
Steyn Slams Obama for 'Dishonoring' Dead Christians, Media Still Quiet

April 9th, 2015 12:46 PM
Though the networks have been silent on Barack Obama's latest slam against Christians, writer Mark Steyn unloaded on the President, Wednesday. Appearing on Hannity, the commentator responded to Obama's critique of "less than loving Christians" by highlighting the murder of Kenyan Christians: "This is a guy who's happy to draw general lessons when a black youth gets killed in Ferguson, Missouri.…

Mark Levin: Time for Discusssion of Obama's Anti-Semitism

March 21st, 2015 2:01 PM
Mark Levin was plain. And the question is now on the table for discussion. Both on his own eponymous radio show and in an appearance on Sean Hannity’s TV show, in discussing President Obama’s treatment of Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Mark specifically and in detail accused the Obama administration of anti-Semitism and liberals in general of flat-out racism, all of this protected by…

Juan Williams: There Are 'Elements of Racism' in Today's Constitution

February 23rd, 2015 4:10 PM
In a discussion with plenty of other objectionable elements on Sean Hannity's Fox News show Friday, Juan Williams asserted that "There's no question that if you look at our Constitution, there are elements of racism right in it." Note his use of the present tense. The version of this country's founding document Williams was referencing must be 147 or more years old, because the only element of…

ABC, CBS, NBC Skip Marie Harf’s Lefty ‘Jobs for ISIS’ Idea

February 18th, 2015 2:00 PM
State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf’s statement that “we cannot win this war” against ISIS by “killing them” and suggestion that “we go after the root causes” like “lack of opportunity for jobs” was even too ridiculous for a liberal like Chris Matthews to swallow. Yet this latest embarrassing moment for Barack Obama’s administration has yet to be reported on any of the Big Three (…

On Hannity, Retired Generals Slam NBC, Ayman Mohyeldin

February 12th, 2015 12:48 PM
It hasn’t been a good week for NBC’s PR team.  Their top anchor has humiliated the network and been suspended for six months after being outed as a liar.  And one of their foreign correspondents continues to take heat for making offensive comments about a celebrated American hero, American Sniper Chris Kyle. Two retired generals appeared on Hannity Tuesday evening to disucss the letter they sent…

Bozell on Williams Suspension; ‘This Thing Is Not Going to Go Away'

February 10th, 2015 11:29 PM
Reacting to the news on Tuesday that NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams had been suspended for six months indefinitely without pay, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell joined Sean Hannity on his Fox News Channel (FNC) show and described the decision as “very strange” considering how the lies Williams told are “not going to go away.” Appearing with Hot Air’s Noah Rothman and…

MRC's Brent Bozell: Brian Williams 'Has No Credibility Left'

February 9th, 2015 11:26 PM
Media Research Center President Brent Bozell joined the Fox News Channel’s Hannity on Monday night to discuss the growing number of lies made by NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams that Bozell declared has left him with “no credibility” and warned that “neither will NBC if they bring him back” to anchor their evening newscast. Bozell began by observing that “[t]he news is just getting worse…

On Hannity, Bozell Slams: Brian Williams Is 'Lying About Everything'

February 7th, 2015 10:56 AM
According to Media Research Center President Brent Bozell, Brian Williams is “lying about everything." Bozell appeared on the February 6 edition of Fox News’s Hannity and asserted that the NBC anchor has clearly fabricated multiple parts of his claim to have been in a helicopter shot by an RPG in 2003.

Goldberg, Krauthammer Blast Williams: Stunning 'How Dumb This Is'

February 6th, 2015 11:54 AM
Fox News contributors Bernard Goldberg and Charles Krauthammer appeared on separate Fox News Channel (FNC) programs on Thursday to weigh in on the controversy surrounding NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams severe case of lying with Goldberg declaring it “a special kind of lie” Williams committed and Krauthammer remarking that “what stuns me is how dumb this is.”

MRC's Bozell: Brian Williams Must Go for Lying About Iraq Story

February 6th, 2015 12:31 AM
Appearing on the Fox News Channel (FNC) program Hannity on Thursday night, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell called on NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams to do “the honorable thing” and “resign” following the lie that he had told for years that his helicopter was hit by an RPG over Iraq in March 2003. Bozell told host Sean Hannity that Williams’s claim about his false story being…

Nets Skip News Detainee Traded for Bergdahl Working to Rejoin Taliban

January 30th, 2015 12:57 AM
On Thursday night, the major broadcast networks declined to cover reports that one of the five Taliban detainees swapped for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in May 2014 has been seeking to rejoin the terrorism ranks by contacting Taliban members back in Afghanistan. The news, which was broken by CNN Thursday afternoon, came following reports on Wednesday from Fox News and NBC News that the Army could be…

Hannity Exposes MSNBCers Exploiting Snow Storm to Push Leftist Agenda

January 28th, 2015 1:43 PM
On his Thursday show, Sean Hannity showcased how the liberal media will use almost every weather event to advance their radical climate change agenda

Showtime’s ‘Homeland’ To Drop Muslim Terrorism From Future Storylines?

January 14th, 2015 12:00 PM
The deadly Islamist terror attack last week against French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo is forcing many in the media to make hard choices about reporting on or portraying Islam. Showtime’s primetime drama “Homeland,” which deals with terrorist plots threatening the U.S., is weighing the decision to avoid any plots dealing with Islamic terror in the upcoming season, Entertainment Weekly and…

Hannity & Steyn Slam Weak Terror Response from CNN, NYT, Jon Stewart

January 9th, 2015 3:36 PM
On Thursday, the tag team of FNC’s Sean Hannity and conservative author Mark Steyn slammed the weak response by American journalists and satirists to the recent terror attack on Charlie Hebdo in France. On the January 8 edition of FNC’s Hannity, the host asked Steyn to make his case about how the “media has cowered in the face of radical Islamists.”