
Sexist Much? CNN Trashes Loeffler as ‘Jukebox,’ ‘Robotic’ GOP ‘Avatar’

December 7th, 2020 5:58 PM

Sunday night after simulcasting a Georgia senatorial debate between Senator Kelly Loeffler ( R) and radical liberal Raphael Warnock (D), CNN was in all-out hate mode against Loeffler, declaring that she was a Republican “avatar,” a real-life “jukebox,” “robotic,” and too wealthy to understand Americans struggling during the coronavirus pandemic.

CNN Gives 23 Mins to Nurse’s Dubious Claims Trashing COVID Patients

November 23rd, 2020 5:53 PM

In the latest blow to CNN’s claim to be a news organization, National Review and Wired found last week that their much-heralded November 16 interview with South Dakota nurse Jodi Doering trashing her patients had more than a few holes. While Doering’s story drew widespread attention by over a half dozen CNNers, neither outlet find anyone to confirm Doering’s claims of coronavirus…


Slimy CNN Defends Left's 2016 Hypocrisy by Denying Basic Reality

November 20th, 2020 7:26 PM

After White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany enraged reporters (and their liberal friends) by calling out their hypocrisy in refusing to accept election results, CNN huffed hours later that McEnany was wrong.


UNREAL: Blitzer GRILLS Pelosi on Stimulus, Gets Called GOP ‘Apologist’

October 13th, 2020 9:40 PM

Christmas came early for those wanting CNN to resemble a real news organization (albeit for only 14 minutes) on Tuesday’s Situation Room as host Wolf Blitzer hammered Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for refusing to accept offers of compromise for coronavirus stimulus from Republicans and the White House. In response, Pelosi melted down at the idea of facing adversarial questions,…


CNN Compares Trump Release from Hospital to ‘Dear Leader’ Autocrats

October 5th, 2020 8:21 PM

As Trump made his way out of Walter Reed Medical Center Monday evening, CNN media correspondent Brian Stelter spoke on The Situation Room and disgustingly compared his release from the hospital to the showmanship of “Dear Leader” autocrats like Kim Jong-un. He also blasted Trump’s return as “cynical,” “performative,” and “dangerous.”


Ghoulish CNN Bemoans Trump Not Taking Questions, Hypes 25th Amendment

October 2nd, 2020 8:27 PM

Amidst CNN’s firehouse of poison Friday night as President Trump was set to and then took Marine One to be hospitalized at Walter Reed for the coronavirus, they were able to make it all about themselves, being facetious about the use of masks, suggesting we shouldn’t believe a word from the White House, and eagerly talking about their beloved 25th Amendment being invoked.


Sick CNN Revels in Trump Hospitalized: 'Lies Coming Back to Bite Him'

October 2nd, 2020 8:00 PM

CNN’s hatred for the President took them to a new low Friday evening, upon learning that President Trump was being hospitalized for coronavirus. Hearing this serious news didn’t stop reporter Jeremy Diamond and CNN presidential historian Douglas Brinkley from gloating that the president got what he deserved for not wearing a mask regularly.


Go Figure: CNN Obsesses Over Few Masks, No Distancing at ACB Event

September 27th, 2020 12:39 AM

CNN had a horrid Saturday. First, President Trump nominated a strong, conservative, faith-based jurist in Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. Then, they couldn’t figure out how to react to the pick. If that wasn’t enough, one CNN liveshot was derailed by a fact-based group of Trump supporters calling the network fake news. Therefore, it wasn’t entirely surprising one massive narrative they…


DESPERATE CNN Invokes Merrick Garland, Bemoans Dems Elevating ACB

September 26th, 2020 11:08 PM

After Judge Amy Coney Barrett was announced Saturday as President Trump’s third Supreme Court pick, CNN started throwing things at the wall to see what stuck. Among their reactions included nods to Merrick Garland (yes, really), insisting Barrett will be a galvanizer for Democrats to the ludicrous claim liberals appeared to be behaving themselves and not personally attacking Barrett.


‘CNN Is Fake News!’; Crowd Crashes CNN Liveshot Outside Supreme Court

September 26th, 2020 7:17 PM

For those living under a rock, Saturday was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day for CNN and the rest of the liberal media as President Trump nominated distinguished Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. But for CNN, things got even worse when a crowd of fact-based individuals crashed a liveshot meant for Supreme Court reporter Ariane de Vogue and informed viewers that, yes, “…


Kushner Fires Missile at CNN’s Blitzer After Being Hounded on COVID

September 15th, 2020 8:22 PM

Appearing behind enemy lines on CNN early Tuesday night to discuss the Abraham Accords, White House senior adviser and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner found himself sparing with Situation Room host Wolf Blitzer as the CNN partisan griped about the signing ceremony taking place “with very few masks, very little social distancing” that made for yet another example of the administration…


Goldberg Continues Digging His Own Grave Despite GLOWING Praise

September 9th, 2020 12:10 AM

Atlantic editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg must have thought early Tuesday evening that he was making matters better when he appeared on CNN’s The Situation Room to discuss his hit piece against President Trump, but despite host Wolf Blitzer’s gushing praise for his “amazing” “bombshell” we all should be “grateful” for, he continued to undermine the central claims of his tale…


CNN Blames Systemic Racism for Making Black Cops, Jesse Jackson Racist

September 4th, 2020 11:39 AM

On Wednesday's The Situation Room on CNN, during a discussion of the time when liberal civil rights activist Reverend Jesse Jackson admitted that it makes him nervous if young black men are walking behind him, CNN reporter Nia-Malika Henderson blamed growing up in America for causing people like black police officers and Reverend Jackson to feel racism toward their own racial group.…


Non-Virtual: AG Barr SCHOOLS CNN on Racism, Antifa, Mail-in-Ballots

September 3rd, 2020 12:08 AM

In a wide-ranging and in-person interview on Wednesday with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, Attorney General William Barr turned the set of The Situation Room into a classroom to school the network on everything from accusations of systemic racism in the justice system, to Antifa’s cross-country violence, to how people were “playing with fire” in the form of mail-in-ballots.