
Al Roker Claims Climate Coverage ‘Not Political,’ ‘Just the Facts’
April 17th, 2020 12:54 PM
On Friday’s 3rd Hour Today show, co-host Craig Melvin touted NBC weatherman Al Roker being featured in climate change pieces in Parade and People magazines ahead of Earth Day next week. Talking to Parade, Roker argued that the climate change agenda was “not political” and his coverage of it was “just the facts.”

Parade Magazine Skips Trumps, Promotes Liberal Gun-Control Couple
February 14th, 2017 3:54 PM
The Sunday newspaper supplement Parade Magazine has been an absolutely Trump-free zone since the election. The Obamas repeatedly came for softball interviews and cover stories, for example as they promoted a “working families summit” in 2014. One can guess the Trumps aren’t granting access, but the magazine staff is almost pretending they don’t exist. On Sunday, Parade spotlighted a different…

Parade Magazine Interview with Obamas Pushes Myth of President's Mothe
June 21st, 2014 10:10 PM
President and Mrs. Obama granted an interview to Parade magazine to promote their Monday event, “a Working Families summit in Washington, D.C. to discuss the need for affordable childcare and paid family leave, raising minimum wage, and achieving equal pay for all.”But in writing up the interview for the Sunday newspaper supplement, Parade editor-in-chief Maggie Murphy and former ABC reporter…
George W. Bush: The World Is Safer Today Than When 9/11 Hit
April 19th, 2013 10:16 AM
George W. Bush thinks the world is safer today than it was when 9/11 happened.
In an interview with Parade magazine, the former president also said that he doesn't believe the Republican Party is doomed forever:

Chris Matthews Thrilled by Oprah's 'Whack' at Sarah Palin
December 23rd, 2010 8:03 PM
NewsBusters predicted early Friday that Sarah Palin-hating media members were going to love Oprah Winfrey's attack on the former Alaska governor in the upcoming issue of Parade magazine.
Living down to expectations, MSNBC's Chris Matthews almost got a thrill up his leg reporting the news (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Oprah: 'America's Going to Fall in Love with Sarah Palin - As a Realit
December 23rd, 2010 9:55 AM
Oprah Winfrey thinks America is going to fall in love with Sarah Palin - as a reality TV star that is.
In a Parade magazine interview scheduled for publication this Sunday, the daytime talk star also said she's not afraid of Palin running for president because she believes in 'the intelligence of the American public":
CBS: 'Compassion Boom' in America Result of 'Obama Effect
March 8th, 2010 12:18 PM
Near the end of Monday's CBS Early Show, co-host Erica Hill touted a new Parade magazine survey on volunteerism in America: "it indicates America is in the midst of what some are calling a compassion boom." Moments later, the magazine's contributing editor, Emily Listfield, argued: "There's something we call the 'Obama Effect.' People are responding to the President's call to service."…
ABC's Diane Sawyer Touts Rachel Maddow, Hypes Objectivity: 'No One Kno
February 25th, 2010 5:57 PM
World News anchor Diane Sawyer touted her objectivity in an interview for the February 28 Parade magazine. The ABC journalist seriously asserted, "I think no one knows my politics." Continuing to hype her journalistic integrity, she proclaimed, "I hope first of all that everyone knows that the facts are what I care about." (H/T to the MRC's Seton Motley.) Sawyer also had nice things to say about…
Elton John Blames Parade Mag For His 'Jesus Was Gay' Remark
February 21st, 2010 11:05 AM
Pop singer Elton John is blaming Parade magazine for his remark in Sunday's edition that Jesus Christ was a compassionate, super-intelligent gay man."Parade magazine did a kind of a sneaky thing and put it on their website that I said this," John told Chicago's WGN-TV.According to John, he made the comment "as part of the conversation during the interview," but he apparently didn't think this was…
CBS’s Teichner: Americans Abandoning Organized Religion for ‘Spiri
October 6th, 2009 2:36 PM
Reporting the lead story on CBS’s Sunday Morning, correspondent Martha Teichner touted a new on-line poll conducted by Parade magazine about religion in America: “nearly a quarter of the respondents call themselves spiritual, not religious. And how about this? Half the people polled say they seldom, if ever, attend religious services.”One supposed religious expert Teichner spoke with about the…
Nearly 5,000 Grassroots Complaints Flood Parade Magazine after 'Astrot
July 16th, 2009 10:49 AM
When you claim that a grassroots group isn't a grassroots group -- beware of actual grassroots activists. That's the lesson reporter Sharon Male of Parade Magazine learned when she attacked Patients United Now, the health care project of the free-market Americans for Prosperity Foundation, in the July 12 magazine. Under the headline "Are Grassroots Activists for Real?" she claimed that some "so-…
Parade Names Mugabe World's Worst Dictator, Ignores Carter's Role
March 22nd, 2009 3:20 PM
Today's Parade Magazine names "The World's 10 Worst Dictators." Topping the list is Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe:Inflation in Zimbabwe is so bad that in January the government released a $50 billion note — enough to buy two loaves of bread. The unemployment rate has risen to more than 85%. In 2008, Mugabe agreed to hold an election, but it became clear that he would accept the result only if he won…
Parade: Elian Gonzalez 'Has Been Well Taken Care of By Fidel Castro
December 21st, 2008 7:51 PM
Parade magazine, a supplement to many of the nation's Sunday newspapers, claims to have over 72 million readers. Today in the magazine's "Personality Parade" section, readers saw this question and answer:Q Can you give us an update on Elian Gonzalez, the boy rescued off the coast of Florida in 1999, then returned to Cuba over the protests of his U.S. relatives?--Mark Larsen, Calhoun, Ga.A Elian…
Parade Marches in Lock-step with Left with 'Intelligence Report
April 12th, 2008 7:49 PM
Just in time for Tax Day, the April 13 issue of Parade magazine gave readers left-wing talking points on corporate taxation dressed up as objective reporting.Contributor Gary Weiss cited two left-wing interest groups and liberal Democratic congressman Richard Neal (D-Mass.) in "Are You Paying For Corporate Fat Cats?" By the end of the article, readers are all but left to seethe an angry "yes!" to…