
IDIOTA! NYT Blames ‘Brutal Capitalism’ for Venezuela’s Demise

July 31st, 2024 2:42 PM

The New York Times had the temerity to actually blame free markets for Venezuela’s descent down the economic cesspool under socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro.


FLASHBACK: The Many Liberal Heroes of Barbara Walters

January 2nd, 2023 8:45 AM

Longtime ABC News personality Barbara Walters died Friday at the age of 93. While she shouldn’t be confused with one of those classless left-wing hacks you see too much of in today’s media landscape (including on her daytime creation The View), Walters nonetheless exhibited a typical Manhattan liberalism that celebrated even the most flawed Democratic partisans.

George Soros and Chesa Boudin

SOROS LOSES BIG: Woke San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin Gets Booted

June 8th, 2022 3:10 PM

San Francisco's infamously woke District Attorney lost his recall election and even The New York Times couldn’t avoid kicking him on his way out the door.


Todd Is Confused By Federalism, Lets Polis Compare DeSantis to Putin

May 6th, 2022 3:15 PM

MTP Daily might be on its last legs on MSNBC, but before the show goes exclusively to NBC News Now, host Chuck Todd will still be spreading liberal narratives on cable. On Friday, that included an interview with Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, where Todd was confused by basic civics of how federalism works and refusing to fact check Polis when he alleged that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is…

Lessons from Venezuela

October 28th, 2021 9:57 PM

Democrats say President Joe Biden won "a strong mandate." His government can do all sorts of good things! I don't believe he has a mandate, but thanks to the selfishness of former President Donald Trump, Democrats control Congress, and that may give them power to shove their worst ideas down our throats. Those include: No. 1: Hate speech laws, No. 2: Expanding the Supreme Court, No. 3: Gun…

Tiffany Cross Fernand Amandi MSNBC The Cross Connection 5-8-21

MSNBC Contributor: I Have to Wipe 'Stink' of Tucker Carlson Out of Air

May 8th, 2021 11:10 AM

Back in 2006, when Venezuela's communist dictator Hugo Chavez took the UN podium, he claimed, in an allusion to the Devil, to still smell the "sulphur" from the previous day, when then-President George W. Bush had spoken. In a reprise of Chavez's clownish act, MSNBC contributor Fernand Amandi, after viewing a Tucker Carlson clip that Tiffany Cross ran on her MSNBC show this morning,…

NY Times Shows Hypocrisy on Race, Hugo Chavez, and Maxine Waters

January 9th, 2021 4:45 PM

The inexcusable rioting and looting in the halls and floors of the U.S. Congress this week has cast a shameful pall over the country. But the New York Times often went beyond justifiably calling out the rioters and those who egged them on. The paper overreached, making accusations of racial favoritism among police and alleging a double standard on riots, while ignoring liberal…


SICK MSNBC Argues With Venezuelan-Americans That Trump = Chavez

October 29th, 2020 2:36 PM

According to MSNBC's Ellison Barber, the Trump campaign's appeal to Venezuelan-American voters in Florida warning of socialism is working, which naturally led her to interview two Trump supporters for Wednesday's MSNBC Live and argue that Trump is the one who is more like former socialist dictator Hugo Chavez.

1,563-Word NYT Venezuela Oil Crash Essay Didn’t Mention Socialism Once

October 8th, 2020 4:47 PM

Leave it to The New York Times (The Times) to publish a 1,000-plus-word story on the failed state of Venezuela’s collapsing oil sector without saying anything about socialism.

'Socialism' Ignored in NY Times Brazil-Venezuela Border Tensions Item

April 29th, 2018 2:11 PM
As Venezuela's socialism-driven disaster deepens, the press's unwillingness to recognize its cause has gone from being "merely" negligent and outrageous to absolutely disgusting. This obvious failure, which is almost certainly conscious and deliberate, is present even when a journalist's work portraying the human element of the crisis is otherwise compelling. Such is the case with Ernesto Londoño…

‘Socialism’ Absent from 9,000-Word NYT Story on Venezulean Woes

March 4th, 2018 5:12 PM
The New York Times’ abject refusal to pin the socialism label on the failed and starving state of Venezuela is well-documented (as is the paper’s whitewashing of that and other tyrannical left-wing regimes). In the newest Times Sunday Magazine, writer Wil S. Hylton devoted nearly 9,000 words to fiery, often-imprisoned opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez, “Can Venezuela Be Saved?” yet managed to…

Press More Reluctant Than Ever To Tag Collapsing Venezuela 'Socialist'

February 9th, 2018 9:18 PM
As Venezuela plunges deeper into humanitarian crisis, the broadcast and cable networks barely recognize its existence, while the print press, which during relatively tolerable times routinely celebrated the country's socialist government, is more reluctant than ever to use the S-word. Of six articles I found Friday afternoon about the horrid, deteriorating situation in that country, only one used…

NY Times Venezuela Starvation Story Barely Notes Its Socialist Govt.

December 19th, 2017 11:57 PM
Any list of the year's most ignored news stories has to include Venezuela's frightening deterioration. This once reasonably prosperous South American nation is now in the grips of a brutal socialist de facto dictatorship which is moving inexorably to consolidate its control, accompanied by an utterly wrecked economy. Families cannot feed their children, and many are dying. The New York Times…

Vox Links Trump to Hugo Chavez: ‘A Threat to Democracy’

June 22nd, 2017 5:21 PM
On Thursday, Vox’s Carlos Meza released a Video on its YouTube channel comparing President Trump to Latin American dictator Hugo Chavez. This in addition to flatly calling the President a “Threat to democracy” in the same video.