Los Angeles Times
Major Newspaper Editorials Ignore or Praise EPA Controls 90 Percent of
June 3rd, 2014 4:19 PM
When the government pushes to destroy America’s biggest source of energy, you can certainly trust the media to jump on board.
On June 1, the Environmental Protection Agency unveiled drastic new limits on carbon emissions, mandating steep emission cuts within 16 years. It’s a move that may cost hundreds of thousands of jobs each year, but only 13 of the 20 major United States newspapers…
Richard Armitage, Leaker: A Still-Hidden Identity In Replays of the Pl
May 29th, 2014 1:41 PM
Tom Blumer's Plame post is essential reading to understand how the liberal media tries to maintain an impression favored by the left wing, even when the facts are otherwise. Take the still tendentious "correction" by the Los Angeles Times of its original story this week falsely identifying Lewis "Scooter" Libby as the man who leaked the name of former CIA employee Valerie Plame. I would add…
LAT Reports (Now Corrected) That Plame Was Exposed by Libby, But Still
May 28th, 2014 7:36 PM
Monday afternoon, in an error which made it into the paper's Tuesday print edition, reporter Paul Richter at the Los Angeles Times, in a story on the Obama administration's inadvertent leak of a CIA director's name in Afghanistan, was apparently so bound and determined to include a "Bush did it too" comparison that he went with leftist folklore instead of actual history.
Specifically, Richter…
NYT's David Carr: Dean Baquet Threatened to Resign If Abramson Stayed
May 19th, 2014 11:25 AM
Last night (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), I pointed to the track record of Dean Baquet, who has ascended to the hallowed perch of executive editor at the New York Times, and observed that "someone who has clearly been a troubling and disruptive presence is now in charge."
Two incidents spanning seven years support my contention. The first occurred in 2006 at the Los Angeles Times, where…
In Lionizing NYT's Baquet, Press Ignore Childish Insubordination Which
May 18th, 2014 11:49 PM
At the Politico, concerning Dean Baquet, the new Executive Editor at the New York Times, Dylan Byers wonders: "How will ... (he) handle the necessary digital transformation facing 'All the news that’s fit to print.'?" The better question is: How will he handle the financial constraints Times management will almost inevitably have to impose on a stagnant if not shrinking newsroom operation?
LAT Buries the Lede: Calif. Rail Authority Tried to Intimidate Consult
May 11th, 2014 10:33 AM
The estimated cost of the initial segment of California's bullet train, Golden State Governor Jerry Brown's pet project, has (excuse the pun) just shot up from $6.19 billion to $7.13 billion. If this is the only overrun encountered in this opening phase, which would be atypical, and if the California High Speed Rail Authority has similar experiences during the remainder of the project, assuming…
NPR Picks New CEO From L.A. Who Bankrolls DNC, ACLU, and Barack Obama
May 10th, 2014 9:49 AM
NPR named a new CEO on Friday. His name is Jarl Mohn (pronounced “Yarl Moan”), who was a founder of the cable channel E and an executive at MTV and VH-1.
Leftists might worry with these corporate connections, but Mohn has been a major donor to Pasadena NPR station KPCC – as well as a major donor to Barack Obama and the DNC. For 15 years, from 1994 to 2009, he chaired the board of the ACLU of…
Chicken Little Alert: LA Times Reports on Race to Breed Weather-Resist
May 4th, 2014 1:29 PM
Not only is the Los Angeles Times reporting on the latest global warming scare, it is also informing us how Chicken Little and the other farm animals are being bred to resist the onslaught of global warming. Despite the fact that there has been no actual global warming for 17 years, the Times breathlessly informs us how scientists are working to…
Not Too Long Ago, the LA Times Lavished Praise on Don Sterling
May 3rd, 2014 1:20 PM
And so, what many suspected is documented.
The liberals of Los Angeles loved Donald Sterling. So much so that the liberal Los Angeles Times – acknowledging the paper knew of stories alleging Sterling was a bigot – headlined and sub-headlined a loving profile of Sterling on January 3, 2010 by reporter Sandy Banks this way:
Establishment Press Has Virtually Ignored DOJ's Pernicious 'Operation
May 2nd, 2014 11:59 PM
In June 2006, the New York Times, over strident pleas not to from the Bush 43 administration, published details of how counterterrorism officials were "tracing transactions of people suspected of having ties to Al Qaeda by reviewing records from the nerve center of the global banking industry." According to the administration, the program had "helped in the capture of the most wanted Qaeda…
AP Report on Toyota's HQ Move From Calif. to Texas Downplays Taxes, Re
April 28th, 2014 11:51 PM
The Associated Press's lengthy Monday evening treatment of Toyota's decision to move its U.S. headquarters and consolidate many of its North American operations in Metro Dallas is reasonably good in spots. But Gillian Flaccus and Michael R. Blood were unduly selective in reporting Torrance, California Mayor Frank Scotto's reaction to the news that his town would be losing several thousand jobs…
No Press Story IDs Sentenced Former Bell, Calif. City Manager as a Dem
April 16th, 2014 2:06 PM
In September 2010, Lachlan Markay at NewsBusters put up a post entitled "Eight Dems Arrested in Bell, CA 'Corruption on Steroids' - Not a Single Mention of Party Affiliation From Media."
Almost four years later (!), reviews of search engine results and specific news stories on the sentencing of Robert Rizzo, the community's former city manager, are again returning no mentions of the fact that…
LA Times Cartoonist Scribe Deems Koch Brothers Worse Than Corrupt Demo
April 9th, 2014 6:54 PM
Wow, what a great year to work as a political cartoonist in California, especially if you're also a columnist.
Back in January, a California state senator name Rod Wright was convicted on all eight counts in his trial for voter fraud and perjury. Just a few weeks later, another state senator from California, Ron Calderon, was indicted on two dozen (!) counts of bribery, fraud, money…
Media Ignore César Chávez’s Opposition to Illegal Immigration, Rac
March 27th, 2014 1:45 PM
Rather than dismissing his contrary views as sour grapes, the media simply ignore César Chávez’s opinions that stray from liberal orthodoxy.
Chávez was a 1960s and 70s union leader who promoted unionization and Californian farm workers’ strikes. The farm workers of the time were predominantly Latino. He is particularly famous for the Delano grape strike: a five-year strike and boycott against…