CNN Mourns the Hunter Biden Verdicts, Trump-Beat Reporter Slams Trump for No 'Compassion'

June 11th, 2024 5:46 PM

In the aftermath of the three Guilty verdicts for Hunter Biden on Tuesday morning, CNN sounded mournful about the news, and sounded like the only people worth discussing were Bidens, like they're a sympathetic royal family like the Kennedys. There was an empathy overload. You could have gotten a little sloshed if you drank every time they touted how First Lady Jill Biden was in the front row of the courtroom nearly every day. 

It only turned negative when they turned over the mic to CNN reporter Kristen Holmes, whose beat is the Trump campaign. She noted that the Trump campaign put out an early statement, then withdrew it quickly in favor of a Truth Social post from the former president. 

Holmes claimed "many Americans" find the Biden family sympathetic, but that meanie Donald Trump doesn't! 

A lot of the coverage was repetitive. Holmes repeated her patter in the next hour, because she insisted it was "really significant" spin: Trump has shown "little or no sympathy" for Hunter and Joe Biden, despite losing a brother to alcoholism. He hasn't "shown any compassion" for the Biden family.

At low points like these for the Bidens, CNN can turn to a former Biden White House communications director like Kate Bedingfield to offer the most florid spin about how none of this is damaging for the Bidens. They're going to be just fine! 

The most slavishly pro-Biden opinion is encouraged, while the conservative CNN analysts are rare. Scott Jennings wasn't on the set right after the verdicts, but he tweeted something that would have curled Bedingfield's hair: "The most important thing about the Hunter trial is the laptop was proven real. Joe Biden, his campaign, & dozens of Democratic luminaries & media outlets were willing to lie about it and/or censor it despite knowing it was real. The amount of credibility burned is staggering."

Instead, CNN viewers were "treated" to Biden biographer Evan Osnos of the leftist magazine The New Yorker, which just had a gleeful cover of Trump putting his tiny hands in handcuffs. There is no joy in Biden-ville now. 

Even if it sounds tragic that Beau's death from brain cancer sent the family into a tailspin of drug use and adultery and sketchy gun purchases, no one on CNN was wondering why was it then that the Bidens decided this was a great time for Joe to run for president again?