
Colbert Cartoon Show Mocks Justice Kavanaugh as Sloppy Drunk

June 24th, 2019 1:06 AM
It’s 2019 and the elites in Hollywood are still unable to cope with the fact that Donald Trump is president and he has the ability to put conservative justices on the Supreme Court. So, a lame animated cartoon on Showtime is used to trash President Trump and anyone around him, including Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Showtime Drama Blasts ‘George Zimmerman Strategy’ with Police Shooting

May 27th, 2019 11:46 PM
Detective Armando Cruz (Armando Riesco) is known by fellow Detective Alice Toussaint (Crystal Ann Dickinson) as having a “bleeding heart for black men,” and in May 26’s episode of Showtime's The Chi, “Blind Eye,” viewers gain a glimpse as to why.

Sacha Baron Cohen Made Comedy Show to ‘Express Rage,’ ‘Anger’

May 23rd, 2019 6:30 PM
How dark are things in Trump’s America? So bad that left-wing comedian Sacha Baron Cohen told Variety, “[W]e are past that point” where politics is no longer funny and “there is a danger” to not taking things seriously. “I think you need people to remain repulsed,” he said, urging them to keep up “their passion, and bring it to the voting booth.”

Colbert's Cartoon Shows Reagan in Hell, Adelson as Jabba the Hutt

May 20th, 2019 1:17 AM
Looking for leverage to get the Democrats to fund a flame-shooting border wall, President Trump promises to refuse to resupply the International Space Station until Democrats agree to the funding in the May 19 episode of Showtime’s Our Cartoon President. Pitting suffering astronauts against the president, media reports cause Trump to begin to lose support. He even loses support from loyal Trump…

Easter 2019: Top 10 Worst Christian-Hating Shows

April 19th, 2019 6:00 AM
The holiest time of the year doesn't provide a break for Christians from Hollywood's anti-religious bias on TV. If anything, it makes it worse.

'Shameless' Calls Abortion 'Reduction,' Corrects 'Babies' to 'Embryos'

January 28th, 2019 12:01 AM
Showtime's Shameless, on Sunday night's episode titled "BOOOOOOOOOOOONE!," delved into the fraught language surrounding abortion. In the prior episode Frank Gallagher (William H. Macy) and his girlfriend Ingrid (Katey Sagal) used vitro fertilization to start a family.

'Shameless' Rants 'F*** Men. F*** ‘em Up the A**. F** All of Them.'

October 7th, 2018 11:10 PM
#MeToo is the major theme in Showtime's newest episode of Shameless, titled "Black-Haired Ginger," and men get a brutal tongue lashing.  

Unhinged John Heilemann Mocks ‘F***ing Lunatic’ Lindsey Graham

October 1st, 2018 12:19 PM
[LANGUAGE WARNING] The savaging of Lindsey Graham intensified  on Sunday night as journalists seethed over his dramatic defense of Judge Brett Kavanaugh last week. Writer and MSNBC personality John Heilemann, on his Showtime series The Circus labeled the Republican senator a “fucking lunatic” for defending the Supreme Court nominee. 

'Shameless' Paints Trump Supporters as Bigots

September 30th, 2018 11:55 PM
Guys in "Make America Great Again" hats chase down self-proclaimed ‘Gay Jesus’ in this Sunday's episode of Shameless on Showtime titled "Do Right, Vote White!"

'Shameless:' America 'Sexist Sh*t Nugget of a Country'

September 17th, 2018 12:56 AM
Besides gay rights, Shameless, Showtime’s hit liberal show, has yet another social justice cause to champion. This time it's equal pay.

Colbert’s Showtime Cartoon Dresses Jeff Sessions in KKK Robe

August 20th, 2018 1:18 AM
The entertainment elites just can’t get enough of painting President Trump and his administration as racists. In the latest episode of Stephen Colbert’s Showtime animated cartoon, Our Cartoon President, President Trump is proudly racist and has to learn to tone down his rhetoric as the campaign for his re-election in 2020 continues.

Showtime Might Not Air Hoax Interview With Fake Vet Pestering Palin

August 8th, 2018 8:18 AM
Sacha Baron Cohen is a liberal comedian who has assumed several fictional identities while attempting to embarrass well-known conservatives. One of his targets -- Sarah Palin, a former GOP governor of Alaska and then the vice-presidential candidate in the 2008 election -- might avoid being shown as fooled during the satirical Netflix program Who Is America?

Colbert Cartoon: Pence Confesses to Affair with Stormy for Trump

July 30th, 2018 1:21 AM
In a move that shows the desperation of the writers of Stephen Colbert’s Showtime animated series, the episode of Our Cartoon President that aired on July 29 shows Vice President Mike Pence confessing to an affair to take the heat off Trump. Pence confesses in a press conference after a trip to Mar-a-Lago with the president and his cabinet.

NBC Reporter Hails Sacha Baron Cohen as ‘Genius’ ‘Providing a Service’

July 24th, 2018 12:03 PM
During a Tuesday panel discussion on NBC’s Megyn Kelly Today about left-wing comedian Sacha Baron Cohen tricking and humiliating Republicans for his new Showtime series, NBC reporter Jacob Soboroff praised the deceptive entertainer as a “genius” who was “exposing the fault lines of our society” and “providing a service.”