Doug Jones

MSNBC Surprised SCOTUS Upheld Voting Rights, Cites Ulterior Motives
MSNBC asked three Democrats to discuss the Supreme Court’s ruling on Alabama’s redistricting plan, neglecting to acknowledge any alternate view point. NBC senior legal correspondent Laura Jarrett, president and CEO of the Brennan Center for Justice Michael Waldman, and former Alabama Democratic Senator Doug Jones expressed surprise that the conservative Supreme Court would uphold Section 2 of…

CNN Condemns GOP For Not Appreciating Jackson Amidst Ukraine War
Bianna Golodryga twisted herself into a logic pretzel on Friday’s CNN Newsroom as she condemned Republicans for not appreciating Ketanji Brown Jackson’s to the Supreme Court while Vladimir Putin seeks to divide Americans and while waging war in Ukraine.

Todd Blames 'Echo Chamber Conservative Media' For Opposition to KBJ
As the Senate prepared to vote on Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s nomination to the Supreme Court on Thursday, MSNBC MTP Daily host Chuck Todd wondered if she would get more votes if it wasn’t for the “echo chamber conservative media.” Irony is dead at MSNBC.

CNN Sees 'Racism,' 'Q-Anon,' 2024 Ambitions in Questioning of Jackson
On Thursday’s New Day on CNN, host Brianna Keilar and chief national affairs analyst Kasie Hunt recapped the GOP’s performance at Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings with accusations of racism, 2024 ambitions, and QAnon conspiracy theorizing.

Colbert Asks Jones If He Needed Exorcist for Taking Sessions's Office

Kristian Denny Todd Gives $13,250 to Kaine, Other Democrats This Cycle

CBS Hails Doug Jones as 'Atticus Finch,' ‘Red-State Democrat’

Nets Cheer Dem Upset in Alabama, Mourned GOP Win in Massachusetts

Will Smith Gleeful About GOP Election Loss: ‘This Is The Purge Right?'

NBC Lobs Softballs to Jones, Avoids His Radical Pro-Abortion Views

CBS Celebrates Jones' Campaign Efforts, Predicts ‘GOP On the Ropes’

MSNBC's Meacham: Doug Jones Win Is 'Good News for the Country'

MSNBC Celebrates AL ‘Earthquake’; ‘Very Significant Night’ for America

Todd Warns: ‘Every Republican’ Must ‘Fear for Their Political Lives'
Appearing on NBC’s Today Wednesday morning to react to Democrat Doug Jones winning the Alabama special election for Senate, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd spun that the defeat of scandal-plagued Republican Roy Moore was not just a “one-off” and even bizarrely claimed that Democratic losses earlier in the year were a sign of building political momentum on the left.