Media Scandals
POLL: 65% of Fans Think Disney Has Lunged Too Far Into Wokeness
Considering a Disney+ membership? You may want to hold off.

Coca-Cola Training Encouraged Employees to 'Be Less White’
Uh oh. Pepsi fans may have an advantage amidst the ongoing Pepsi vs. Coke feud as Coca-Cola faces backlash for encouraging employees to “Try to be less white.”

Kasey Musgraves ‘Cruzin’ for a Bruzin’’ Shirt Mocks Ted Cruz
On today’s episode of Hollywood hypocrites: singer Kasey Musgraves donated proceeds of a T-shirt sale to charities in Texas … the theme? Her hatred for Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX). Earlier this week, ice storms hit the southern part of the U.S. and Texas in particular has been suffering. Texas voted red as per usual and Bette Midler even claimed the storm is “…

'Payback!' Bette Midler Thinks Texas Snow Storm Is God’s Punishment
Earlier this week wintry storms hit the southern part of the United States and so far, more than 20 people have died and 4.1 million people are left without power. This storm is a natural occurrence and everyone knows that ... except everybody’s favorite pagan Bette Midler who thinks it's some sort of retribution from God.
Another Failed Baldwin Brother Attacks a Conservative … What's New?
Billy Baldwin? More like Bully Baldwin. A Tuesday night Twitter fight broke out amongst conservative actress Kristy Swanson, known for playing Buffy in the film “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” and “actor” Billy Baldwin, known as Alec Baldwin’s brother. Billy let jealousy get the better of him, if he has a better side, when he accused Swanson of reaching Hollywood success by means other than talent…
Nick Cannon Uncancelled After Brief Timeout
In July of 2020, ViacomCBS dropped actor and show host Nick Cannon’s long standing show “Wild and Out” following some black supremacist and anti-Semitic comments. Now, after a brief seven month break, Cannon has a new deal with ViacomCBS set to soon begin production of season 16.
Chris Pratt & The Case of the Fake Tweets
Usually, the cancelation police find new ways to be offended but this time they literally made stuff up. On Feb 3 #ripchrispratt began trending on Twitter after one user accused Chris Pratt of racist and Islamophobic tweets he didn’t even write.
Singer/Actor Sia Blames Casting Controversy on ‘White Men’
It’s no wonder Sia keeps herself hidden under exotic wigs. In her attempt to showcase a new film featuring a beautiful story of love and family the woke Twitter mob still found a way to clap back over her casting. Now she is blaming white men for her perceived casting mistakes.

Univision omite parte crítica en reporte sobre las llamadas de Melania
Una vez más, Univision tuerce un evento para contar una historia parcial de una manera que se ajuste al avivamiento continuo del agravio racial. Esta vez, con el informe de la cadena sobre la llamada filtrada entre la Primera Dama Melania Trump y Stephanie Winston, que se grabó sin el consentimiento de la Primera Dama.
NBC Insists ‘Cuties’ Does Not Sexualize Kids
Girls wearing skimpy outfits while twerking somehow does not qualify as sexualization. On NBC News’ left-wing blog “Think,” reporter and cultural critic Sam Thielman mounted a heroic but vain defense of Cuties against the attacks of the “pedophile-obsessed American right,” claiming that the film is solely about a girl caught in a “tug-of-war” between two cultures.

NPR: Bloomberg News Killed Story on China’s Communist Party Elites

PBS Reports Alleged Sexual Harassment By Ex-Host Tavis Smiley

Sanity in Canada: Maybe ‘Wax the Junk’ Isn't the New ‘Bake the Cake’