Pope Francis
Pope Francis Says Biden’s Abortion Stance Conflicts With Church
Joe Biden is (allegedly) a Catholic, He certainly doesn’t act like one, but he at least superficially professes his faith in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church. Now His Holiness Pope Francis is calling into question Biden's “incoherence” on the issue of abortion, as reported…

Confusion: Pope Francis Planning To Allow Women To Help Select Bishops
Well, here’s another confusing day for the Catholic Church. The Church is already dealing with numerous issues, but unfortunately, Pope Francis is only increasing the doctrinal confusion among his laity.
Pelosi Takes Communion at Papal Mass Despite Bishop’s Ban
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has landed herself in hot water with the Catholic Church in recent days due to her pro-abortion stance, being denied the Eucharist at her home parish. On June 29, however, the stance of the church was completely muddied with her admission to…

NYT Embraces Pope’s Left-Wing Stance on Migrants: Concentration Camps?
Jason Horowitz covers The Vatican for the New York Times, a perch he has utilized to make common cause with Pope Francis’s left-wing political stances, especially on refugees. This week he used the latest papal visit to Greece to overload the paper with an enormous amount of ideologically loaded copy, using the Pope’s moral authority to push an open-border ideology – the “religious…

Cuomo Lies for Biden: Never Changed Moral Positions on Abortion
On New Day, CNN religion commentator Father Edward Beck says President Biden and Pope Francis share solidarity because both have been "maligned" by "neo-conservative factions." Chris Cuomo claims he, unlike Donald Trump, has never changed positions on moral questions. In fact, as a senator he described himself as having "strong convictions against abortion..."

CNN's Sciutto Gushes Over Biden and the Pope: 'Formidable Partnership'
The host of CNN Newsroom could hardly contain himself Friday as he gushed over President Biden and the Pope as "the liberal wing of the Catholic Church" and hailed them as great Christians and humanitarians. Jim Sciutto asked "Are they a formidable partnership" for global action on climate, COVID, and poverty?

Editor’s Pick: NR on Psaki Bristling at Question on Abortion, Pope
On Wednesday, National Review’s Brittany Bernstein reported on how White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki “bristled on Wednesday when a reporter asked if President Biden, who is Catholic and pro-abortion, will discuss ‘the human dignity of the unborn’ when he meets with Pope Francis later this week.”

NOPE: The Pope Calls on Big Tech to Censor More Online
In a discussion about equality, Pope Francis called for more censorship online. Pope Francis was discussing how the public views him as a “pest” for defending the poor.

NBC Hopes Pope’s New Book is Meant to Be Attack on Trump
During a report for NBC’s Today show on Tuesday, correspondent Anne Thompson eagerly hoped that a new book from Pope Francis was meant to be an attack on President Trump, even though Trump is never mentioned in the text.

HuffPost Praises Fake Catholic Biden: He’s a ‘Pope Francis Catholic'
One of the left’s grossest tricks is to convince weak-minded Catholics that Biden is a good Catholic man. One outlet’s latest attempt at getting readers duped into believing in Biden’s piety is saying that he’s a “Pope Francis Catholic,” whatever that means.

'View' Touts Progressive Pope to Bash 'Backwards' Republicans, ACB
Thursday on The View the hosts celebrated that Catholic Church leader Pope Francis endorsed civil unions for same-sex couples. The liberal hosts used the news to trash Republicans and Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett as anti-gay, while still demanding the Catholic Church go much further to the left.

Column: Earth Day Dunking on Humans

NYT Adores Pope’s Left-Wing Fight Vs. Capitalism, 'Ultraconservatives'