Rather than spending his two weeks off developing new ways to insult conservatives, Stephen Colbert returned from vacation brandishing a tired favorite: racism. According to the Comedy Central host, “conservatives, like myself, have supported a unitary executive and the use of executive orders in the past” however, there is something “shady” about Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder.
Just in case the host wasn’t making it clear enough, he played a clip of Attorney General Holder describing the “certain level of vehemence” and “racial animus” directed at him and the president. [See video below. Click here for MP3 audio]
The Colbert Report host continued to slime conservatives with a special segment, “Thank You, Racism,” in which his faux conservative persona claimed that “without my apparent distrust of black people, I wouldn't have had the courage to suddenly be moved to protect the Constitution from the overreach I didn't care about before.” He finished the segment by apologizing to racism for having “prejudged” it.
One would think that Colbert might be more cautious in blasting others for racism. After all, the official @ColbertReport handle tweeted on March 27:
I am willing to show #Asian community I care by introducing the Ching-Chong Ding-Dong Foundation for Sensitivity to Orientals or Whatever.— The Colbert Report (@ColbertReport)
The tweet resulted in a deluge of anger and demands for Colbert's cancellation. But, apparently, it's conservatives who are bigots.
See transcript below:
Comedy Central
The Colbert Report
July 14, 2014
11:36 a.m. Eastern
2 minutes and 48 seconds
STEPHEN COLBERT: Yes. And Congress cannot sit idly by while the president rewrites their laws. They have to sit idly by while they not write laws. And Obama's overuse of executive orders is unprecedented in a modern American history in that he has issued fewer than any president since FDR. And don't tell me that every president issued executive orders because William HenryHarrison did not sign a single executive order. Instead, this good man chose to die of pneumonia 30 days into office. That is called leadership. Now conservatives, like myself, have supported a unitary executive and the use of executive orders in the past. But there's something about this president that makes the whole thing seem shady. Something-- I'm upset too. Something, something he shares with Attorney General Eric holder.
ERIC HOLDER: There's a certain level of vehemence, it seems to me, that is directed to me, directed at the president. There's a certain racial component to this for some people, for some there's a racial animus.
COLBERT: Racial animus. Holder is saying I feel differently about executive orders because Obama is black. And I'm not going to argue with Eric Holder on this one because he might accuse me of racial animus. Then I would have to look up the word animus. I think it means butthole. Well-- I don't know. I don't want to know. I don't want to know. Well, Holder's accusation brings me to another edition of my long award-losing segment, “Thank You, Racism.” You see, last week Eric Holder stood by his previous statement that “Americans are essentially a nation of cowards when it comes to talking about race.” But Holder could not be further from the, let's say, truth. Because I see only now that executive orders have always been wrong. But without my apparent distrust of black people I wouldn't have had the courage to suddenly be moved to protect the Constitution from the overreach I didn't care about before. Now, now I am standing up for America or against Obama, whatever, same diff. Now I know I've said some terrible things about racism in the past, folks. I guess-- I guess I prejudged racism without really knowing it. And for that, I'm sorry, racism.