
CNN, MSNBC Wrongly Claim GOP Redistricting Stomped on Texas Minorities

November 4th, 2021 10:17 AM

In the past two weeks, CNN and MSNBC have shown multiple double standards by peddling misinformation about Texas's congressional redistricting plan to accuse Republicans of cutting minority representation in the state while ignoring aggressive gerrymandering by Illinois Democrats. It was even wrongly suggested that Republicans would prevent any black members of Congress from being elected in…


RIDICULOUS: On CNN, Gore Defends China’s Climate ‘Commitment’

November 3rd, 2021 12:22 PM

Former Vice President Al Gore went from making Armageddon climate predictions that didn’t pan out to running point for China’s alleged “commitment” to end its overseas coal financing. 


Newsom Cracking Under Recall Pressure, Networks Ignore

August 12th, 2021 4:36 PM

During a recent interview with reporters from The Sacramento Bee, it was clear that embattled California Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom was beginning to crack under the pressure of an upcoming recall election that looks increasingly likely he may lose. Despite this latest sign that the unexpectedly close contest could result in a Republican taking control in the blue state, the…


STUDY: MSNBC Ignores Buddy Michael Avenatti Being Sentenced to Jail

July 9th, 2021 12:06 AM

Liberal media darling and “creepy porn lawyer” Michael Avenatti was sentenced on Thursday afternoon to two and a half years in prison for attempting to extort Nike, ending the first of three trials in which Avenatti could spend much of his remaining years behind bars. But unfortunately, MSNBC refused to cover it on any of the nine shows since Judge Paul Gardephe handed down his sentence.


CNN Smears: Conservatives Say 'U.S. Military's Best Days Are Gone'

June 1st, 2021 7:00 PM

CNN likes to play the game of smearing conservatives for saying things they didn’t actually say. But because the network doesn’t really do journalism, it’s not surprising. Monday night’s episode of The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer, aired an interview by Barbara Starr with Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. Starr immediately attacked conservatives who believe the “U.S. Military’s…


CNN Spends Nearly 3x More in 12 Hrs on Cheney Than Economic Crises

May 13th, 2021 1:10 AM

On Wednesday, CNN showed a further commitment to unseriousness and a refusal to engage in basic journalism by spending nearly three times (2.72) times more time over a 12-hour period on Congresswoman Liz Cheney (R-WY) losing a role in House GOP leadership than the multiple economic crises facing the country, ranging from the Colonial pipeline hack to gasoline shortages to inflation to stagnant…


REWIND: CNN, MSNBC Spent 50 Mins Analyzing Trump’s West Point Visit

March 19th, 2021 8:13 PM

On Friday morning, President Joe Biden repeatedly fell up the steps of Air Force One at Andrews Air Force Base and almost immediately, comparisons ensued as conservatives and Republicans recalled the liberal media’s wall-to-wall coverage of then-President Trump holding of a water glass and walking slowly down a ramp at the June 13, 2020 West Point commencement. A NewsBusters analysis has found…


CNN Pushes Dem Attack on Gun Rights as 'Common Sense'

March 13th, 2021 10:45 AM

On Thursday evening, CNN hosts Chris Cuomo and Wolf Blitzer were both in the tank for Democrats in helping them push more gun control, with Cuomo lauding the plans as "common sense" and Blitzer declaring that "it only makes sense."

CNN FINALLY Covers Cuomo Claims...But Gives It 96 Seconds in Two Days

February 25th, 2021 11:43 PM

After over 24 hours of silence, CNN decided to acknowledge on Thursday Lindsey Boylan’s sexual harassment claims against Prime Time host Chris Cuomo’s brother and Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) and the latest blows in the state’s nursing home scandal, but only tossed scraps to the viewers they treat like small-brained proles with only 96 seconds over two news briefs. Worse yet, neither brief…


Mission Accomplished? Here Were Acosta’s 15 Moments as WH Reporter

January 20th, 2021 12:37 AM

On Tuesday, CNN’s Jim Acosta spent his final day as chief White House correspondent reveling in having accomplished his life’s mission of celebrating himself and playing the role of general in helping to removing President Trump from office, a man he’s so deeply hated. NewsBusters combed through our archives to find the 15 worst Acosta moments over the past four years. Trust us, this wasn’t…


CNN CELEBRATES Twitter Banning Trump: He’s ‘Been Kneecapped!’

January 8th, 2021 9:14 PM

Mark it down, NewsBusters readers: January 8, 2021 will go down as one of the greatest days in the lives of more than a few CNN charlatans due to the massive, unprecedented crackdown on American free speech, including Twitter’s permanent banning of President Trump. On CNN’s Situation Room, the mood was euphoric as they celebrated the “amazing situation” and “historic moment” of…


Blitzer Ogles Over Santa Wearing a Mask On NORAD Tracker

December 27th, 2020 8:16 PM

Apparently, nothing is sacred at CNN when it comes to making everything in life match their narrative, even Santa Claus. On Christmas Eve’s The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer, host Wolf Blitzer bizarrely ogled over the NORAD Santa tracker showing Santa wearing a mask.


CNN, MSNBC Let Cuomo Slam Trump Admin, Skip Over Sex Harassment

December 26th, 2020 6:30 AM

On Monday afternoon, as New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo made appearances on both MSNBC and CNN to promote his call for restrictions on air travel to and from the United Kingdom. Neither network did much to push back against his claims, or to press him on any other of his personal scandals. They also did little to correct misinformation or to point out his sudden flip flop in being…


NY Times HATES Half of America: Friedman Slams GOP as ‘Cancer’

December 15th, 2020 10:00 AM

Appearing on Thursday's The Situation Room on CNN, New York Times columnist Tom Friedman freaked out over Republicans supporting election-related legal challenges by President Donald Trump's campaign, even though nearly all have so far been dismissed, with the liberal columnist and frequent CNN guest excoriating the GOP as a "cancer" that is "at war with democracy."