Eric Holder

Big Three Nets Ignore Four Bills Aimed at Curbing Anti-American ESG
When Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) introduced legislation to protect Americans' savings from being mismanaged or wielded to push leftist causes, the Big Three networks ignored it in their nightly programming two nights in a row.

Don Lemon: 'Hands Up Don't Shoot'—Fake But Accurate!
On CNN This Morning, Don Lemon tries to make the case that, despite being debunked by Obama's Attorney General, the Ferguson-born slogan of "hands up, don't shoot" was fake but accurate. As Lemon put it: "Remember, hands up, don't shoot was about more than the shooting of Michael Brown."

Holder Warns Of Fascism As PBS Worries About Erosion of Democracy
Former Attorney General Eric Holder joined PBS’s Christiane Amanpour on Tuesday to discuss the upcoming Supreme Court term which naturally enough involved warnings about fascism and slides “towards illiberal democracy.”

Sticks, Stones, and Worse Amid Threats of Political Violence
Most people are familiar with the phrase “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” The incendiary rhetoric that has engulfed our political system has demonstrated that especially violent words can cause hurt, even death, to others. The most recent example is a California man who showed up last week at the Maryland home of Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Police…

‘Nowhere Is Safe’; CBS Says Buffalo Proves ‘Racism Is Mainstream’
Reacting to Saturday’s racially-motivated mass shooting at a Buffalo, New York grocery store, Monday’s CBS Mornings sought to strike fear into the hearts and minds of viewers, insisting “racism is mainstream,” “nowhere is safe,” and “nothing feels safe” with gun violence ready to break out and kill you at a moment’s notice. In response, they tag-teamed with Obama Attorney General Eric…

Mitchell Wonders If Court Will Overturn Brown v. Board Of Education
MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell wondered on her Thursday show that if the Supreme Court cares so little about precedent in Roe v. Wade, will it also overturn Brown v Board of Education. Because her guest was former Attorney General Eric Holder, nobody pointed out that Brown is the case conservatives cite to justify overturning longstanding precedents.

CBS Chats With Holder About Plan to SHRED Constitution to Help Dems
On Monday, leftist CBS Mornings co-host Tony Dokoupil sat down for a softball chat with far-left activist and former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder, promoting the one-time Justice Department chief’s new book that proposes discarding significant portions of the Constitution just to help Democrats seize power. The friendly exchange came just one day after Holder was treated to a…

ABC, CBS Distort History to Mark Trayvon Martin's Death in 2012
As ABC and CBS ran reports commemorating the 10th anniversary of black Florida teen Trayvon Martin being shot to death by George Zimmerman, both networks misinformed their viewers, and ABC even imitated the same smear that NBC News was forced to apologize for 10 years ago.

Was It The Wheaties? Doocy, Journos Fire Away on China, Israel, Spying
Friday’s White House press briefing was quite a doozy as numerous reporters offered either challenging, interesting, or yes, lefty questions to Press Secretary Jen Psaki on boycotting next year’s Beijing Winter Olympics, Egypt’s role in the Hamas-Israeli ceasefire, and government spying on reporters.

Cuomo Teams Up With Holder: GOP ‘Have to Cheat’ to Get Elected
In a follow-up to his redistricting smears and fear-mongering from earlier in the week, CNN Prime Time host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo teamed up with Obama Attorney General Eric Holder on Tuesday to spread misinformation and lies about Republican redistricting after the Census Bureau determined multiple red states were picking up seats from blue states. And at one point, Holder, who now…

Hateful Joy Reid: It’s Racist to Oppose Far-Left For the People Act!
Wednesday on MSNBC, ReidOut host Joy Reid peddled the farcical narrative that the For the People Act is necessary for “democracy protection.” With help from former AG Eric Holder, Reid insisted “the GQP” doesn’t want people to vote and, with help from the supposedly racist Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), have been the only ones keeping the “Jim Crow relic” known as the filibuster alive…

Poisonous Joy: ‘Dystopian’ ‘Secret Police’ Are ‘Kidnapping People!’
For night two of MSNBC’s The ReidOut on Tuesday, host Joy Reid increased the levels of hatred, lies, and venom for law enforcement, the federal government, and people who simply disagree with her into the stratosphere. Most notably, she claimed that federal forces were a “dystopian,” “militaristic-looking,” “secret police” who’ve been “kidnapping” “peaceful”…

Maher Resurrects Paranoia About Trump Refusing to Leave Office