Los Angeles Times
L.A. Times Finds It Ironic Most Trump Hat Factory Workers Are Latino
November 25th, 2015 3:13 PM
Los Angeles Times reporter Christine Mai-Duc thinks she has found irony in the fact that most of the workers at the factory that manufactures Donald Trump "Make America Great Again" hats are Latino. Of course there is really nothing ironic in this since all the factory workers have legal status so no illegal workers are working at the plant. What is truly ironic is that the reporter, while trying…
Media Pushback Against Invoking 'No-Go Zones' Ensues
November 17th, 2015 11:10 AM
The Washington Post's Erik Wemple and certain "I walked through Bedford Stuy alone" reporters are contending that, in Wemple's words, "the term 'no-go zone' is best left in retirement." No sir, it needs to be defined appropriately, then used when appropriate.
Avoiding use of the term enables a dangerous detachment from reality. There is already quite a surplus of that. Patrick J. McDonnell at…
Nets Skip Senate Dems Blocking Bill Cracking Down on Sanctuary Cities
October 21st, 2015 1:08 AM
The “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC punted Tuesday night on news that Senate Democrats successfully blocked legislation aimed at cracking down on sanctuary cities. Doing the job the networks could have been doing, Fox Business Network (FBN) host Lou Dobbs alerted his views on Tuesday to the story that he described as “business as usual” with “Senate Republican leadership permitting…
Liberal Media Call Weird, Crude ‘Crazy Ex-Girlfriend’ ‘Intoxicating'
October 12th, 2015 6:10 PM
Ludicrous and offensive content remains ludicrous and offensive, even when it’s set to music.
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend on the CW network is meant to be a comedic, musical tale of female obsession with a former flame. Left-wing Slate.com said the show that made a joke about teen abortions and included a gross-out nether regions waxing was “charming,” and “very funny.” The Los Angeles Times called it “…
Trippin' With Trippi: All Is Really Well With Hillary's Campaign
September 29th, 2015 12:00 AM
In an example of Animal House brought to life, Joe Trippi, Howard Dean's former 2004 campaign manager who during the past few years (until now) seemed reasonably sane, went to the op-ed section of the Los Angeles Times to declare in essence that "All is well" with Hillary Clinton's march to the Democratic Party's coronation — er, nomination.
In Trippi's fantasyland (i.e., Trippiland), the fact…
LAT, AP Ignore Dems' Economic Revolt Against California Enviro Zealots
September 14th, 2015 4:44 PM
You wouldn't know it from reading the national coverage by the Associated Press or stories at the Los Angeles Times, but California Governor Jerry Brown and his fellow far-left Democratic Party environmentalists suffered significant setbacks last week.
How bad? So bad that the Times editorial board accused "a new crop of moderate Democratic legislators" of succumbing to "oil industry propaganda…
LA Times Puts 'Survivors' in Scare Quotes in Story on Abortion Hearing
September 10th, 2015 12:10 PM
The Los Angeles Times apparently doesn't think "women who were born during botched abortions in the 1970s" are abortion "survivors," as a Wednesday article about two such women featured a title that put the term in scare quotes: "Abortion 'survivors' criticize Planned Parenthood on Capitol Hill." Marcus E. Howard led the item by hyping that "House Republicans on Wednesday fueled an already…
Dem Donor: Hillary's Email Scandal is GOP's 'Swift Boat Issue of 2015'
August 24th, 2015 4:01 PM
You can tell that the left is getting nervous about a scandal when they invoke the successful Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth campaign of 2004 against John Kerry.
As I noted on Saturday, Maria L. La Ganga at the Los Angeles Times did that as she described Planned Parenthood's attempts to fight back against the Center For Medical Progress's exposure of their baby body parts business. On Friday…
Barely News: Two-Thirds of Blacks Prefer 'All Lives Matter'
August 23rd, 2015 10:16 AM
Most of us have heard it by now. If you have the audacity to point out in a conversation or speech that "All lives matter," you're a hateful, violent raging racist out to undermine the (white guy George Soros-funded) "Black Lives Matter" movement. Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Martin O'Malley have toth made the "mistake" of contending that "All lives matter" during the…
LA Times Relays Planned Parenthood's '3 Percent' Abortions Myth
August 22nd, 2015 11:44 PM
Earlier today, I noted that Los Angeles Times reporter Maria L. La Ganga compared the heroic undercover work done by investigators at the Center for Medical Progress to the 2004 efforts of the Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth. She meant it as a negative, claiming that the Swift Vets' assertions about Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry's service in Vietnam and his antiwar activities…
LA Times Reporter: CMP's Vids Are Like 'Discredited' Swiftvets 'Smear'
August 22nd, 2015 1:11 PM
Well, this was inevitable. On the same day that the Center for Medical Progress exposed the CEO of former Planned Parenthood partner StemExpress laughing "about shipping whole baby heads," a reporter at the Los Angeles Times, in what I have beeen told is a front-page story, has compared CMP's video campaign exposing the commerce in baby body parts to the 2004 Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth's…
Crickets: Fed Official Finds No Evidence That QE Accomplished Anything
August 20th, 2015 10:26 AM
Imagine if, in 1987, a Federal Reserve official could have pointed to a poorly performing economy and said, "Gee, this supply-side economics hasn't worked out very well." The press would surely have treated the story as a front-page item and ensured that it got air time on the Big Three networks' then-dominant nightly news broadcasts. Of course, there was no such credible report, because the…
Not News: StemExpress's Thursday Courtroom Setback Against CMP
August 14th, 2015 11:50 PM
As Spencer Raley at NewsBusters noted earlier this evening, StemExpress, "the now infamous biomedical company which allegedly bought fetal tissue from Planned Parenthood for profit, is breaking off its relationship with the nation’s leading abortion provider." Raley referenced a Politico item by Jennifer Haberkorn with a mid-afternoon Friday time stamp. As far as I can tell, it is the only…
Cover-Up: Major Papers Keep Hillary's E-Mails Off the Front Page
August 12th, 2015 4:14 PM
Four of the country's largest papers kept the latest developments in Hillary Clinton's growing e-mail scandal off the front page on Wednesday. The revelation that the Democratic candidate had top secret information on her server was relegated to the bottom of page A13 in the New York Times. The Washington Post managed to place the additional news that Clinton will finally turn over her server on…