Imagine That: LA Times Political Editor Worries That Dems in Handcuffs

March 27th, 2014 12:51 AM
Pass the smelling salts. Wednesday afternoon Pacific Time (early evening Eastern Time), someone at the Los Angeles Times actually noticed something quite a bit less than perfect about the Democratic Party and its politicians. Okay, it's an analysis piece at the Politics Now blog by Political Editor Cathleen Decker. But most LA Times "analyses" are insufferably far to the left and consist of…

Not News: Jerry Brown's 'Joke' at the Expense of 'Old People' in Promo

March 19th, 2014 6:06 PM
California Governor Jerry Brown apparently thinks he's some kind of comedian. I would suggest that he not quit his current day job, but many readers would probably prefer he do that. At a union-organized joint legislative conference on Monday, as reported in the Sacramento Bee, Brown told the following knee-slapper in connection with the high-speed rail project which is on track (excuse the…

LA Times Columnist Proclaims The 'Study of Ignorance' Leads to Big Tob

March 10th, 2014 8:35 AM
Longtime Los Angeles Times reporter-turned-business columnist Michael Hiltzik let his liberal flag fly on the front of Sunday’s Business section. The online headline was “Cultural production of ignorance provides rich field for study.” The protagonist of this story was academic Robert Proctor of Stanford, touted as “one of the world's leading experts in agnotology, a neologism signifying the…

Leftists Try, Fail to Suppress Krauthammer Column; Fox's Kurtz Not Amu

February 25th, 2014 10:19 AM
It would be easy to dismiss the attempt by the leftist groups Credo Mobilize and Forecast the Facts to prevent the Washington Post from publishing Charles Krauthammer's February 20 column ("The Myth of 'Settled Science'") as the whining of immature children who cover their ears and say "la-la, we can't hear you, and we're going to shut you up" every time they come across inconvenient facts.… Shows Koch Campaign Money Dwarfed by Dozens of Other G

February 17th, 2014 3:28 PM
NOTE: Go to the end of this post to see my reaction to an email NB received from  The web site has done a great deal of useful work. Especially helpful are its lists of high-dollar political campaign donor organizations. The web site's 1989-2014 and 2012-specific lists, to name just two, demonstrate that the hyperventilating on the left and in the…

In Headline, NY Times Calls Criminal Alien a 'Mexican Man' When He's E

January 24th, 2014 11:21 AM
When Edgar Tamayo killed a police officer in Houston, he could have been defined by our national media as "an American living in the shadows." But in Thursday's New York Times, the headline was "Texas Executes Mexican Man for Murder." Reporter Manny Fernandez began by noting outrage at Rick Perry's Texas from "the State Department, Mexican officials, and Latino advocates," but it wasn't…

LAT's Terhune Claims Obamacare's Insurers, Not Government, Are 'Under

January 14th, 2014 12:45 PM
Let's see. We know, to name just a few of many impositions, that much of the enrollee information that and other exchanges have communicated to insurers has been erroneous, that insurers have had to deal with signing up hundreds of thousands of policyholders they originally cancelled, that deadlines for premium payments have been serially revised, and that there is no…

In May, LAT's McManus Called IRS, DOJ Spying on AP 'Scandals'; But Now

January 9th, 2014 1:55 PM
In the competition for most obvious Obama administration apparatchik at the Los Angeles Times (i.e., the biggest tool in the toolbox), Doyle McManus has to be considered a front-runner. As I noted on Tuesday (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), McManus, in a Sunday column, contended that "President Obama has run into his share of controversies, but none that quite reached scandalhood." He even…

LAT's Doyle McManus: 'None' of Obama's 'Controversies ... Quite Reache

January 7th, 2014 11:11 PM
Los Angeles Times columnists have produced several delusional doozies in the past few days. One of the more hysterical came from Doyle McManus on Sunday ("The president's hump year; The sixth year is often tough, but Obama could triumph"). While acknowledging that "The public's initial romance with the president has faded" and that "events are in charge now," he backhandedly described Obama's…

Los Angeles Times Skips the I-Word As California Grants Law License to

January 4th, 2014 7:11 AM
The Los Angeles Times decided, as one of California’s leading arbiters of political correctness, that they would skip the ironic headline of “Illegal alien wins license to practice law.” That kind of direct language is a bit too honest. The use of the I-word will be banned in all civilized and "inclusive"  forums in the future, and this may mark the beginning. “California court grants law…

LA Times: Finally, There May Be an 'Answer to the Koch Brothers' — A

December 23rd, 2013 12:50 PM
Did you know that the left has been almost completely starved for funding all these years? Why, there's almost nobody out there providing seed money for "community organizers," activists, and "advocacy groups" to offset the evil impact of the Koch brothers. Continuing an establishment press meme going back at least to April, as NewsBusters' Tim Graham noted at the time, that's the impression…

Not News in Calif. Press: Doctors Not Joining Covered California Excha

December 8th, 2013 8:50 AM
On Friday morning, Richard Pollock at the Washington Examiner (HT Ed Driscoll at PJ Media) broke an important story about the the large number of doctors choosing not to participate in Covered California, the state's Obamacare exchange. The odds that the agenda-driven press in the formerly Golden State of California was already aware of this problem and chose not to report on it would seem to…

Los Angeles Times Front Page Dominated by Disney Cartoon Ad

November 27th, 2013 2:53 PM
NB reader Gary Hall reports "It's not unusual to see a fake wrap front page at the LAT's - that's a full page ad that you peel off an throw away. Sometimes it's a half page that's wrapped around."  (Washington Post readers often have a sticker advertisement pasted on the front page.) But Wednesday's Los Angeles Times is dominated by an ad for the Disney cartoon movie "Frozen." This is the…

Newsroom Jokes About JFK Were Slow to Surface

November 3rd, 2013 9:25 AM
Longtime Los Angeles Times political reporter Robert Shogan died this week at 83. The Times appreciated him with the GOP consultant Mike Murphy's  title "the Colombo of American political journalism." The Washington Post obituary noted Shogan "leavened some of his books with accounts of newsroom irreverence that did not appear in the next day's paper." For example, this line about JFK: