Genre Gone: WashPost Says Cancel Cop Shows

June 5th, 2020 11:42 AM

Listen up, Hollywood! The Washington Post’s Alyssa Rosenberg has a terrific idea for you: she wants you to “immediately halt production on cop shows and movies and rethink the stories [you tell] about policing in America.”

WashPost Prints Pro-Antifa Propaganda from Teen Vogue 'Labor' Writer

June 5th, 2020 10:18 AM

As soon as Antifa is back on the public’s radar for committing more violence, the media show up, right on cue to defend them. This…

Liberal Media Suddenly Love Republican-Loathing George Will

June 4th, 2020 8:51 PM

Washington Post columnist George Will is just another pseudo-conservative pundit in the Bezos bubble, like Jennifer Rubin. Liberal outlets like CNN and NPR delighted in his column recommended Senate Republicans "must be routed" in November for their "Vichyite collaboration" with the apparent Nazi president of the United States. He also compared them to affection-starved dogs. What a…

WashPost Art Critic Turns Temporary CNN Arrest Into Trump Tyranny

May 30th, 2020 5:08 PM

Washington Post art critic Philip Kennicott launched another one of his Trump-dystopia jeremiads on Friday, turning the temporary outrage after the arrest of a CNN crew filming the Minneapolis riots into some sort of grand metaphor of George Orwell's 1984. cameras have caught police gunning down people of color, resting their body weight on their necks, choking them while…

Can You Spot the GLARING Factual Error in WashPost Fact Check Ad?

May 30th, 2020 12:15 PM
The Washington Post has a new fact checking book out and they want you to know it’s SERIOUS. The advertisement in the May 22 edition of the paper screamed, “The essential, authoritative record of Trump’s shocking disregard for facts.” In case that was too subtle, is entitled, “Donald Trump and His Assault on TRUTH.”

Journalists Forget Their Own Predictions: Millions of Americans to Die

May 30th, 2020 11:00 AM

The liberal media certainly has a convenient memory.Recently, as noted here by NewsBusters own Tim Graham, much was being made that 100,000 Americans had died of the virus. The New York Times devoted its entire front page to listing the dead. Let’s be plain: 100,000 dead Americans from the virus is horrific. Every human life is important.


WashPost Editor's Arrogant Harvard Speech: We Embody 'Facts and Truth'

May 29th, 2020 10:45 PM
Harvard went looking for a liberal corporate Bigfoot to give their 2020 virtual commencement address, and they landed Marty Baron, executive editor of The Washington Post. The man whose paper oozes arrogance at the top of every newspaper with the motto “Democracy Dies in Darkness,” Baron came to amend the slogan. Now, in the age of coronavirus, people die in darkness, not just their political…

Column: Showboating with 100,000 Dead

May 29th, 2020 5:58 AM
On May 27, the American death toll from coronavirus sunk into the six figures: 100,000 lives lost. That’s a very sad number, made sadder when we ponder that the virus prevents loved ones from saying goodbye in person, and makes any funeral an extremely small event. So the nation's largest national newspaper made dramatic front pages, implying the losses were at least in part Trump's fault.

Ruin a Kid’s Summer with WashPost’s Woke Teen Reading List!

May 28th, 2020 12:38 PM
Worried your teen may enjoy his summer? Afraid she’s insufficiently steeped in victimology and identity politics? Relax, The Washington Post has you covered! Just head to Amazon and order up Karen MacPherson’s “five standout choices” for teen summer reading.

WashPost: MyPillow’s Lindell a ‘Scam Artist,’ ‘Castaway’

May 27th, 2020 12:56 PM
When the cool kids sneer at you, do you wear it like a badge of honor? Mike Lindell should. He’s the “MyPillow Guy,” the TV-friendly entrepreneur and enthusiastic Trump supporter. He’s also a former drug addict who got himself clean and turned into an outspoken evangelical Christian.

Carlson Blasts the Liberal Media for Mental Pain Caused by Lockdowns

May 22nd, 2020 7:21 PM
Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson began his eponymous show Wednesday with a lengthy monologue eviscerating the left and their allies in the media for their eager peddling of indefinite lockdowns and limits on American life with no expiration dates. Specifically, he called out the liberal media for their dangerous promotion of eternal lockdowns contributing to a massive, national mental health…

Milbank: 'If Trump likes hydroxychloroquine, he'll love camel urine'

May 21st, 2020 4:11 PM
The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank published an extremely snarky piece on Tuesday.  The title sarcastically proclaimed that “If Trump likes hydroxychloroquine, he’ll love camel urine.” The contents of the article made it perfectly clear that Milbank should seek some type of experimental drug that might cure Trump Derangement Syndrome.

WashPost Critic: America Is 'Desperately Sick,' Needs Deep Self-Pity

May 18th, 2020 11:21 PM
Liberals strongly resist any hint of American exceptionalism. They're always happier trying to tear America down, taking it down a peg, thinking American arrogance is a dangerous thing for the world. On the front of Saturday's Style section of The Washington Post, arts critic Philip Kennicott wrote an essay headlined "TAKE PITY ON U.S.," or online it was "There’s no hope for America unless we can…

Conservatives Mock WashPost Touting Stacey Abrams, 'Runway Supermodel'

May 17th, 2020 10:36 AM
Conservative Twitter erupted Saturday night over a forthcoming puff piece in The Washington Post Magazine on Stacey Abrams. It's not in Sunday's magazine, so it must be online at least a week before it's actually in print. The author isn't a Post reporter. It's a left-wing black activist named Kevin Powell, who ran unsuccessfully several times for Congress in Brooklyn.