Louis Farrakhan

Jim Crow 2.0: Big Tech’s Separate and Unequal Treatment
May 13th, 2019 3:52 PM
Big Tech always preaches about treating people equally, but they never do. Funny how their “algorithms” never seem to suspend liberals’ accounts. The religion of Inclusion is a fraud. As I write this, my organization’s Twitter account (@LifeHasPurpose) has been suspended for 15 days for violating their cardinal rule—don’t tweet the truth.

Farrakhan Slams ‘Satanic Jews’ After Facebook Ban
May 10th, 2019 1:56 PM
Facebook banned Rev. Louis Farrakhan for his rampant anti-Semitism. So how come the video of him speaking about “Satanic Jews” is still live on the platform? The leader of the Nation of Islam spoke in front of an audience at the Catholic Church of St. Sabina in Chicago.

CNN to Facebook and Twitter: Trump Is ‘Dangerous’ Too
May 6th, 2019 11:45 AM
CNN is ready to push Big Tech into banning President Donald Trump -- as a “dangerous” person. Facebook and Instagram banned six individuals and all links to conspiracy website InfoWars as “dangerous” last week.

Nets Fail to Tie Farrakhan to Left While Calling Others 'Far Right'
May 3rd, 2019 10:28 PM
On Friday morning, as the networks informed viewers that Facebook has banned several controversial political groups and individuals from having an account, ABC, CBS, NBC, and MSNBC all failed to inform viewers that Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan has been tied to the left, even while the same shows made a point of using terms like "far-right" to describe others affected by the ban.

What?! CNN Labels Democrat Ally and Anti-Semite Farrakhan, ‘Far Right’
May 3rd, 2019 2:48 PM
Despite the Washington Post making this same blunder yesterday and facing backlash for it, CNN went ahead and labeled Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan as a “far right” extremist Friday morning. New Day host Alisyn Camerota lumped Farrakhan in with alt-right conspiracy theorists who were banned by Facebook this week for their extreme rhetoric.

Facebook Purges ‘Dangerous’ Farrakhan, Controversial Activists
May 3rd, 2019 10:14 AM
Instagram and its parent company Facebook have purged several what it called “extremist” figures ranging from controversial Jewish activist Laura Loomer to anti-Semitic hate preacher Rev. Louis Farrakhan. In the latest round of tech bans, Facebook and Instagram have deplatformed conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, Infowars, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson, Loomer and Farrakhan.

Snoop Dogg To Followers: ‘Post Your Favorite Farrakhan Video’
May 3rd, 2019 9:06 AM
Social media has been consistently banning people based on liberal complaints. But when it bans someone championed by liberal Hollywood and the Democrats, suddenly everyone becomes a free-speech advocate.

Media Skip Over Farrakhan Speaking at Rapper Nipsey Hussle's Memorial
April 12th, 2019 10:51 AM
The liberal media are forever vigilant about racism and anti-Semitism among the "white nationalists," but go very soft when hateful anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam surfaces at public events. On Thursday, Farrakhan was invited to speak at a memorial service for the rapper Nipsey Hussle, and "mainstream" media outlets either skipped right over it, or noted it without criticism.…

Will Hollywood Denounce the Anti-Jewish Element in Women’s March?
January 19th, 2019 12:15 PM
Special interest groups are abandoning the annual Women’s March in droves. The National Council of Jewish Women, Emily’s List and most recently, The Southern Poverty Law Center have all cut ties with the March. Will Hollywood be next? Actresses Debra Messing and Alyssa Milano, both far-left activists, denounced the Women’s March late last year after initially embracing the movement. Neither is an…

ABC Wakes Up to Women’s March’s Connection to Anti-Jewish Hate
January 16th, 2019 5:49 PM
You wouldn’t know it from the so-called mainstream media, but the far-left Women’s March on Washington is “steeped in controversy” and even the Democratic National Committee has withdrawn its support. After all three networks skipped it Tuesday night, ABC’s Good Morning America on Wednesday actually covered the “cloud of controversy” regarding the march’s connection to anti-Semitism.

MSNBC's Wallace Claims 'There Isn't a Strain of Racism on the Left'
January 16th, 2019 11:48 AM
On Tuesday's Deadline: White House, MSNBC host and former Republican Nicolle Wallace was in denial about the existence of racism within her new home on the left as she ridiculously claimed that "there isn't a strain of racism on the left." Her comments came during a discussion of Iowa Republican Congressman Steve King's flirtations with white nationalists that have drawn condemnation from fellow…

McCain Destroys Women’s March Founder Who Refuses to Condemn Farrakhan
January 14th, 2019 2:25 PM
View co-host Meghan McCain held her liberal guest’s feet to the fire after the latter repeatedly dodged then flat-out refused to condemn vile, anti-Semitic remarks made by her friend, Louis Farrakhan. Tamika D. Mallory appeared on the show Monday with co-chair of the march, Bob Bland, to address that controversy as well as the claims by pro-life women that they were excluded from the march.

Ex-CNN Analyst Marc Lamont Hill Still Backing 'My Brother' Farrakhan
December 20th, 2018 8:47 AM
Even though Marc Lamont Hill is no longer a commentator for CNN, the anti-semitic liberal continues to use any means at his disposal as a tenured professor at Temple University in Philadelphia to slam Israel. His most recent complaints came on Friday, when he hammered the Jewish nation for supposedly encouraging police violence against blacks in the United States. In addition, he continued to…

Al Sharpton Sells the Rights to His Life Story… to His Own Charity
December 5th, 2018 10:43 PM
While Al Sharpton is certainly no stranger to controversy, his latest ploy has raised eyebrows across the political spectrum. Before the liberal activist steps down as president of the National Action Network next year, he has apparently found a new way to make money off the charity he founded in 1991: selling his “life story rights for a 10-year period” for more than half a million dollars.