
UPDATED: Sleazebags Use Death of Fox News Cameraman to Score Points

March 15th, 2022 2:24 PM

On Tuesday, we got more terrible details about the fate of the Fox News crew that came under fire by Russian forces as they were newsgathering outside Kyiv on Monday where one was left hospitalized and at least two killed, including cameraman Pierre Zakrzewski and local reporter/producer Oleksandra Kuvshynova. Of course, this meant that some of the classless ghouls in the liberal media were…


The Left Hated 'Corrupt,' Pro-Gun Red Dawn's Fight Against the Commies

March 12th, 2022 12:15 PM

The devastating and all-too-real invasion of Ukraine by the Russians has galvanized the world. It also reminded some of a movie favorite of many Americans, one loathed by the media. Its plot? A determined group of young people fight off an invasion by the Russians. Of course, I’m talking about the ‘80s classic Red Dawn

High Gas Prices

ROUNDUP: Lib Media Propaganda Machine Defends Biden on Gas Prices

March 11th, 2022 3:46 PM

The liberal media has been firing its propaganda machine on all cylinders to cover for President Joe Biden’s disastrous energy policies that helped send gas prices sky-high. It seems The New York Times, CNN, Bloomberg News and The Washington Post took a page out of White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki’s playbook with article headlines that read more like Soviet-style…

Editor’s Pick: CNSNews on WashPost Fretting Biden Not Getting ‘Credit’

March 9th, 2022 11:18 AM

On Monday, CNSNews Blog Editor Craig Bannister reported: “At a White House event on Friday, Council of Economic Advisers chair Cecilia Rouse was thrown a softball question from a Washington Post reporter who declared that President Joe Biden isn’t getting enough credit for his accomplishments.”

Elon Musk

MEDIA FAIL! Poll: 70% of Americans Favor Increased Oil, Gas Production

March 9th, 2022 8:55 AM

A new poll obliterated the liberal media’s attempts to hypnotize Americans into believing that a leftist green agenda is preferable to lower gas prices and U.S. energy independence. But to the horror of Al Gore superfans and radical environmentalists, the eco-brainwashing does not seem to have worked on the American people.


HYPERVENTILATING JOURNOS: Democracy Under Attack By Putin and GOP!

March 9th, 2022 8:30 AM

According to the likes of NBC’s Chuck Todd and Yamiche Alcindor, President Joe Biden “missed” an “easy” opportunity in his State of the Union Address to connect “the fight for democracy and freedom abroad” in Europe. Their colleague, MSNBC host Tiffany Cross blurted: “I look at what’s happening in Ukraine, and I see….democracy can be a fragile thing, and it feels a bit fragile in America right…


Climate Report Can’t Hide That Kilimanjaro Ice Melted at Glacial Pace

February 28th, 2022 6:45 PM

The UN’s latest climate change report tried to frighten the globe over melting glaciers on Mount Kilimanjaro. Just like Al Gore did in 2006 when he predicted those glaciers would be gone by now. The latest report warned they will still melt — only in 2040 — because Gore’s prediction was totally wrong.

Spike Lee Doubles Down on 9/11 Trutherism In Softball WashPost Chat

February 26th, 2022 8:14 PM

Leftist movie director Spike Lee is featured on the cover of Sunday's Washington Post Magazine with the headline "By Any Means Necessary." That could include wild conspiracy theories about 9/11.

Digital Brownshirts Demand Big Tech Censor So-Called Climate ‘Denial’

February 25th, 2022 7:49 AM

The leftist U.K.-based Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) is back attacking the Media Research Center and complaining that Facebook isn’t doing enough to silence those who question the left’s eco-extremist take on climate change. Liberal media outlets are boosting the foreign CCDH’s activism just as the White House was reportedly set to hold its first event tackling “climate change…

WashPost Speed Slams Iowa Governor Delivering GOP Response to SOTU

February 24th, 2022 3:00 PM

The Washington Post proceeded to slam Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds with incredible speed after it was announced that she was selected to deliver the Republican response to Joe Biden's State Of The Union address on March 1.

No Surprise: New Name Doesn’t Command Love from Redskins Faithful

February 21st, 2022 10:40 AM

Poll says fans aren't thrilled to Go Commando. Until the George Floyd killing sent corporate America into unreasoning moral panic in 2020, the only people who had a problem with “The Redskins” were weenie Washington Post sports writers and weenie local Dem politicians. The fans loved the name. The owner loved the name. Heck, 90% of American Indians had no problem with the name or the…

Editor’s Pick: Twitchy on WashPost’s Racial Smear of Canada Convoy

February 21st, 2022 9:58 AM

On Saturday, Twitchy writer Greg Pollowitz reported on a vile editorial published in The Washington Post last week that attempted to hurl a racial smear at the Canadian trucker Freedom Convoy. “According to this op-ed in the Washington Post, the Freedom Convoy protest over mask mandates in Canada is about white supremacy,” he noted before highlighting conservative Twitter blasting the…

Fact Checkers Nitpick: Durham Never Said the Libs 'Infiltrated' Trump

February 18th, 2022 3:43 PM

The "independent fact checkers" really wanted to downplay anything John Durham was saying about lawyers for the Clinton campaign snooping around in the Trump team's internet activities. They seized on words that Fox News used that sounded like active verbs meant to sell a story -- in this case, that Team Clinton paid to "infiltrate" the Trump orbit.

Twitter Quashed Hunter Biden Story, Ignores Trucker Convoy Donor Info

February 17th, 2022 5:01 PM

Twitter aggressively suppressed the Hunter Biden corruption story. Now it has apparently decided against enforcing its “Distribution of hacked materials policy” as private information about GiveSendGo donors spread on the platform. This even though both situations allegedly violated the same rule.