The View

Gag: 'View' Hosts Treat Biden to Gooey, Sympathetic Interview
February 13th, 2020 5:25 PM
Joe and Jill Biden appeared on The View Thursday, where they were treated to 100% gooey, softball questions in a show that looked more like a campaign rally than a media interview. While other 2020 candidates have gotten a mixture of questions from the hosts, it was clear that they weren’t willing or allowed to ask tough questions of the 2020 presidential candidate.

Joy Behar: Trump's 'Winning Because I'm Getting Nuttier and Nuttier'
February 7th, 2020 1:26 PM
The View co-host Joy Behar had a minor meltdown on-air during Friday’s show, expressing her frustration over President Trump’s acquittal. Visibly rattled, she admitted she had been driven “crazy” by this administration and was getting “nuttier” by the day.

McCain Presses Buttigieg to Defend 'Pretty Radical' Abortion Comments
February 6th, 2020 2:53 PM
2020 Democrat candidate Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana appeared for the third time on The View, Thursday, since announcing his run for president. While he was mostly treated to softball questions from the left, he was also surprisingly pressed to explain how he was going to win over Democrat and swing voters who didn’t believe in same-sex marriage and abortion.

'View' Hosts Lose It Over 'Racist, Misogynistic' Rush Getting Award
February 5th, 2020 2:48 PM
After praising Nancy Pelosi’s antics at last night’s State of the Union address, The View hosts reserved their rage for President Trump awarding Rush Limbaugh the Presidential Medal of Freedom Award. Co-host Whoopi Goldberg claimed the influential talk radio host had done nothing to deserve it, while Joy Behar and Sunny Hostin attacked Limbaugh as a racist bigot.

'View': 'Masterful' Pelosi Was Trump's 'Fact-Checker' at SOTU
February 5th, 2020 1:34 PM
The morning after President Trump gave the State of the Union address, the hosts of The View were practically bowing down to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for dramatically tearing the speech in two. Co-hosts Joy Behar and Sunny Hostin were enthusiastic about the disrespectful display, lauding Pelosi “masterfully” “playing hardball” with Republican “fascists and criminals.”

'View' Blames 'White, Red State' Iowa on Democrats' Caucus Disaster
February 4th, 2020 2:10 PM
There was a lot of blame being thrown around Tuesday for Monday’s chaotic Democrat caucuses in Iowa, however, one common theme emerged on ABC: could it be because there’s too many white people? On Good Morning America anchor George Stephanopoulos blasted the state as “unrepresentative, 92% white” to his Democrat progressive guests, and that theme continued on ABC later on The View. Hosts Sunny…

Behar: 'Praying' Trump Goes 'Nuts,' Gets 'Triggered' by Dems at SOTU
February 4th, 2020 12:35 PM
Tuesday, Joy Behar shared her selfish wish that tonight’s State of the Union address would turn chaotic with President Trump going “completely nuts” over impeachment. The co-host of The View also hoped Democrat House Managers would openly mock the President during his speech.

'View' Hosts Call on God to Save America From Trump Being Acquitted
January 31st, 2020 2:56 PM
The View hosts implored God to save America from President Trump, on Friday, after finding out there wasn’t enough votes from Republicans to allow witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial. Co-host Sunny Hostin seethed that the GOP was now a party of “extremists” who dismantle democracy and the Constitution for power. Friday co-host Ana Navarro tried to find the silver lining and begged John…

Behar Scolds Republican Do 'Right Thing,' Be McCain and Vote With Dems
January 30th, 2020 2:44 PM
The media continued marching in lockstep with the Democrat impeachment agenda Thursday, as View co-host Joy Behar demanded Republicans “do the right thing” by voting against their party. After co-host Meghan McCain complained how exhausting the impeachment process was, Behar sneered that the only thing she found exhausting was Republicans not “doing the right thing,” ie: what best serves…

Meltdown! 'View' Hosts Mock, Shout Down Dershowitz On Impeachment
January 29th, 2020 2:53 PM
President Trump impeachment defense lawyer Alan Dershowitz appeared on The View Wednesday and was put through the wringer by the extremely hostile hosts who sighed, rolled their eyes and mocked their guest for daring to bring up U.S. history, in his defense of the President.

‘View': ‘Democracy at Stake’ ‘No Justice’ if Bolton Doesn't Testify
January 28th, 2020 2:39 PM
The hosts of The View spent time Tuesday complaining that the Republicans and Trump lawyers were conducting an unjust and even racist, trial in the Senate. Co-hosts Joy Behar and Sunny Hostin fretted that justice wouldn’t be served because Republicans wouldn't allow "smoking gun" witness John Bolton, to testify and seal the case against Trump.

'View' Defends 'Reputable' NPR Reporter Vs. Lying Pompeo
January 27th, 2020 2:45 PM
Monday on The View, the hosts defended NPR as an unbiased news outlet after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo yelled at one of their reporters and called her dishonest after a contentious interview. Co-host Meghan McCain wondered if the spat was over the reporter’s liberal bias, the other hosts jumped in to defend NPR and its reporter as unbiased while claiming Pompeo was the one, “not telling the…

‘View’ Sneers at Americans Bored by ‘Compelling’ Democrat Arguments
January 24th, 2020 2:32 PM
The ratings are in and just like during the House hearings, Americans have shown they are not interested in hearing the Democrat arguments to impeach President Trump. Collectively, the big three networks, who changed their regular programming to the Senate trial this week, lost about 3 million viewers, and for that grave error, they earned the wrath of The View hosts on Friday’s show.

Joy Behar Rages Against McConnell, 'Withholding' Impeachment Evidence
January 23rd, 2020 1:42 PM
As if the media hadn’t embarrassed themselves enough already in their cheerleading for Adam Schiff and the House impeachment managers, the liberal co-hosts of The View were eager and willing to heap more praise on the Democrats.