
Jen Rubin: Fox 'Endangering' Minorities, 'Destroying Political Thought

April 14th, 2019 6:20 PM
On Sunday's AM Joy on MSNBC, during a discussion of conservative reaction to Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar dismissively referring to the 9/11 attacks as "some people did something," Washington Post columnist and MSNBC contributor Jennifer Rubin slammed Fox News as an entity that is "endangering people of color" and "destroying political thought."

WashPost Celebrates Broadway Play on How the Constitution Fails Women

April 14th, 2019 3:54 PM
Sunday's Washington Post pushed the new liberal sensation on Broadway: a play called What The Constitution Means to Me, written by Heidi Schreck. Here's your spoiler on the plot: the Constitution has never been great. In March, NPR's Fresh Air promoted Scheck under the headline "How Women Have Been 'Profoundly' Left Out Of The U.S. Constitution." Post drama critic Peter Marks marked the play's…

Grassy Knoll Media Attack William Barr

April 13th, 2019 4:00 PM
Well that was predictable. The grassy knoll media is furious at Attorney General William Barr. For those who came in late, the “grassy knoll”  was once upon a time an American slang reference to those conspiracy theorists who believed that President John F. Kennedy was not killed by assassin Lee Harvey Oswald firing down on JFK from the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository in Dallas.  …

MSNBC Applies 'Illegal' to Trump Actions But Not Illegal Immigrants

April 13th, 2019 3:39 PM
On Friday's MSNBC Live with Katy Tur, as fill-in anchor Chris Jansing hosted a discussion on President Donald Trump talking about possibly sending illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities instead of releasing them near the border, the group of mostly MSNBC reporters and contributors repeatedly used the word "illegal" to prejudge such an action as well as other label previous actions by the…

Soros Gave Millions to ‘Tax the Rich’ Conference Participants

April 10th, 2019 4:17 PM
Liberals demanding higher taxes on the rich is just another day in Washington, D.C., but those progressive voices have more in common than their politics of envy. Some of them also have the financial backing of liberal billionaire George Soros.

WashPost: 'Politics Has Nothing To Do' With Its Covington Fake News

April 10th, 2019 3:35 PM
The Washington Post -- through its hot-shot lawyers at Williams & Connolly -- has filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit by Nicholas Sandmann over the paper's overwrought and thoroughly biased coverage of the so-called "mob" of Covington Catholic high school students. However the judge rules on the merits, the Post's argument is humorous on its face in its overbroad self-defense: "Politics has…

Media Sling Mud at Trump’s Conservative Federal Reserve Picks

April 9th, 2019 4:12 PM
The liberal media launched an offensive against both of President Donald Trump’s selections for the Federal Reserve board of governors. The media have outdone themselves slinging mud at the “controversial” and “unqualified” picks of economics writer and Club for Growth founder Stephen Moore and millionaire businessman, former CEO and former presidential candidate Herman Cain. Cain also served as…

WashPost Skipped Immigration Status In Brutal Murder of Muslim Girl

April 9th, 2019 3:39 PM
The Washington Post has a bad habit of avoiding inconvenient facts on immigration. In the years after illegal alien Darwin Martinez Torres raped and murdered 17-year-old Nabra Hassanen in northern Virginia, the Post published 11 news stories in the print edition in 2017 and another four news stories in 2018 that blatantly avoided the fact that Torres was an illegal alien. They did it again on…

WHOA: WashPost Finds Mexicans Have Had Enough with These Caravans!

April 8th, 2019 2:23 PM
Chalk this one up to a blind squirrel finding a nut once in a while. Splashed across the front page (and above the fold) of Saturday’s Washington Post was a stunning piece that admitted many Mexicans are, like Americans on the other side of the U.S-Mexico border, “migrant-weary,” frustrated by the near-constant flow of illegal immigrants, exhausting resources, and overrunning shelters.

MSNBC Contributor: White Reporters Kissing Buttigieg 'Butt'

April 7th, 2019 1:36 PM
On Joy Reid's show, MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson says "everybody's been kissing [Pete Buttigieg's] butt, too. It's amazing to me. It's because—let's be candid. Most of the reporters are white. And they're looking for a white guy who makes them feel good about themselves."

What?! WH Correspondents’ Association Hails CNN’s Kavanaugh Coverage

April 5th, 2019 3:18 PM
Earlier this week, the White House Correspondents’ Association (WHCA) announced its 2019 award winners ahead of the liberal media’s asinine evening of bloated nonsense at the WHCA’s dinner on April 27. While some of the award winners and honorable mentions were for serious works of journalism, The Washington Post winning for breaking the “shithole countries” story and CNN’s Kavanaugh coverage…

Matthews: Journalists Carried ‘Truth into the Grace of Public Light’

April 4th, 2019 9:57 PM
Talk about a turn of events from a few weeks ago. MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews closed out Thursday’s show on a hopeful note that the Mueller report bodes ill for President Trump and his orbit and a love note for the news media being “ready to carry” the “truth” of “public servants” wanting to take down the Trump administration “into the grace of public light.”

Marching Toward Recession? Media Talk ‘R’ Word Every Day of Month

April 4th, 2019 10:07 AM
In spite of growing wages, extremely low unemployment and nearly 3 percent economic growth in 2018, the liberal media are becoming obsessed with recession. It didn’t matter that CFOs were confident the U.S. economy “will not experience a recession” in 2019. They were fixated by recession prospects in March anyway. Every. Single. Day.

MSNBC Hypes ‘Amazing’ NYT Item Bashing Barr to Suggest He's a Liar

April 4th, 2019 1:05 AM

For MSNBC on Wednesday, the mood was ebullient as, thanks to an extremely vague, wrathful, and anonymously-sourced New York Times piece that unknown Mueller probe members have complained to “associates” that Attorney General Bill Barr’s characterizations of the Mueller report’s findings are somehow incorrect.  On Hardball, the closing panel gloated as if all options are back on the table…