Los Angeles Times
California's $15/Hr. Min. Wage Gives Public Union Employees Big Raises
March 31st, 2016 9:01 PM
A Los Angeles Times story by Liam Dillon and Patrick McGreevy hailed the "historic" increase in the state-mandated minimum wage to $15 an hour.
Apparently giddy with excitement, the pair also unwisely told readers that many public-sector employees who earn far more will be receiving big raises as a result of the legislation with having to bother negotiating with the government entities involved…
Nets Censor Two Reports on Investigation into Hillary's E-Mail Server
March 28th, 2016 8:28 PM
On Monday night, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC found it pertinent to keep their viewers in the dark of stories from the Los Angeles Times and Washington Post that each provided new information on the massive scale of the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s e-mail server scandal as she continues her presidential campaign.
George Clooney Endorses Clinton, Bashes Trump in Email Endorsement
March 22nd, 2016 2:05 PM
Hillary Clinton’s latest fundraising email sent out Monday revealed an endorsement from another Hollywood backer: George Clooney. In the email, picked up by several media outlets, like the Los Angeles Times, Variety and the Huffington Post, Clooney bashed Trump while praising Clinton as “the only grown-up in the room” and the “voice of tolerance” in the 2016 race.
Networks Yawn at ISIS Inspiration for California Stabbing Spree
March 18th, 2016 5:09 PM
ABC, CBS, and NBC's morning newscasts on Friday all failed to cover the FBI's revelation on Thursday that Faisal Mohammad, a University of California, Merced student who went on a stabbing spree in November 2015, was inspired by ISIS. Instead of covering this development, ABC's Good Morning America devoted one minute and 25 minutes to a proposed regulation in San Francisco against "man-spreading…
Carl's Jr. HQ Moving From Calif. to Nashville; Press Avoids Saying Why
March 10th, 2016 9:12 AM
For years, Andrew F. Puzder, the CEO of CKE Restaurants, the parent company of the Carl's Jr. and Hardee's fast-food chains, has been telling the world that while the U.S. government makes life needlessly miserable for businesses, California, where it has been headquartered, is exponentially worse.
This week, CKE announced that it is moving its headquarters to Nashville, Tennessee. A story at…
Top Newspaper Movie Critics Rejoice for New Pro-Abortion Documentary
March 5th, 2016 11:54 AM
One-sided propaganda films celebrating abortion doctors are always an easy demonstration of how liberal the nation's leading newspapers are. All their film critics are celebrating a new documentary called Trapped, which was also promoted in a recent John Oliver pro-abortion rant on his HBO "comedy" show.
LA Times Pushes View That Every White Person Is Hopelessly Racist
February 24th, 2016 11:40 AM
The racial self-loathing of white liberals is one bit of evidence that points to the Donald Trump phenomenon. The Los Angeles Times published a breast-beating self-denunciation – Two Minutes of Self-Hate? – by author Jim Grimsley, who insisted against the black president and all other evidence that “I have found that black people are all too aware that progress on racial issues has hardly moved…
Mika Brzezinski: A Reporter Has Hillary Wall Street Speech Transcripts
February 22nd, 2016 11:59 AM
Early Saturday morning, while covering the upcoming Nevada Democratic Party caucuses, co-host Mika Brzezinski claimed on MSNBC's Morning Joe show that a "print reporter" has "actual transcripts" of certain of Hillary Clinton's paid speeches to financial firms.
This naturally leads to the question of whether we'll ever actually see the words Mrs. Clinton spoke which typically "earned" her roughly…
LA Times Story On Venezuela Gas Prices Avoids the S-Word — And Reality
February 21st, 2016 11:57 PM
If form holds, the Democratic Party's presidential candidates in the U.S. will continue to spout various forms of socialism and class warfare as the answers to this nation's woes in hopes of buying enough "free stuff" votes to hang on to the White House.
Venezuela's apparent imminent economic collapse poses a problem for this strategy. The country's problems are the direct result of 15 years of…
LA Times Writer Uses Daughter As Prop, Slams 'Frightening' GOP Field
February 10th, 2016 9:55 AM
Gary Jacobs is a former television comedy writer and producer who occasionally writes supposedly humorous and satirical columns for the Los Angeles Times.
Previous offerings from Jacobs, whose work is not labeled as humor, include what anyone would recognize as obvious sendups, such as "A sneak peek of President Trump's first State of the Union address," and "What a GOP presidential debate with…
LA Times: 'White People Must Take Responsibility' for Trump
January 9th, 2016 7:27 AM
The Los Angeles Times hired Dexter Thomas as a “contact reporter” to cover “black Twitter,” to write about black issues as they percolate through social media. But he ended 2015 by doling out advice to white people in an analysis headlined “In 2016, white people must take responsibility for Donald Trump.”
Or as Thomas put it, "White people, come get your boy."
Jerry Brown's Fondness For 'Coercive Power' Gets Little Attention
December 14th, 2015 2:42 PM
Imagine a Republican or conservative governor boasting of his or her use of "the coercive power of government" to accomplish center-right policy goals. The political and media backlash would be furious — and justified.
Such statist rhetoric is becoming ever more commonplace on the left, and is rising to ever higher political levels. The establishment press is mostly ignoring this development,…
LA Times Editorial Opposes 'No Fly List' Gun Ban As ACLU Waffles
December 8th, 2015 3:53 PM
In the debate over whether persons whose names are on the "no-fly list" should be denied their constitutional right to purchase a gun, one quite predictable thing has happened. Now that President Barack Obama has come out in favor of such a move in a nationally televised speech — to the point of wondering "What could possibly be the argument?" for opposing him — The ACLU, which 5 years ago…
Powerless: Left and Media Vilify 90 Percent of Energy Supply
December 1st, 2015 10:12 AM
Certain types of energy are certain targets for the 190 governments’ representatives gathering in Paris this week and from green activists surrounding the melee.
The goal of the U.N. climate conference in Paris, known as COP21, is to get an international agreement on reducing carbon emissions, out of fear that climate change is a global threat. But the agenda of some developing nations to make…