
WashTimes Prints Story WashPost Skips: Wilder Rips McAuliffe on Race

July 8th, 2021 5:18 PM

In Thursday's Washington Times, reporter Mica Soellner wrote a story on former Gov. Douglas Wilder calling out Terry McAuliffe, another former governor who's running for another term. The headline was "Wilder accuses McAuliffe of flip-flopping on blackface scandals."…

WashPost: DON'T USE ‘EXOTIC’ TO DESCRIBE FOOD, It’s ‘Xenophobic’

July 8th, 2021 11:14 AM

Hear ye, Hear ye! A new promulgation from the Fathers of the Church of Progress has just been handed down via their all-hallowed tome, The Washington Post. According to the latest woke edict, all foreign foods are to never again be referred to as “exotic” from this moment forward.

WHAT? WashPost Attacks Mark Levin for Being Too Critical of Fox News

July 5th, 2021 7:07 AM

Washington Post media reporter Jeremy Barr posted a trouble-making article on Mark Levin on Sunday headlined "Mark Levin, the Fox News host who won’t stop criticizing other Fox News personalities." It's trouble-making because one would think the liberals at the Post would like anyone who criticized Fox News personalities. 

WashPost Art Critic SLAMS Statue of Liberty & Its 'Shrinking Appeal'

July 4th, 2021 10:32 AM

Sunday's Washington Post is marking the Fourth of July by metaphorically miniaturizing the Statue of Liberty to a tiny, hypocritical figurine that sits on a fingertip. The author of this flaming bag of rhetorical feces is Philip Kennicott, the Post's perenially dyspeptic art and architecture critic. 


The Media's WEIRD Omission of the (D) Team Indicting Trump's Business

July 3rd, 2021 9:24 AM

On Friday morning, the national media hyped a new "bombshell indictment" of the Trump organization, but stayed extremely vague in describing the "prosecutors." They were mostly just "prosecutors." They mostly didn't mention the Manhattan District Attorney, Cyrus Vance Jr., is a Democrat, and an elected Democrat as well. 

Sick Mom Tells WashPost: I ‘HOPE’ Kids ‘Encounter Kink’ at Pride March

June 30th, 2021 5:11 PM

LGBTQ pride events have long been known for indecency and debauchery and one sick mother wants it to stay that way – for the children! “Yes, kink belongs at Pride. And I want my kids to see it” disturbed writer Lauren Rowello penned in the Washington Post on Tuesday. It would be troubling enough if this was just a metaphor for passing things on to the next generation, but she was…

'Modest Is Hottest' Singer Accused of 'Perpetuating Purity Culture'

June 28th, 2021 3:16 PM

Matthew West is really feeling the heat after his satirical song “Modest is Hottest” blew up on social media for perpetuating “purity culture” and supposedly encouraging “victim-blaming.” West is a popular Christian musician who created the song to make fun of crazy overprotective dads while also encouraging young women to respect themselves. But the days of good comedy are slowly coming to an…

Democrats Often Win a Grammy, Now They Lust for a 2020 Convention Emmy

June 26th, 2021 9:49 PM

Washington Post drama critic Peter Marks wrote what sounds like an endorsement, an article headlined "The 2020 Democratic National Convention won with viewers. Now its organizers hope to win an Emmy." Marks gushed the virtual convention was "Widely praised for its seamless pacing, technological mastery and thematic discipline."


Brian Stelter Urges 'Balanced Media Diet'... of Liberal Newspapers

June 24th, 2021 11:06 PM

CNN host Brian Stelter appeared on Thursday with Jonathan Capehart on Washington Post Live video. Stelter was hawking the paperback edition of his Fox-bashing book Hoax. It turned humorous when Stelter argued "we all need to eat a healthy balanced media diet. That's why I pay for the Washington Post and the L.A. Times."

'Critical Race Theory' Critic Chris Rufo SHREDS WashPost Hit Piece

June 22nd, 2021 4:51 PM

The Washington Post bumbled through a Saturday article attacking Christopher Rufo, an investigative journalist and prominent opponent of “critical race theory” in our schools. Rufo took to Twitter to accuse the Post of five lies in the article by reporters Laura Meckler and Josh Dawsey. 

NEW NewsBusters Podcast with @TimJGraham: Reporters feverishly tout "deeply Catholic" Joe Biden in church dispute.

NewsBusters Podcast: 'Deeply Catholic Biden' Promoters in the Press

June 21st, 2021 9:19 PM

Reporters were as upset as every other category of Democrats when the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops voted to have a discussion on whether politicians should be denied communion for being in dramatic contradiction of church teaching on social issues, especially on abortion. Reporters touted a "deeply Catholic" President Biden "caught up" in an explosive religious dispute.

Lemon: 'I Don't Know If America Sees Black People … as Fully Human'

June 20th, 2021 12:04 PM

CNN’s Don Lemon wore his thoughts on his sleeve in Sunday’s Washington Post Magazine feature on him (published online last Tuesday). In more than one instance he vented to reporter Eric Easter about just how racist America and white people were, while at the same time unironically lamenting about how we didn’t show enough grace to other people. At one point he even suggested that…


Goodbye Childhood: 30 Kids Shows, Toys Push LGBTQ Agenda Over A Year

June 16th, 2021 10:32 AM

Once upon a time, parents could feel okay about letting their children watch cartoons or ogle the shelves of toy stores. Chances were good they’d come away with their innocence intact. No more. Progressive LGBT etc. propaganda now litters the cartoons, commercials and even the toy aisles. 

Media: Conservative Reaction to CRT Is 'White Privilege'

June 15th, 2021 1:58 PM

Critical Race Theory has been all the rage this year, literally. The media have adopted its language and assumptions, while companies, governments and even the U.S. government have inflicted the ideological poison on their personnel. And yes, it has crept into some schools. the mainstream media can’t stop talking about it. Conservatives have had enough of the left-wing indoctrination and many…