Chris Collins

CNN Awkwardly Links Disgraced Republicans to Trump
January 20th, 2020 3:21 PM
On Saturday's CNN Newsroom, weekend anchor Fredricka Whitfield conspicuously made a point of including President Donald Trump in a brief she delivered about the legal problems of two former congressional Republicans. Informing viewers that former New York Congressman Chris Collins was recently sentenced over an insider trading case, Whitfield made sure to remind viewers that Collins was the first…

Bozell & Graham Column: Corrupt Democrats Are Not 'News'
August 28th, 2018 11:23 PM
When seeking to demonstrate the degree to which the “objective” news media act like Democratic partisans, the best place to start is scandals. As in, “Have you heard all about the latest Republican scandal?” versus “What Democrat scandal?”

Hunter Indictment Gets Four Times the Coverage of Dem Scandals
August 23rd, 2018 7:07 PM
In roughly the first 36 hours since prosecutors indicted California Republican Congressman Duncan Hunter on campaign finance violations charges, the morning and evening newscasts on ABC and CBS have spent a total of 4 minutes and 44 seconds covering the story since Wednesday morning. CBS This Morning spent 1 minute and 59 seconds on the topic on Wednesday morning and an additional 51 seconds on…

NY Times Can’t Wait for November: ‘Fall Holds Peril for G.O.P.’
August 11th, 2018 9:20 AM
Hope springs eternal for Democrats in the pages of the New York Times. Thursday’s lead story by Alexander Burns and Jonathan Martin provided Democratic predictions for winning the House in the November elections: “Clarity in Election Fog: Fall Holds Peril for G.O.P.” The reporters made hay over GOP struggles, and again exploited criminal charges faced by Rep. Chris Collins to make a pro-…

Name That Party, NY Times: Charges for GOPer Collins v. Democrat Brown
August 9th, 2018 4:03 PM
Thursday’s New York Times showed itself all too eager to use new charges against Republican Rep. Chris Collins of New York to help Democrats. The front-page story was accompanied by an over-the-fold photograph of U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman announcing the charges against Collins, which the photo caption took care to identify as a Republican. The paper piled on with a story inside by Goldmacher…

Deluge: Arrest of GOP Rep Gets 18 Times the Coverage of Corrupt Dems
August 9th, 2018 12:26 PM
Following the arrest of Republican Congressman Chris Collins, the broadcast networks once again showcased their partisan double standard when it comes to corruption allegations against members of Congress. Collins’s arrest on Wednesday on insider trading charges resulted in a deluge of coverage, over 18 minutes in less than 24 hours. But in 2015 and 2016, ABC, CBS and NBC buried the indictment,…

GOP Rep's Arrest Gets 7x the Coverage of Entire Scandal for Dem
August 8th, 2018 9:14 PM
If you’re a politician with “D” at the end of your name, it grants you certain privileges from an all too friendly press. They go easy on you in interviews, give you the benefit of the doubt, and if you’re ever charged or convicted of a serious crime, they’ll mostly ignore it. This double standard was on full display Wednesday when New York GOP Congressman Chris Collins was arrested for alleged…

CNBC's Harwood: 'GOP Has a Corruption Problem' in Midterms
August 8th, 2018 12:19 PM
As several major state primary elections closed last night, with results that bucked the liberal media’s anti-Trump narrative, several journalists still clung in desperation to their hope that despite the GOP wins, they would lose to Democrats in the midterms this Fall.

News Media Find Trump Guilty of Treason
July 20th, 2018 8:45 AM
Since President Trump’s press conference in Helsinki on Monday, many in the liberal media have hyperventilated about how his lack of aggression toward Russian President Putin makes him somehow guilty of treason.

MSNBC's Ruhle Vastly Exaggerates Obama-Era Economic Growth
December 22nd, 2017 10:22 AM
At MSNBC on Wednesday, Stephanie Ruhle was clearly not happy that Republican Congressman Chris Collins of New York wouldn't roll over and admit to something that isn't true. Collins noted that the tax bill justifiably anticipates annual economic growth of 3 percent or more, and that such growth will generate collections high enough to prevent the slashing of entitlements. Then, when Collins…

CBS Admonishes GOPers for Criticizing Dem 'Hostility' After Shootings
June 16th, 2017 5:45 PM
On Thursday's CBS Evening News, as Nancy Cordes filed a report with the latest on the aftermath of the Steve Scalise shooting, the CBS correspondent made a point of highlighting Democratic criticisms of Republicans New Gingrich and New York Rep. Chris Collins for complaining about "hostility" and "rhetoric" coming from the far left. Cordes notably did not mention that Rep. Collins had already…

CNN Presses Two GOP Guests on Global Warming, But Not Dem Guest
June 3rd, 2017 2:30 PM
As two Republican officeholders and one Democrat appeared as guests in separate segments on Friday's New Day, CNN hosts repeatedly pressed the two Republicans from the left about the Paris Accord, but the Democrat was simply asked what his views were without challenge. Both Chris Cuomo and Alisyn Camerota were preoccupied with whether President Donald Trump believes global warming is a "hoax,"…

Media Prematurely Dancing on Trump’s Political Grave
May 24th, 2017 9:00 AM
Donald Trump’s first year in office isn’t even half over but the liberal media is ready to bury it. Journalists went crazy over the James Comey dismissal with constant comparisons to Watergate. CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin called it “A grotesque abuse of power...the kind of thing that goes on in non-democracies.” MSNBC’s Chris Matthews opined that the move had a “whiff of fascism.” His colleague Mika…

Tur, Making Things Up: Claims ObamaCare Is Failing Because of the GOP
May 4th, 2017 11:58 PM
MSNBC’s Katy Tur has a long list of gaffes involving an apparent inability to recall recent political history, all while getting into arguments with Republican congressmen. The latest installment of this saga occurred when she was filling in for Chuck Todd has the moderator of MTP Daily Thursday evening. This time, she got into an argument with Republican Congressman Chris Collins over what was…