
Surprise! Hollywood Awards Finally Recognize Non-Woke 'Yellowstone'
Hell ---or Hollywood -- has frozen over. This year's Hollywood awards season is finally recognizing one of the most unwoke (and popular) shows on television.

TV’s Worst of the Week: The Gender Spectrum & Binary Language
Welcome to TV’s Worst of the Week, where MRC Culture's on TV Blog recounts the top liberal bias moments in entertainment television for the week of October 17, 2021.

Paramount+ Dramedy: Violent Felon 'Wouldn't Be In Prison' if White
Paramount+ released the first two episodes of their new crime dramedy Guilty Party on Thursday, and though it’s entertaining with big hitter Kate Beckinsale in the lead role as journalist Beth Baker investigating a murder case, the liberal wokeness and race-baiting are nauseating right from the start, claiming that America “systematically kept” a black woman down and cares more about…

Minister on ‘Evil’ Bemoans ‘Spiritual Attack’ of ‘Student Loans’
Season 2 of Paramount+’s Evil has delved further into examining David Acosta (Mike Colter) getting closer to being ordained a priest as he may have some doubts. In the October 3 episode “D is for Doll,” David seeks out a former priest who is now a minister (Leon Addison Brown). The minister takes an activist stance, specifically against the Catholic Church and for Black Lives Matter…

Black Girl Scams Liberal Man Using 'White Guilt' in New Series
The Harper House on Paramount+ follows Debbie Harper (voice of Rhea Seehorn) and her family as they struggle to adapt to their new life after Debbie loses her job and they must move from the wealthy side to the poor side of a small Arkansas town. They are a woke liberal family so it is not at all surprising that the episode that began streaming on September 30, titled “Baby Talk/…

Feminist Lawyer, RBG in Legal Drama: 'We Were Too Hard' on Romney
What’s a feminist lawyer to do when her back is up against the wall? Apparently, the answer is to dream about asking deceased Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg for advice. That is exactly what happened for the second week in a row in Paramount+’s (formerly CBS All-Access) The Good Fight.

Feminist Lawyer Dreams of Idol RBG on 'The Good Fight'
It’s not easy being Diane Lockhart in Season Five of Paramount+’s The Good Fight. The liberal feminist lawyer, a name partner in a well-established black Chicago law firm, is conflicted because of major attacks of white liberal guilt. She is struggling with two questions – should she step aside as a white name partner of a historically black law firm and can her marriage to a…

Supernatural Show Exorcises ‘Racist Cop’ Trope
In Sunday's episode of Paramount+’s Evil, aptly titled “C is for Cop,” it’s racist cops and white privilege that constitute this week’s evil entity.

Paranormal Show Features Amazon-like Corporation as 'Evil' Entity
Evil (formerly on CBS and now running on Paramount+), a series about a forensic psychologist teaming with a Catholic priest-in-training to investigate supernatural events, has targeted racism in the past, but their latest episode was about the evils of corporations and the need for unions.

Paramount & Hallmark Channel Don Their Gay Apparel
On the first day of Christmas, my true love sent to me . . . an LGBTQ movie.

Army Dramedy on Deportation: Because of ‘Some A**hole in Washington'