Now with Alex Wagner

Free Beacon Highlights Double Standard Between Brewer, Pelosi Photos
October 18th, 2019 3:13 PM
The Washington Free Beacon’s Andrew Kugle released Friday morning the site’s latest indispensable SUPERcut. This time, the topic centered around the not surprising but nonetheless horribly biased double standard between when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wagged a finger toward President Donald Trump versus when then-Governor Jan Brewer (R-AZ) did so to Barack Obama in January 2012.

Scarborough Thanks MSNBC Boss for Booting Liberal Hosts
August 27th, 2015 8:16 AM
The morning after Al Sharpton was exiled to the Sunday morning desert from his evening show, and not long after Ed Schultz and Alex Wagner were relieved of their hosting duties, Joe Scarborough has profusely thanked NBC News honcho Andrew Lack for making those changes.
On today's Morning Joe, Scarborough was discussing stunning poll results in which the first word that came to voters' minds…
NOW Prez: ‘Beloved’ Planned Parenthood ‘Has Nothing to Apologize For'
July 31st, 2015 10:05 AM
Continuing the effort on the now-cancelled MSNBC’s Now to defend Planned Parenthood from its video scandal, National Organization for Women President Terry O’Neill joined host Alex Wagner on Thursday to gush over how the “beloved” provider of abortions and alleged seller of body parts from aborted babies “has nothing to apologize for” and mocked female GOP senators who want to defund the taxpayer…

Bye-Bye Ed and Alex! The Worst Outbursts of Axed MSNBC Hosts
July 31st, 2015 9:30 AM
Due to extremely poor ratings, MSNBC formally announced Thursday it will bring down the ax on Ed Schultz and Alex Wagner. It turns out hate-mongering against conservative Republicans and sucking up to far-left Democrats is not a great way to attract large audiences.
Nets Censor Third PP Video, But Cover Shooting Death of African Lion
July 28th, 2015 11:06 PM
On Tuesday night, the decision by the major broadcast network to erase the Planned Parenthood scandal from their newscasts continued with the release of a sickening third video by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) that again discussed the selling of body parts from aborted babies. As the “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC were ignoring this third video, the trio spent six minutes and 26 seconds…
MSNBC Guest Compares Getting an Abortion to Donating Blood
July 21st, 2015 6:37 PM
While appearing on the Tuesday edition of MSNBC’s Now, Dr. Anne Davis of the Physicians for Reproductive Health compared undergoing an abortion to donating blood in context of the Planned Parenthood video scandal and that both have “costs associated with [the] donation” of giving “fetal tissue” over to “science.” David Corn of Mother Jones lamented “right-wing media” have created “a false…

MSNBC Guest: It's 'Horrific' That Poor Women 'Forced to Bear Children'
July 15th, 2015 5:58 PM
In a surprising moment of candor during a paneli discussion about the new Planned Parenthood sting video by the Center for Medical Progress, MSNBC guest Cristina Beltran protested that what's "really horrific" is not selling the body parts of aborted babies for medical research but "women being forced to bear children against their will." For Beltran, donating aborted baby part is no different…
MSNBC’s Wagner Bemoans Scalia’s ‘Deeply Emotional, Partisan Core’
June 25th, 2015 6:23 PM
Despite getting a favorable ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court on the ObamaCare case King v. Burwell, MSNBC’s Now host Alex Wagner couldn’t help but take issue with Justice Antonin Scalia as a Justice and the “bitterness and the vitriol” he employed in his dissent. She lamented that it “revealed a deeply emotional, partisan core that informs Scalia's decision making.”

Fed Court Upholds Texas Abortion-Clinic Regs; MSNBC's Wagner Mourns
June 10th, 2015 7:28 PM
MSNBC's Alex Wagner devoted a full segment on her June 10 Now program to kvetching with Planned Parenthood chief Cecile Richards about how great an injustice it was that the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals refused to strike down a Texas abortion-clinic regulation bill which had resulted in the shuttering of clinics which fell below code.

Shorter MSNBC: Seinfeld's Jab at PC Isn't Valid Because He's Rich
June 10th, 2015 7:27 PM
Alex Wagner, along with her three liberal guests, ripped Jerry Seinfeld on her MSNBC program on Wednesday, for his blast at "creepy" political correctness. Wagner hinted that Seinfeld had "fallen behind the times." New York magazine's Annie Lowrey mocked his critique: "I kind of roll my eyes at Jerry Seinfeld. You know, he's a billionaire – like I don't feel sorry for him if people don't laugh…

Fmr. NYTer Cohen: Is Wagner's MSNBC Show a 'Wing of Fox News'?
June 4th, 2015 7:12 PM
Taking umbrage with Alex Wagner's mockery of Lincoln Chafee for announcing he wants to take the U.S. into the metric system if he's elected president, former New York Times ethics columnist Randy Cohen playfully griped that the MSNBC host's program was at risk of being a virtual "wing of Fox News."

MSNBC's Wagner Slams Santorum's Rebuke of Pope on Climate Change
June 3rd, 2015 7:00 PM
Alex Wagner took the unusual step of running to the defense of Pope Francis on her MSNBC program on Wednesday. Wagner blasted Rick Santorum for asserting that the Catholic Church was "probably...better off leaving science to the scientists," especially on the controversial issue of climate change. She pointed out that the Pope "has a master's degree in chemistry," and therefore, has more "cred"…

MSNBC Panel: 'Offensive' to Label Rioters 'Thugs;' the 'New N-Word'
April 29th, 2015 8:44 PM
Alex Wagner and her two left-wing panelists on the Wednesday edition of her MSNBC program – Salon's Brittney Cooper and The Nation's Ari Berman – likened the use of the word "thug" to describe the rioters and looters in Baltimore, Maryland on Monday to a notorious racial slur against blacks. Wagner played up how "there are folks, like CNN's Erin Burnett, who don't understand why it's offensive;…

MSNBC's Wagner Thinks Gyro-Copter Loon a Laughing Matter
April 15th, 2015 6:18 PM
In the midst of a jovial roundtable discussion this afternoon on the matter, MSNBC's Alex Wagner seems rather bemused rather than alarmed by 61-year-old postal worker Doug Hughes landing a gyro-copter on the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol, violating restricted airspace and creating a major security scare among local and federal law enforcement.