NPR Cites Antifa to Smear Conservative Bay Area Group as 'Alt-Right'
August 25th, 2017 7:47 PM
Friday's Morning Edition on NPR hyped two "far-right" protests planned in the San Francisco Bay Area on Saturday and Sunday. However, the public radio network improperly labeled Patriot Prayer, the group behind one of the demonstrations, as "alt-right." In fact, the controversial liberal Southern Poverty Law Center "does not list Patriot Prayer as such, nor is [founder Joey] Gibson considered an…
Shock: NPR Touts Activist Who Opposes Destroying Confederate Memorials
August 23rd, 2017 8:30 PM
On Wednesday, NPR's Morning Edition surprisingly featured former U.N. Ambassador Andrew Young, who opposes the dismantling of Confederate memorials across the United States. Young, a close associate of Martin Luther King, contended that the controversy was "a total distraction that is undercutting most of the progress we made." Journalist Ailsa Chang zeroed in on the Confederate sculpture on…
NPR Race Panel Horrified by White GOP Women Asking About Sharia Law
August 21st, 2017 2:56 PM
On Sunday morning, NPR’s Weekend Edition Sunday spent 14 minutes having a panel discussion with their “Code Switch” race-and-identity team, and they aired phone calls they recorded from listeners on “racially charged interactions that you’ve experienced.”
One complained of being assaulted with Islamophobic questions by “white Republican women” at the Texas State Capitol in Austin. Amal Ahmed is…
PBS, NPR Bury Their Poll Results on BLM, Antifa, Statues (Correction)
August 20th, 2017 7:03 AM
Taxpayer-funded PBS and NPR are now in the polling business with Marist College, and like the other networks, their polls are often used to support putting heat on Republicans. On Wednesday, they announced they had found a majority of Americans were disappointed with the president’s responsive to the violence in Charlottesville. PBS then ignored their own finding that 62 percent favored…
NPR Skips Over 'No Cops' Chant from Commies as They Rip Down Statue
August 15th, 2017 2:36 PM
On Tuesday morning, NPR’s Morning Edition skipped over an inconvenient part of a leftist chant as they ripped down a statue honoring the Conferate soldier in Durham, North Carolina. Jeff Tiberii of NPR affiliate WUNC-FM began by reporting the protesters chanted "No KKK, No Fascist USA" bounced off the old county courthouse in Durham, leaving out the phrase "No Cops." Or the phrase "No Trump."
NPR Hypes Vatican-Approved Article Blasting 'Right-Wing' Catholics
August 7th, 2017 10:16 PM
NPR's Weekend Edition Sunday followed the lead of the New York Times and boosted a recent article published by an ally of Pope Francis that targeted "ultra-conservative" Catholics for forming a so-called "alliance of hate with evangelicals." Host Lulu Garcia Navarro turned to Joshua McElwee of the National Catholic Reporter for his analysis of the article, but failed to mention his publication's…
NPR Lets Obama-Era Official Bash Justice Department Under Sessions
August 3rd, 2017 11:25 AM
NPR aired a completely one-sided segment on Wednesday's Morning Edition that targeted the Attorney General Jeff Sessions's leadership of the Justice Department. Carrie Johnson played up that a possible Justice Department initiative targeting colleges' affirmative action policies on admissions was " just part of a broader rollback of Obama-era priorities in civil rights, from protecting LGBT…
Newt Gingrich Mocks NPR During Interview for Living in 'Fantasy Land'
July 27th, 2017 1:23 PM
The taxpayer-funded liberal sandbox known as NPR lowered itself to a Newt Gingrich interview on Wednesday’s Morning Edition, and Gingrich was combatively countering the media narrative on the Russia probe. He insisted special counsel Robert Mueller and fired FBI director Jim Comey represent a “very liberal” Justice Department that has identified no crime to investigate. NPR anchor Rachel…
NPR Lets Pro-Abortion Leftist Smear Pro-Lifers as Potential Terrorists
July 25th, 2017 4:02 PM
NPR's Morning Edition on Monday zeroed in on a pro-life group's ongoing protest outside Kentucky's last abortion clinic. Correspondent Lisa Gillespie featured three pro-abortion activists during her report versus just one pro-lifer. Gillespie also let one of the abortion backers smear pro-lifers as potential terrorists. Vicki Saporta of the National Abortion Federation contended that prosecuting…
NPR Talks Up Trump as Watergate II, But Gets Misty About....Saddam?
June 7th, 2017 7:09 AM
This sounds like a bad joke. While NPR is offering stories on how President Trump is corrupt enough for impeachment like Nixon the Sequel, they make time for stories about how American soldiers got PTSD because they formed a complex human bond with the prisoner they guarded before his hanging....Saddam Hussein. This actually happened.
NPR Uses 'Far Right' to Label Texas Freedom Caucus -- and Racist Nuts
June 5th, 2017 6:07 AM
On Sunday morning, NPR posted an article by reporter Wade Goodwyn using the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center on "The Far Right's Language Explained." The inspiration for this article was the murder of two men in Portland who tried to defend a woman in a hijab on a subway train by an extremist named Jeremy Christian.
Liberals generally avoid any reference to a "far left," since that would…
NPR Tiptoes: 'Religion,' Not Islam, Plays a Role In Modern Terrorism
May 29th, 2017 2:25 PM
On Saturday morning's Weekend Edition, in the wake of the despicable bombing of the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England, NPR host Scott Simon welcomed staunch atheist Richard Dawkins, author of (most notably) The God Delusion, to discuss the role of "religion" in terrorism. Simon tiptoed around singling out one particular religion as the most prone to terrorism in this century.
Press Cover-up Returns to Haunt: Seattle Mayor Ends Reelection Bid
May 10th, 2017 9:52 PM
Seattle Mayor Ed Murray announced on Tuesday that he will not run for reelection as the city's mayor because of mounting allegations that he sexually abused underage boys in the 1980s. Press coverage has either ignored Murray's Democratic Party affiliation or buried it in related stories' late paragraphs.
This outcome also exposes a double standard in the Evergreen State press, and should (but…
NPR's Rage Rerun: Trump Win Means America 'Can't Stand Black People'
January 20th, 2017 9:44 PM
National Public Radio decided to greet the morning of Trump’s inauguration in the same way that it greeted the day after Trump’s surprising victory. They sought out black rage…in the person of author Attica Locke, who also writes for the Fox drama Empire. She came to say this day marked “how much this country can’t stand black people,” and “doesn’t want Muslims here,” and “did not want a woman…