Colbert Report

NY Times Sneaks in a Celebration of Lefty-to-Lefty Late Night Talk
October 22nd, 2019 7:17 PM
New York Times media reporter John Koblin made the front page of Monday’s Business section with “As News Drives Late Night, Anchors Join A-List,” which snuck in ideological bias and promoted MSNBC host (and Russia-gate obsessive) Rachel Maddow with a photo talking to late-night host Stephen Colbert. Yet again, the Times promotes and celebrates the mere fact of liberals talking to liberals, with…

CNN’s ‘2000's’ Pens Love Letter to Stewart; Breathes Fire Against Fox
July 14th, 2018 10:20 AM
Ahead of Sunday’s new episode of the CNN series The 2000's (which is airing maybe a few years too soon), let’s take a look back at a few pathetic moments from the first episode, which focused on the decade’s movies and television. The CNN documentary blasted Fox News and MSNBC for having corroded the news discourse and heaped a torrent of praise on far-left comedians and former Comedy Central…

Barrymore: Colbert Has Made ‘World a More Smarter, Educated Place’
March 20th, 2018 4:47 PM
During the late Tuesday/early Wednesday edition of CBS’s The Late Show, actress Drew Barrymore professed her love for the work of liberal comedian and host Stephen Colbert, praising his work now and previously on Comedy Central’s The Colbert Report as having taught her so much and made “the world a more smarter, educated place.”

Professor: Both Hillary and Republicans Run ‘Hysteria’-Based Campaigns
June 26th, 2016 4:47 PM
Penn State prof Sophia McClennen, a Bernie Sanders backer, really dislikes Hillary Clinton. “We are literally watching the Clinton campaign drain any claim to nuance, critical thinking, reasoned logic, and attention to facts from the Democratic party,” alleged McClennen in a recent screed for Salon. “The fact that Clinton is now the favorite of many on the right...should be evidence enough of a…
Conservatives Shun Colbert Because ‘Smart Comedy Has a Liberal Bias’
November 29th, 2015 2:20 PM
You’ve probably heard the phrase “too smart for the room.” Penn State professor Sophia McClennen thinks that Stephen Colbert is too smart for America, or at least a huge chunk of it, and that consequently he’s fallen to third place in late-night television’s ratings race. In a Monday Salon piece, McClennen argued that even though Colbert has “moved his satire into a more centrist mode” since…

Professor: Stewart Exposed Right’s ‘Twisted Thinking’ and ‘Hubris’
July 24th, 2015 5:45 PM
One year ago, a British newspaper published a list of President Obama’s ten favorite television shows (the top three, in reverse order: Breaking Bad, The Wire, and M*A*S*H). Not on the list was The Daily Show, on which Obama guested yet again this past Tuesday, but Penn State's Sophia McClennen thinks that if Obama had been more of a TDS fan, he long ago would have realized how irrational his…

Salon TV Critic: Jon Stewart a ‘Liberal Organizer and Rallying Point’
February 13th, 2015 1:11 PM
Sonia Saraiya suggests that Stewart “is one of the most influential political figures of our era” and claims that “as difficult as it has been to advance a progressive agenda over the last 16 years, it would likely have been impossible without Stewart’s ability to connect to millions of viewers and remind them that they weren’t alone in hoping for something better.”

Jon Stewart's Not Liberal Enough For Barney Frank or Salon
December 24th, 2014 11:56 AM
Elias Isquith criticizes the “shallowness of Stewart’s politics” and “his tendency to fall prey to the trap of blaming 'both sides.'" Isquith declares that “if liberals want to see more of the kind of direct action that’s characterized the Occupy Wall Street and #blacklivesmatter movements…they’re going to have to embrace a political vision that has grown beyond the idiosyncratic limitations of…

Nation Writer: Colbert Showed 'How Right-Wing Psychology Works'
December 19th, 2014 10:10 PM
Leslie Savan writes that “as a character, and not merely a critic, of the right, [Stephen] Colbert held a unique key to the riddle of modern conservatism: How do they keep getting away with it? Why have so many conservatives turned into such small-minded haters and deniers of science, of reality?”

Matthews: Colbert's Comedy Never 'Mean'; Does He Forget 2006 WHCA?
December 18th, 2014 8:55 PM
"Not once can I remember him being truly mean" when doing his shtick, Hardball host Chris Matthews gushed of Stephen Colbert during the "Let Me Finish" closing commentary for his December 18 program. Matthews was effusive in praise as he noted Thursday night would see the final edition of The Colbert Report before the comedian takes over the reins at CBS's Late Show from David Letterman.

Stephen Colbert Cheers Over Never Having to Watch Bill O'Reilly Again
December 16th, 2014 6:23 PM
During Monday night's edition of The Colbert Report on the Comedy Central cable channel, the faux conservative host celebrated the fact that “no one’s going to pay me to watch” the host of The O'Reilly Factor on the Fox News Channel “anymore, so f**k that noise!”
That comment was made during the final edition of a segment entitled “Formidable Opponent,” in which the blue-tied version of Colbert…

Lefty Professor: Colbert Reclaimed Patriotism For Liberals
December 14th, 2014 7:20 PM
Penn State’s Sophia McClennen praises Colbert for “remind[ing] us that you could care about your nation and simultaneously find American exceptionalism disturbing” and comments that conservatives have “controlled the idea of patriotism for so long that it is easy to forget that there is no logical reason to think that Rachel Maddow loves her country any less than Glenn Beck.”

Jon Stewart Slams Fox News Channel While Correcting His Own Mistake
December 9th, 2014 6:42 PM
Never let it be said that Jon Stewart allowed a chance to slam the Fox News Channel slip through his fingers -- even when to do so, he has to apologize for making a blunder on The Daily Show on the Comedy Central cable television channel
During his Monday evening edition, the liberal host said he was sorry for including Dante Parker of San Bernardino County in California in a list of black men…

‘Big Three’ Boost President Obama Visiting ‘Colbert Report’
December 9th, 2014 11:56 AM
On Monday night, President Obama appeared on Comedy Central’s The Colbert Report for a friendly interview with the liberal comedian, and Tuesday morning the “big three” (ABC, CBS, and NBC) networks predictably promoted the president’s late night stop. CBS This Morning co-host Gayle King hyped how Obama “was a guest on Comedy Central Colbert Report last night. It was his first visit to the show as…