Washington Post Memory-Holes and Alters Steele Dossier Stories

November 19th, 2021 10:19 AM

2845. That was how many words that the Washington Post fact checker Glenn Kessler used on Thursday to try to explain away why the Washington Post, along with much of the rest of the media, for years treated the now-discredited Steele dossier as some kind of investigative "bombshell" endangering Trump.

Slate Complains WaPo ‘Spotlighting Disturbing Alternative’ to Abortion

November 18th, 2021 8:47 AM

In light of the state banning abortions once an unborn baby’s heartbeat can be detected in September, The Washington Post published two articles this week that profiled Texas women who run Christian, pro-life charities. To many pro-lifers, it was surprising and welcome coverage of the good works of a crisis pregnancy center and a maternity ranch, Catholic and evangelical, respectively…

Editor’s Pick: Fox on Stelter Skipping Discredited Steele Dossier

November 15th, 2021 11:23 AM

On Monday, FoxNews.com’s Brian Flood reported on CNN’s Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter completely ignoring The Washington Post deleting and correcting reports about the discredited Steele dossier. “Americans who rely on CNN’s media program ‘Reliable Sources’ for information would be clueless because ratings-challenged host Brian Stelter shockingly ignored it,” Flood noted…

WaPo's Wemple Asks CNN Retract Claim Steele Dossier Was Corroborated

November 14th, 2021 4:39 PM

The main source of the Steele dossier hyped by CNN and much of the media has been indicted for lying to the FBI so Erik Wemple of the Washington Post wonders if CNN will correct the record about their claim that the dossier was corroborated.

When Liberal Media Narratives Blow Up

November 13th, 2021 4:03 PM

Today it’s Kyle Rittenhouse. Not long ago it was young Nicholas Sandmann. And, of course, for four years or so it was the Trump-Russia collusion business. What do these three episodes have in common? That would be the fact of a wildly untrue liberal media narrative.

Column: New Jersey Democracy Died In Darkness?

November 12th, 2021 6:16 AM

At The Washington Post, when Democrats are kicked unceremoniously out of office, it can only mean one thing. Democracy died in darkness. They diagnosed the problem in a story headlined "How the media missed a New Jersey senate candidate’s racist social media posts — until he’d already won."

WashPost Slams Parents as School Board Orgs Leave National Group

November 10th, 2021 3:26 PM

The new battle over education is another example of how different things look depending on your distance from the Beltway. The Washington Post (motto: “Democracy Gets Drowsy at Dusk”) is always a reliable guide to the current Enemies of Progress  -- Tea Partiers, pimply little Arians, conservative churches. And right now, the skunk at the vegan BBQ is … parents.

Mika Brzezinski  Joe Scarborough Eugene Robinson MSNBC Morning Joe 11-9-21

Scarborough Wails: Someday a Bezos-Like Billionaire Will Take Over US!

November 9th, 2021 1:54 PM

Morning Joe was baying for Steve Bannon's blood this morning, demanding that the Justice Department prosecute him for refusing to testify before Congress. Joe Scarborough took things to an outlandish extreme, predicting this dire consequence if the DoJ doesn't go after Bannon and other Trump allies: "I swear to God. Ten, fifteen years from now, if people get away with this now, we're…

Wash Post Fears Right Wingers Will ‘Weaponize School Boards’

November 8th, 2021 1:50 PM

You know all the racial indoctrination we’ve been assured schools are definitely not doing? The Washington Post is worried it’s in danger of not getting done. In a Nov. 8 article, Posties Laura Meckler and Timothy Bella conjure the specter of public school kids learning the Three Rs -- and not the cool progressive ones (race, recycling and reproduction) -- in the wake of conservative…

After Endorsing VA Dem, Arrogant WashPost Lectures GOP Winner

November 4th, 2021 4:43 PM

The Washington Post, a paper that has endorsed every Democrat for Governor in Virginia since 1977, reacted to its latest defeat, the victory of Virginia Republican Glenn Youngkin, by arrogantly pivoting to a lecture about how he should govern.

The Washington Post Preparing Hit Piece to Protect Fauci

November 4th, 2021 9:10 AM

A report suggests that The Washington Post is preparing an article criticizing the White Coat Waste Project, a group dedicated to ending cruel dog experiments. Journalist Glenn Greenwald detailed The Post’s reports on the animal rights advocacy group over the years, which have been fairly impartial–until now.



WashPost Column: If McAuliffe Loses, Blame 'Lopsided' Media Imbalance!

November 2nd, 2021 4:02 PM

The Washington Post needs to institute mandatory substance testing for its employees. Greg Sargent's latest column is headlined is "Glenn Youngkin’s repulsive final push reveals a dark truth for Democrats." And just what is that "dark truth"? It's that Terry McAuliffe might lose because GOP candidate Glenn Youngkin has benefited from "a right-wing media network that has no rival on…

Hacks at the Post Endorsed Every VA Dem Candidate for Gov Since 1977

November 2nd, 2021 11:27 AM

The Washington Post takes itself very seriously, claiming on the front page every day that “democracy dies in darkness.” On the editorial page, it declares itself “an independent newspaper.” But on Tuesday, the Post continued its favorite, decidedly non-independent, tradition: Endorsing the Democratic candidate for governor in Virginia for the 12th time in a row.

WashPost Prints Halloween Puff Piece on 'Non-Binary' Teenage Witch

November 2nd, 2021 6:10 AM

The Washington Post predictably put a puff piece on a "non-binary" teenage witch on the front page of the Halloween Sunday paper under the headline "Inside the practices of a teenage witch: Young Americans are seeking spirituality and higher truth -- outside of institution and scripture."