesday’s edition of The Late Show on CBS, host Stephen Colbert reported that he will be part of a group of 105 comedians from 15 countries to travel to the Vatican for a meeting with Pope Francis, but before he does that, he lamented, “Pope Francis is less pro-LGBTQ than NASCAR.”


CBS’s O’Donnell Abets Pope Francis’s Takes On Migration, Climate

May 21st, 2024 11:01 AM

At long last, CBS aired its special featuring anchor Norah O’Donnell’s interview of Pope Francis which, as predicted, ran through the entire leftwing media policy pupu platter. A substantial portion of this interview was devoted, predictably, to the…


CBS's O’Donnell Asks Pope Francis Obligatory Climate Question

April 24th, 2024 11:11 PM

CBS Evening News anchor Norah O’Donnell delivered this evening’s newscast from Rome, and her interview with Pope Francis featured heavily within the newscast. But if the early tease is any indication, O’Donnell devoted the interview to the reheating of the media’s same old talking points regarding the Catholic Church.


Amanpour Trashes 'Very, Very Dyed-in-the-Wool Conservative' Catholics

February 18th, 2024 6:06 PM

Conservative taxpayers fund PBS and find themselves presented as the focus of evil in the modern world. On Ash Wednesday, the PBS show Amanpour & Co. focused on the Catholic Church and Pope Francis, especially how some "very, very dyed-in-the-wool conservatives' are forcing a "backlash" against "what the Pope has done for the LGBTQ community."


PBS: Pope Francis Has ‘Gained Adoration’ For His LGBTQ+ Inclusion

December 19th, 2023 4:54 PM

Slot him into the media’s “Strange New Respect for Religion” category: Pope Francis, beloved by liberals for his “progressive” tack toward the LGBTQ movement -- and hostility toward conservative Catholics. PBS Weekend was the latest to genuflect toward the “social reform” minded (i.e. liberal-pleasing) pontiff on Saturday.


NBC Oversells Pope Francis’ Decision To Bless Same-Sex Couples

December 19th, 2023 5:00 AM

The Peacock Network is doing quite the bit of peacocking over Pope Francis’ decision to bless same-sex couples. There is no change in doctrine, but NBC cheers the change in perception and speculates that it may lead to a change in doctrine down the road.

NPR Host Gushes Over Nasty Feminist Website Jezebel After It Ends

November 14th, 2023 4:25 PM

The nasty feminist blog named Jezebel was shut down by its owner G/O Media last week, after a long run of outrages. But NPR All Things Considered anchor Juana Summers interviewed its founder Anna Holmes and gushed over how it was essential reading and "really relevant." All Things Considered never considered a conservative rebuttal. Call it All Conservative Views Ignored…


Whoopi: Pope Francis Is a ‘Progressive’ Because ‘He’s a Human Being’

October 16th, 2023 1:31 PM

Moderator Whoopi Goldberg was back on ABC’s The View on Monday after her visit with Pope Francis last week. She bragged about taking important lessons away from their conversations and that he’s “a pope for all people.” But according to her, not all people were human and it all came down to politics and only progressives like her and Francis were human beings.

The Pope’s Penchant for Polite Gibberish About Communist China

September 18th, 2023 10:56 AM

WASHINGTON -- There is still more gibberish emitting from the pope as he travels to and from the Far East. Now he is safely home in the Vatican, so only his close advisers will hear the claptrap that comes from him as he tries to placate the Red Chinese and the Russians and, who knows, maybe he is even aiming his rhetoric toward North Korea and the Palestinians. He has kind words for anyone…


Handler Cites Pope's Sex Life, Environment To Defend Not Having Kids

February 9th, 2023 3:02 PM

Chelsea Handler’s attempt to win battle to be the full time host of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show is going about as well as anyone could expect. On Wednesday’s episode, she confused shock value for comedy as she mused about the Pope’s sex life, labeled Fox News’s Tucker Carlson and Sen. J.D. Vance “boner killers,” and cited carbon footprints to defend her decision not to have…


CBS Again Hits Benedict as “Arch-Conservative,” “God’s Rottweiller”

January 2nd, 2023 11:20 AM

All three broadcast morning newscasts devoted full stories on Monday to the first day of public viewing for the late Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. CBS’s Chris Livesay was the most antagonistic to Benedict’s legacy, regurgitating once again the “…

Joe Biden Meets with His Holiness Pope Francis

Pope Francis Says Biden’s Abortion Stance Conflicts With Church

July 13th, 2022 10:35 AM

Joe Biden is (allegedly) a Catholic, He certainly doesn’t act like one, but he at least superficially professes his faith in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church. Now His Holiness Pope Francis is calling into question Biden's “incoherence” on the issue of abortion, as reported…

Pope Francis continues to confuse more Catholics

Confusion: Pope Francis Planning To Allow Women To Help Select Bishops

July 6th, 2022 11:55 AM

Well, here’s another confusing day for the Catholic Church. The Church is already dealing with numerous issues, but unfortunately, Pope Francis is only increasing the doctrinal confusion among his laity.

Nancy Pelosi and Pope Francis during her visit to Rome

Pelosi Takes Communion at Papal Mass Despite Bishop’s Ban

June 29th, 2022 11:18 AM

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has landed herself in hot water with the Catholic Church in recent days due to her pro-abortion stance, being denied the Eucharist at her home parish. On June 29, however, the stance of the church was completely muddied with her admission to…