Nina Jankowicz

NY Times Shouts 'Disinformation' Over GOP's Accurate Kamala Claims
Tiffany Hsu, who covers “misinformation and disinformation” for the New York Times, took the reins of the paper’s “On Politics” newsletter Wednesday under the headline and issued the latest hypersensitive mainstream media defense of the newly minted Democratic nominee under the inflated headline, “Tackling the falsehoods about Kamala Harris.” Yet much of what the paper condemned as “…

Case Dismissed: Nina ‘Mary Poppins’ Jankowicz Loses Defamation Suit
Nina Jankowicz just found out the hard way that in America you can call a spade a spade. The former head of the defunct government censorship board just lost her lawsuit claiming she was defamed by being labeled a “censor.”
Oh, Really? Jankowicz Admits DHS Disinfo Police Can’t Define Disinfo
Nina Jankowicz, former director of the now-defunct Disinformation Governance Board (DGB), criticized the lack of a unified definition of 'disinformation' within the Biden administration during her sworn testimony to the House Judiciary Committee. She revealed that the Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency and other entities within the department operated…
The ‘Mary Poppins’ of Censorship Is Back — Again!
Nina Jankowicz, the former director of the Disinformation Governance Board, announced her new censorship venture, The American Sunlight Project, claiming it will be "bipartisan" and transparent. However, the project appears to dismiss concerns of censorship drawn from The Twitter and Facebook Files and has publicly attacked Republicans and "conservative media." Despite professing the group's…

NPR Host Still MAD at 'Cowardly' Biden Team for Folding on Censorship
National "Public" Radio has a nasty tendency to believe in "free speech for me, and not for thee."

NBC News Laments GOP Halting ‘Coordination' Between FBI, Social Media
Major media outlets continue to promote an unholy alliance between social media companies and federal government agencies, in the name of protecting elections from foreign interference. But the vague rubric of “disinformation” is often an excuse for shutting down conservative voices online around election time. The latest media valentines to the left’s new favorite domestic surveillance…

TIME Champions ‘Mary Poppins’ of Censorship in TIME 100 List
TIME is laying the groundwork for a return of the embattled warlord of the defunct Ministry of Truth.

MSNBC Host Claims 'My Audience Doesn't Have Conspiracy Theorists'
MSNBC’s Ali Velshi, best known for standing in front of a burning building and saying nothing “unruly” was going on, used his Saturday show to proclaim that his audience, unlike Fox’s, does not conspiracy theorists in it.

PBS’s ‘Amanpour’ Slobbers Over Nina Jankowicz’s ‘Battle for the Truth'
On Amanpour & Co., journalist Michel Martin commiserated with Nina Jankowicz, cringeworthy songbird and appointed director of the Biden administration’s Disinformation Governance Board before the Orwellian outfit was scuttled after outcry from conservatives and liberals. Host Bianna Golydryga set the tone with her introduction: "Now to the battle for the truth."
Nina Jankowicz Claims Government Flagging Content Isn’t Censorship
The former leader of the defunct Disinformation Governance Board argued Saturday that the government doesn’t censor users it just makes it easier for social media companies to censor them.

SHE’S BACK: ‘Disinformation’ Queen Nina Jankowicz Sues Fox News
Self-proclaimed “Mary Poppins of disinformation” Nina Jankowicz has hopped on the bandwagon and is trying to sic the legal system on Fox News.
DHS FINALLY Scrapping Biden Admin’s Defunct Ministry of Truth
The Department of Homeland Security is finally scrapping a key subcommittee tied to Biden’s defunct Ministry of Truth.

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH: Mark Levin Calls on GOP to Investigate George Soros
Conservative radio host Mark Levin has apparently had it with leftist billionaire George Soros wielding colossal influence over American politics and society

FOIA Docs Show Disinfo Board’s Internal Reach, Facebook Connections
The Department of Homeland Security’s defunct Disinformation Governance Board had incorporated at least five federal agencies, developed a basic work plan and exchanged emails with Facebook executives about a potential meeting.