NPR Lies to Donors: We Offer 'Unbiased Journalism' With 'Civility'

December 29th, 2016 8:28 PM
Every nonprofit group is ending the year with a pitch for last-minute tax-exempt contributions, and that includes National Public Radio. NPR fans received an e-mail with the subject line "Bold, unbiased journalism." That's pretty funny coming from a network that puts a loving touch on Barack Obama in interviews and never secured an interview with Donald Trump. Bob Dole in 1996 and Mitt Romney in…

NPR Lets 'Anti-Poverty' Activists Lament Carson Pick; Omits Obama Ties

December 6th, 2016 5:15 PM
NPR's Morning Edition on Tuesday touted how many "anti-poverty advocates across the political spectrum" are now "worried" after President-Elect Donald Trump picked Dr. Ben Carson to be secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Correspondent Pam Fessler spotlighted how "advocates fear the worst — that it will lead to deep cuts in programs to reduce homelessness, and to subsidize affordable…

Barney Frank Endures Tough Interview...on National Public Radio!

November 22nd, 2016 7:42 PM
Yet more evidence of a world turned upside down since Donald Trump won the presidency and charitable donations to the Clinton Foundation predictably plummeted -- National Public Radio is no longer a safe space for liberals to opine. At least it wasn't early today for former congressman Barney Frank of Massachusetts, one of the main architects of the housing bubble that brought down the economy…

On NPR, WashPost Editor Says Trump's 'Against...American Democracy'

October 12th, 2016 2:11 PM
On Tuesday’s Morning Edition on National Public Radio, they turned to a liberal media eminence to explain just how easily Hillary Clinton is winning this election. Washington Post assistant managing editor David Maraniss was just an “Author” in their online headline. Armed with this authority, Maraniss proceeded to talk exactly like a hyperbolic MSNBC surrogate for the Clintons, claiming that…

NPR Boosts Pro-Abortion Group's Blitz For Hillary Clinton

October 6th, 2016 9:19 PM
NPR's Morning Edition on Thursday donated four minutes of air time to pro-abortion group EMILY's List, and helped it promote its ad blitz to elect Hillary Clinton and other left-wing Democrats. Renee Montagne played a clip from one of the organization's ads, and gave its president, Stephanie Schriock, a platform to hype Mrs. Clinton as a "a champion for women and families."

NPR Celebrates Tupac Shakur’s ‘Pro-Feminist,’ ‘Pro-Choice’ Legacy

September 13th, 2016 5:34 PM
On the 20th anniversary of Tupac Shakur’s death, NPR touted the rapper, who was gunned down in a drive-by shooting, for his “pro-feminist,” “pro-choice” music. Morning Edition’s Renee Montagne talked to journalist Kevin Powell about Tupac. Powell recommended Keep Ya Head Up, praising, “Here's a song that is really an ode to women. It's a pro-feminist song. He talks about being pro-choice in the…

NPR Analyst Cokie Roberts: Democrats Talking About Replacing Hillary

September 13th, 2016 6:58 AM
Usually, our “objective” media thrives on any internal fighting and panic among Republicans, and downplays or hides it on the Democratic side. NPR analyst Cokie Roberts violated that informal policy on Monday’s Morning Edition, openly suggesting Democrats were talking about replacing Hillary Clinton on the ticket over her health problems.

NPR Notes Hillary's 'Very Few' Pressers; 'May Have A Point' Skipping

August 5th, 2016 7:46 PM
Friday's Morning Edition on NPR spotlighted Hillary Clinton's "very few and far between" press conferences during her presidential campaign so far. David Folkenflik pointed out how it's been "more than two months" since Mrs. Clinton was confronted about her lack of pressers, and how she "suggested there are other, better ways to hear from a candidate." Folkenflik contended, "Clinton may have a…

On NPR, Sam and Cokie Recall When the GOP 'Became Much More Racist'

July 20th, 2016 5:11 PM
The one-time ABC Sunday hosting duo of Sam Donaldson and Cokie Roberts appeared together on Tuesday morning on NPR's Morning Edition to discuss convention history. Roberts is still an NPR analyst. They began with the 1964 GOP convention, and Donaldson said "I think this was the first convention of the modern Republican hard-right conservatism." Roberts said "Absolutely right," noting "Nelson…

A Win for NB: NPR Posts Correction on 'Apolitical' Anti-Gun Mom Story

June 22nd, 2016 10:21 PM
On Monday, Tim Graham reported that NPR was wrong to suggest gun activist Shannon Watts was one of those accidental activists who were “just regular people....folding the kids’ laundry...who had never done anything political before.” But in reality, Watts was a longtime PR specialist with a record of political contributions to Barack Obama and national Democrats. On Tuesday, NPR ombudsman…

Dishonest NPR Tells of 'Regular' Mom Who Put the Con in Gun Control

June 20th, 2016 10:39 PM
Beware liberal media propagandists trying to sell you a liberal as “just regular people....folding the kids’ laundry...who had never done anything political before.” Baloney. On Friday’s Morning Edition, NPR was the latest outlet who presented this fakery for one Shannon Watts, who founded the group One Million Moms for Gun Control after the Sandy Hook mass murder in December of 2012. But Watts…

NPR: Mateen Evoked ISIS to Gain 'More Publicity'...for Shooting 100!

June 20th, 2016 7:19 AM
On NPR’s Weekend Edition Saturday, the play-down-Islam game was in full swing. The headline online was “Orlando Shooter Update: Few Warning Signs Point To Radicalization.” NPR anchor Scott Simon said unnamed federal officials were “struck by the fact that the shooter, Omar Mateen, doesn't seem to have exhibited any of the warning signs often associated with radicalization. They're exploring…

NPR Hyped Trump Denying WashPost Credentials, Ignored Dems Doing Same

June 16th, 2016 3:43 PM
NPR media correspondent David Folkenflik slammed Donald Trump as a crybaby who can't handle rude press coverage in a Tuesday interview on Morning Edition dedicated to Trump denying press credentials to The Washington Post. Midway through the interview, when asked if Trump had a point about the tone or quality or the Post’s coverage, Folkenflik snidely said “Well, boo hoo” to the presumptive…

Bozell & Graham Column: America's Wrong to Love Football?

June 4th, 2016 8:00 AM
The NFL has a serious PR problem with concussions. NFL star Junior Seau committed suicide in 2012 to underline the issue. Count on flower children at NPR to go over the edge with this issue. The problem isn't the size and strength, and therefore power of professional football players. No, it's -- ready? -- the evil game of football itself. This is your taxpayer-funded broadcasting in action:…