WashPost Book: ‘Rage’-Fueled Trump ‘Snapped’ (Oh and No Obstruction)

April 24th, 2019 12:44 PM
Don’t write an introduction to a report before you get the actual document or you might be disappointed. (If you’re part of the liberal media that is.) On Wednesday, the Washington Post released a print edition of the Mueller Report, complete with “introduction and analysis by reporters.” The cover blurbs the “long-awaited text.” The lack of collusion and no charges of obstruction may be a…

WashPost: Sri Lankan Attack Stirs ‘Far-Right Anger’

April 23rd, 2019 10:48 AM
Outraged about the hundreds of people blown to shreds as they were (in Dem PR-speak) Easter worshipping in Sri Lanka? You might be a member of the “far-right.” So say the Washington Post’s Adam Taylor and Rick Noack. The pair sought to delegitimize anger at the Islamist barbarism by reactions from “far-right” figures in Europe and the U.S.

WashPost Mag: All In for Earth Day with 48 Climate Change Pages

April 22nd, 2019 4:18 PM
This Earth Day The Washington Post Magazine used images of burning globes, an illustration of sea levels so high modern apartments resemble Atlantis, and a photo illustration of Marines raising a green flag over Iwo Jima. And that was just three of the 24 separate magazine covers included in the magazine’s April 21 edition — all focused on climate change alarmism. Out of 51 pages including the…

To WashPost, Islamist Terror Is a ‘New Threat’

April 22nd, 2019 12:36 PM
For progressives, the world is a mysterious and ever-surprising place. Like The Washington Post in it’s April 22 piece, alerting readers that “Sri Lanka’s bloody Easter puts spotlight on a new terror threat.” “New?” Militant Brazilian Methodists? Laplandian separatists?

WashPost Hides the 'Pinocchios' Again -- for Buttigieg Taking On Pence

April 22nd, 2019 7:24 AM

The Washington Post "Fact Checker" squad has one article featured every Sunday in the A-section. On Easter Sunday, Glenn Kessler established that Democrat presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg should not claim Vice President Mike Pence spoke in favor of "conversion therapy" to press homosexuals to drop their same-sex attraction. "We can find no evidence that Pence ever expressed support for…

Lefty Journalists, Climate Activists to ‘Transform’ Climate Coverage

April 19th, 2019 1:41 PM
Columbia Journalism School wants “a new playbook” for journalism in a “1.5 degree world” because “we believe the news business must also transform.” So they’ve handpicked a selection of global warming alarmists and far-left media to instruct the media how to change. Don’t expect that change to be toward balance or giving climate skeptics any air time. But be sure to look for major media to join…

Newspaper Mueller-Report Headlines Stick with Doom, Doom, and Gloom

April 19th, 2019 10:54 AM
President Trump happily greeted the Mueller report release by saying "No collusion, no obstruction." The nation's Trump-loathing newspapers weren't going to paint this "historic day" as good for Trump. The Washington Post front-page headline under the top photo said it all: "Frame it however you like, but it's a damning portrait of Trump's presidency." 

WashPost: ‘Far Right’ Ben Shapiro Tied to ‘Racist Conspiracy-Peddling'

April 18th, 2019 7:29 PM
In back-to-back articles, The Washington Post slimed conservative commentator Ben Shapiro as being ‘far-right’ and that his recent comments claiming that Notre Dame belongs to the “Judeo-Christian heritage” have contributed to “baseless, racist conspiracy-peddling” targeting Muslims.  

Chevron Wins Again, Ecuador Told To End Extortion Against Oil Company

April 18th, 2019 8:43 AM
Chevron’s winning streak in the courtroom against Ecuador over rainforest pollution continued in April. So did the liberal media’s silence on the battle.

After Media Cry ‘Cover-Up’, WashPost Reports Light Redactions By Barr

April 17th, 2019 10:06 PM
On Tuesday, NewsBusters research analyst Bill D’Agostino compiled a roundup of several incidents in which liberal media shriekers declared Attorney General William Barr was orchestrating a “cover-up” of President Trump’s crimes with redactions to the Mueller Report. But it appears as though all their hyperventilating, pearl-clutching, hyperbole, and other defining verbs were for not.

MSNBC: ‘Breakdown-Level Anxiety’ in White House Over Mueller Report

April 17th, 2019 3:12 PM
Eager for Thursday’s release of the Mueller report, on Wednesday morning, MSNBC anchor Hallie Jackson and the Washington Post’s Phil Rucker could barely contain their excitement at the prospect of scouring the document for any “derogatory” information that may make President Trump “look bad.” Jackson even claimed there was “breakdown-level anxiety” throughout the White House.

Bozell & Graham Column: Pulitzer Prizes, and Howling Omissions

April 16th, 2019 11:01 PM
The Pulitzer Prizes are just another way the anti-Trump media congratulate themselves as doing the Lord’s work (if only they believed in Him). Just look at the list of judges, most from top brands: the Associated Press, Bloomberg News, NPR, The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today, ProPublica, and of course, the Columbia Journalism School, which runs the whole racket. All are squarely…

PolitiFact Rightly Tags Omar 'FALSE' For Getting CAIR Facts Wrong

April 16th, 2019 9:14 PM
Unlike Washington Post "Fact Checker" Glenn Kessler, PolitiFact cited Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) as "False" on Monday for claiming the Council for Islamic-American Relations (CAIR) was "founded after 9/11"....at a fundraiser for CAIR-Los Angeles. They also properly tagged Omar as "False" in a "Share the Facts" item for online distribution, unlike the Post.

Nasty WashPost Column: Trump ‘Not Troubled’ By Attempts to Kill Omar

April 16th, 2019 4:16 PM
Even for liberal Washington Post columnist Greg Sargent, this is over the top. “The Plum Line” blogger for the paper spewed hate at conservative Congressman Dan Crenshaw for daring to criticize Representative Ilhan Omar’s dismissal of 9/11 as “some people did something.”