Witches for Williamson! Really.

August 1st, 2019 3:55 PM
Sure, to most normal Americans Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson sounds like some hippy dippy weirdo. That’s the joke. But then again, we have our chakras out of alignment, because there are some very serious witches out there who believe there is some spiritual power behind Williamson’s debate night talk of “dark psychic forces.”

CNN Boss: 'Trump Has Hurt Our Perception Among Republicans'

July 30th, 2019 4:29 PM
CNN president Jeff Zucker was laughably understated in discussing his network's terrible ratings, telling The Washington Post "I think Trump has hurt our perception among Republicans to some degree." And CNN's own rampant bias had nothing to do with it? 

Robert De Niro Fantasizes About Portraying a Profanity-Spewing Mueller

July 30th, 2019 3:45 PM
Robert De Niro, who portrayed a vigilant Robert Mueller many times on Saturday Night Live, claims that he was satisfied with the performance of the original last week before the two congressional hearings. However, you don't have to read very far  into his Monday column in the Washington Post before you can figure out that he believes who could have done a better job by portraying a much edgier…

WashPost Promotes 'Free' College as 'No-Lose Idea'

July 30th, 2019 11:25 AM
Nothing “free” ever really is, but that didn’t stop The Washington Post from depicting “free” college as a “no-lose proposition for a politician.” The Post noted that several Democratic presidential candidates have pledged to do just that. But the Post acknowledged the devil is not in the details, it is the details. Currently liberals are all fighting over those to decide not only which taxpayers…

WashPost Profiles Sympathetic 'Dreamer' -- Funded by Post Owners

July 30th, 2019 6:10 AM
Editors like Martin Baron at The Washington Post love to insist that the publisher or the owner doesn't really tell them what to do. But when they do, it gets disclosed in paragraph 33 on page A-10. This is what happened Saturday, in a syrupy Jessica Contrera splashy front-pager on "Dreamers" who decided to leave for Canada. The sympathetic illegal immigrant of the story, Sadhana Singh, went to…

WashPost: PC Canadian ‘Land Acknowledgements’ Draw Backlash

July 26th, 2019 3:34 PM
It’s sometimes hard to remember, but just 75 years ago thousands of Canadian soldiers assaulted Juno Beach, fought like (very polite) grizzlies, and left a trail of dead Nazis and empty Molsons from Normandy up through Belgium, Holland and on into Northern Germany. And many of them did it while dragging around bicycles! Tough guys. Proud, too.

Engineer: Google News Top 20 Results Are All Left-Wing

July 26th, 2019 12:43 PM
Even those who work at Google have noticed the search engine’s unfair tilt towards liberal news outlets. Google engineer Greg Coppola, who was suspended by his company for speaking to Project Veritas, published a July 25 post on Medium analyzing Google News. Coppola re-enacted a project done by PJ Media’s Paula Boylard in order to demonstrate Google’s liberal manipulation of its algorithms

WashPost Fact Checkers Pick Entirely on GOP in Mueller-Hearing Check

July 25th, 2019 10:15 PM

The Washington Post Fact Checker team promises "We will strive to be dispassionate and non-partisan, drawing attention to inaccurate statements on both left and right. But we also fact check what matters -- and what matters are people in power." Eyeroll, please! On Thursday, Glenn Kessler and Salvador Rizzo posted an article titled "Fact-checking lawmakers’ claims during the Mueller hearings…

Flight from $15! Networks Ignore Sanders’ Paying Staff ‘Poverty Wages’

July 24th, 2019 10:40 AM
So much for the Fight for $15! Sen. Bernie Sanders, (I-VT), campaign created a PR crisis for himself after staff complaints that they were being paid “poverty wages” got leaked to the press. That hypocrisy might have hurt him politically — if journalists had actually reported it. Although The Washington Post reported that his unionized campaign staff was upset over their pay, the networks and…

WashPost Fantasy Shifts Counties for 2016 Hillary Victory

July 24th, 2019 8:09 AM
Imagine being able to play a liberal election god in order to fantasy shift several counties from one state to another to change the Electoral College votes just enough to hand the 2016 election victory to Hillary Clinton? That is what Washington Post columnist Philip Bump did by shifting the 10 most western Florida panhandle counties to Alabama as well as giving the 10 Upper Peninsula counties…

MSNBC Features Joyce Vance for 18 Minutes, Ignores Fox News Smear

July 22nd, 2019 11:16 PM
On Sunday morning, MSNBC legal analyst and former Obama-era U.S Attorney Joyce Vance offered quite the whopper that, if she were at Fox News, the CNN Media team would be tut-tutting for days on end. Instead, Vance’s false claim that the Fox News Channel would not be airing Wednesday’s House hearings featuring former Special Counsel Robert Mueller drew thousands of retweets. And in her two MSNBC…

Washington Post’s Tumulty Pleads for Obama to Save Nation from Trump

July 20th, 2019 10:51 PM
Former President Barack Obama still inspires many a journalist. Karen Tumulty, a longtime correspondent for Time magazine and, until last year, a national political correspondent for the Washington Post, pleaded in a Tuesday column this past week for Obama to save the nation from President Donald Trump. “Speak up, President Obama,” read the July 16 Washington Post print headline.

The Washington Post Forgets the Truth in This Historical Disgrace

July 20th, 2019 4:00 PM
So in the middle of the media firestorm featuring President Trump and his battle with four progressive Democrat freshman members in the House calling themselves “The Squad” — a whirlwind of stories over racism and anti-Semitism — The Washington Post ran a big story on none other than George Takei.

Nasty Washington Post Obit Hammers ‘Defiantly Abrasive’ Conservative

July 20th, 2019 3:00 PM
The Washington Post on Friday couldn’t let old rivalries go, even in death. The paper’s obituary for long time Washington Times editor Wesley Pruden dripped with contempt for the “defiantly abrasive” conservative and his paper. In fact, the paper offered nicer coverage to Fidel Castro, hailing the dead dictator as a “romantic figure in olive-drab fatigues and combat boots.”