Nasty Washington Post Obit Hammers ‘Defiantly Abrasive’ Conservative

July 20th, 2019 3:00 PM
The Washington Post on Friday couldn’t let old rivalries go, even in death. The paper’s obituary for long time Washington Times editor Wesley Pruden dripped with contempt for the “defiantly abrasive” conservative and his paper. In fact, the paper offered nicer coverage to Fidel Castro, hailing the dead dictator as a “romantic figure in olive-drab fatigues and combat boots.” 

WashPost: House Democrats 'De-escalate' by Deleting Feud Tweets

July 19th, 2019 8:27 PM
Thursday's Washington Post announced the Democrats attempt to rewrite recent history by deleting all tweets by their party members reflecting their feuds.

WashPost Spills Major Ink Bashing Trump as Racist, Defending the Squad

July 19th, 2019 5:07 PM
While NewsBusters has spent a copious amount of words this week on the liberal bias on television this week against the President for his criticism of the squad, a review of The Washington Post showed that it spilled more than its share of ink to defend the so-called “Squad” over the course of 16 print stories from Monday to Friday, ranging from supposedly straight news items to some that…

Horrors! WashPost Upset Conservatives Will Pick Conservative UK Leader

July 19th, 2019 8:56 AM
Conservative Party members in the United Kingdom will be choosing their next party leader who will become Prime Minister. And Washington Post reporters William Booth and Karla Adam have sniffed their disapproval of the cut of their jibs starting with the fact that they don't think these voters are representative of the general population of Britain despite the fact that the vote is supposed to be…

REVIEW: Unmasked' Book Shows How Bozell Fought the Media State and Won

July 17th, 2019 1:08 PM
When not falling asleep in high school physics, I remember the teacher once saying that power could neither be destroyed nor created; it could only be transferred from one system to another, from one individual to another. It made enormous sense to me. Ever since the rise of the Media State in the 1960s, liberals have, for almost fifty years, decided who and what could be reported on, reviewed,…

Apologies, Please? WashPost Debunks Liberal Tubman-on-the-20 Tantrums

July 17th, 2019 10:21 AM
About a month ago, liberals blasted the Trump administration for "delaying" the release of a $20 bill with Harriet Tubman on it. But Alex Griswold at the Free Beacon noted that despite all the complaints from Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, The Washington Post found that Obama officials said President Obama's promise of a Tubman bill by 2020 was never realistic. It wasn't just liberal legislators…

Moon Over Chappaquiddick? How Press Let Landing Overshadow Kennedy

July 16th, 2019 7:20 PM
For Fast Company’s run-up to the 50th anniversary of the moon landing, the magazine's Charles Fishman dove into the contemporaneous coverage from July 1969, focusing on how the print media reporting on “liberal lion” Sen. Ted Kennedy driving off a bridge on Chappaquiddick Island that killed his passenger was overshadowed by the moon landing the next day.

WashPost: Climate Skeptics Exhibit ‘Classic Pharisee’ Behavior

July 16th, 2019 5:25 PM
The Washington Post isn’t known for being a paper friendly to religious believers. After all, this is the same paper that famously said of some Christian believers: “[They] are largely poor, uneducated, and easy to command.” But on Tuesday, the paper found at least one believer worthy of respect: An evangelical Christian who is also a climate scientist. 

WashPost Columnist to Dems: Stop Those ‘Raise Your Hands’ Questions

July 16th, 2019 1:44 PM
Please stop raising your hands in unison to provide answers to questions that might destroy whatever chance you might have to win the 2020 presidential election. That is the big worry of Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne. And he is right. Answering affirmatively by raising your hand to the question of if you approve of giving healthcare to illegals or decriminalizing the unauthorized crossing…

WashPost: Sexual Morality a ‘Red Flag’ for ‘Bachelorette’ Contestant

July 16th, 2019 12:48 PM
Hear that siren? That’s the sound of Washington Post’s morality police pulling up to shame bachelors for holding their potential spouses to any standard whatsoever. The outlet wrote a praising piece of the latest episode of The Bachelorette in which Hannah Brown rebuked suitor Luke for being dissapointed that she was having sex with some of the other contestants. What a sicko, eh?

WashPost Editor Blames ‘Axis of Shevil’ for Trump Tweets on AOC Squad

July 15th, 2019 10:35 PM
When liberals mention President Trump, it’s usually to blame him for everything that ever goes wrong in the country, ranging from so-called climate change to colluding with Russia during the 2016 election. However, that wasn’t the case on Sunday, when Karen Attiah -- global opinions editor for the left-wing Washington Post -- instead attacked what she called the “axis of shevil,” which included…

BEWARE: ‘Lion King’ Is ‘Fascistic,' 'White Supremacist,’ Says WashPost

July 11th, 2019 5:16 PM
Well, it was bound to happen. One of the woke writers at The Washington Post found something political to nitpick about Disney’s remake of The Lion King. Rather than let everyone enjoy one of childhood’s great classics, Dan Hassler-Forest tried to burst the bubble, pointing out how it’s a “fascistic story” that “incorporates the white supremacist’s worldview.”

WashPost Promotes Maggots as Food of the Future

July 11th, 2019 8:48 AM
This wasn’t an episode of Fear Factor or The Amazing Race. It was The Washington Post that hyped maggots as a solution to fears of a future global food crisis. Reporter Christopher Ingraham wrote about Symton BSF — a company cultivating the larvae of black soldier flies — as food for animals. But the July 3 Post story didn’t stop with the idea of breeding maggots to turn into animal food. It had…

First World Feminists: Air-Conditioning Is ‘Sexist’

July 8th, 2019 2:34 PM

In an Afghan village, terrorists throw acid on little girls’ faces, poison their water, and hurl grenades into their classrooms to stop them from going to school. In an American office, some women are a little chilly. For first world radical feminists, the latter issue takes precedence, especially in the scorching summer heat.