Kim Jong Un

Fake News Jim, Legion of Dumb Cry Uncle Over Trump’s ‘Bloodbath’ Line
In an unfortunate move for the country, CNN’s morning programming reshuffle has meant subjecting their tens of viewers to an hour of Fake News Jim Acosta (as opposed to stashing him for a few hours on weekends). In turn, we’re stuck with segments like one on Wednesday in which he convened rule of experts fan Tom Nichols and cockamamie professor Ruth Ben-Ghiat for what one could only describe…

Scarborough: 'One Year From Now, Democracy Could Be OVER!'
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough scaremongers that one year from now, if Trump is elected, "democracy could be over." He mocks as "clowns" media critics who say that the liberal media is helping Trump by calling him a "fascist."

Gaffe House: Nets Ignore Kamala’s Big Overseas Flub in South Korea
Less than 24 hours after President Biden called out for Congresswoman Jackie Walorski (R-IN) despite the fact that she passed away nearly two months ago, Vice President Kamala Harris insisted during a speech Thursday in South Korea that America “shares a very important relationship with the Republic of North Korea.” Naturally, the broadcast networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC all ignored this story…

Even the West Has Some Dictator Envy
Some Western leaders envy dictators' powers. President Donald Trump said, when North Korea's Kim Jong-un speaks, “his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.” President Barack Obama told reporters it would be so much easier to be the president of China. Canada's foolish Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, said he admires China because “their basic dictatorship is allowing them…

Biden Presser Potpourri: Anti-Israel Dems, Biden-Bibi, and...UFOs?!
On Friday, President Biden held his second joint press conference and with South Korean President Moon Jae-in alongside, Biden faced questions ranging from the obvious to U.S.-South Korea ties to the newsworthy with questions about the recent fighting between Israel and Hamas to the surprising (and arguably humorous) concerning the likelihood of aliens.

Saturday Night Hate: CNN Spews Lies, Compares Cops to North Koreans
CNN’s crusade against police continued Saturday night as protests broke out in Atlanta after the death of Rayshard Brooks 27-year-old African-American man who was intoxicated behind the wheel in a Wendy’s parking lot, resisted arrest, stole an officers taser, and tried to use it before being shot dead in the back. Situation Room host Wolf Blitzer led the mob, allowing falsehoods and…

Column: Who Pays for Getting the Health of Kim Jong Wrong?

Matthews, Panel Bash Trump’s 4th Plans as ‘Un-American’ Like the USSR

Ryan: Trump's Fourth of July Parade Is About 'Looking Like a Dictator'

MSNBC 'Republican' Jordan: Trump-Kim Meeting 'Makes Me Want to Puke'

ABC, NBC Declare Trump’s DMZ Meeting With Kim to Be Just a Photo Op

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell Accuses President Trump of Treason

Matthews, Guest Compare Trump Supporters to North Korean Officials
So much for standing up for decency. On the Thursday installment of MSNBC’s Hardball, host Chris Matthews and anti-Trump Republican J.W. Verret smeared House Republicans who support the President as “disgusting” and “junior officers behind Kim Jong-un in his rallies” who risk being murdered if they stray from or upset the country’s communist dictator in any way.

MSNBC Panel Melts Down, Suggesting Kim Jong-un Owns ‘Loser’ Trump
MSNBC’s Deadline: White House has become a daily display of anti-Trump Republicans, liberal journalists, and hardened lefties venting their cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). Monday’s session featured host Nicolle Wallace and panelists screeching about how our “grievance-obsessed, dictator-loving” and “loser” President’s “tour de farce in Japan” made the presidency “an international…