Eric Adams CNN New Day 1-24-22

Crime: CNN Buys Into Liberal Pols' Focus on Guns, Not Criminals

January 25th, 2022 12:01 PM

Liberals like to mock people offering "thoughts and prayers" in response to deadly shootings. But liberals themselves invariably trot out a largely useless approach to such tragedies. They focus on guns, not the criminals who use them. And just like the politicians, the liberal media also buys into this false focus. CNN Monday morning aired a segment on the killing of two law enforcement…

Psst! List of Prominent Pols Skipping Dem Convention in Charlotte Is U

June 23rd, 2012 10:07 AM
The count of prominent Democratic Party politicians who have decided not to attend the Democratic Party's convention in Charlotte, thereby attempting to avoid direct association with the formal renomination of incumbent President Barack Obama, is up to seven. Press coverage has been sparse. One can only imagine how much media end-zone dancing there would have been in 2004 had one governor, one…

Maddow Can't Bear the Horror, the Horror of GOP House Victories in NY

September 15th, 2011 8:53 PM
The strangest thing happened last night on MSNBC -- its self-proclaimed civics geek Rachel Maddow ignored the results not one but two special elections the day before to fill vacancies in the House. I know, I know, hard to believe. I mean, every time Maddow does report on elections results -- such as when Democrats win -- she'll segue into her reporting by mock drumming to NBC's bombastic…

NY Times Praises New Dem from 'Devout' Catholic Family, Skips Her Abor

June 1st, 2011 9:59 AM
On Monday, New York Times reporter Raymond Hernandez profiled Democrat Kathy Hochul, the winner of the recent special congressional election to fill a seat from a Republican district in New York state, in "Her Inheritance: An Eagerness to Serve." Praising the Democrat in personal terms the Times rarely if ever uses when discussing a local Republican like New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie,…

NY Times Found Win in NY Special Election 'Galvanizing for Democrats

May 31st, 2011 4:42 PM
After Democrats won a special congressional election in New York State, New York Times congressional reporter Carl Hulse seemed comfortable leading the early cheers for Democrats looking to win back the House of Representatives, in Tuesday’s "Political Memo," "Surprise Victory in New York Invigorates Democrats Looking to 2012." It’s not something the Times does after Republican wins in…

Nets Claim GOP Plan for 'Deep Cuts' in Medicare Led to 'Seismic' Dem W

May 25th, 2011 11:53 AM
All three network morning shows on Wednesday cheered Democrat Kathy Hochul winning the special election in New York's 26th congressional district and framed the outcome as a rejection of Republican plans to reform Medicare. On NBC's Today, news reporter Ann Curry proclaimed: "The race hinged on Hochul's opposition to a Republican-led plan to make deep cuts in Medicare." [Audio available here…

Media Pushing False Notion Dem Victory in NY Race Would Mean Rejection

May 24th, 2011 10:46 AM
Many in the press are gearing up to present today's special election in New York's 26th Congressional District as a referendum on Republican budget proposals and plans to reform entitlement programs. MSNBC's website collected examples of such claims from numerous news outlets, including the Associated Press, Roll Call, the Hill, and a pair of local newspapers. Left-wing news outfits such as…

NBC Affiliate Tries Playing Defense For Dem House Candidate, Fails Mis

March 24th, 2011 4:11 PM
While NB usually focuses on the national news media, sometimes a local news segment is just so brazenly biased that it merits at least a mention. A local NBC News affiliate in New York decided it would fact-check a National Republican Congressional Committee attack ad aimed at Kathy Hochul, the Democratic candidate for the congressional seat left vacant by former Rep. Chris Lee (R). The…