Night Two: Tucker Shares New Audio, Reveals New Biden Docs Vanished

Tuesday’s Tucker Carlson Tonight was one for the ages, both in terms of content and ratings. The Tony Bobulinski interview embarrassed the liberal media’s willful censorship of Bobulinski painting the Biden family as corrupt and, in his words, “compromised.” For Wednesday’s show, Carlson had new audio to share, thoughts on the media black-out, and a disturbing incident in which new…

Curtis Houck
October 29th, 2020 12:06 AM

Nets Censor Senate Hearing on Big Tech Censorship of Hunter Story

There was some heavy censorship inception occurring on the broadcast networks Wednesday evening, as they censored the Senate hearing called to address Big Tech censorship of conservatives and stories damaging to Democratic nominee Joe Biden on their platforms. Instead, ABC’s World News Tonight, the CBS Evening News, and NBC Nightly News all boasted about Biden…

Nicholas Fondacaro
October 28th, 2020 8:49 PM

NEW NewsBusters Podcast: Silence of the Media Lambs for Biden

In the last pre-election edition of the NewsBusters Podcast, Executive Editor Tim Graham discusses the media's aerobic aversion to any story dealing with Hunter Biden -- and Joe Biden's brother Jim -- trying to negotiate some lucrative business in China. MRC Research Director Rich Noyes is the guest, discussing his latest study of the ABC, CBS, and NBC evening newscasts. Biden is barely…

NB Staff
October 28th, 2020 7:57 PM
Hunter Biden poll

Morning Joe SHOCKED Poll Shows Biden Scandal 'Sticking' With Voters

Less than a week from Election Day, the media and big tech are desperately trying to hold back the flood waters of the Hunter Biden fiasco that was sparked by a New York Post story that ties Joe Biden to a meeting with a Ukrainian energy executive. On MSNBC’s Morning Joe Wednesday, co-host Mika Brzezinski asked Politico’s Jake Sherman about the results of a poll of registered voters…

John Shannon
October 28th, 2020 7:47 PM

Tucker Carlson Pulls in MONSTER Ratings for Tony Bobulinski Interview

The numbers are in for Tucker Carlson’s Tuesday night interview with Tony Bobulinski and they’re gigantic. According to numbers released early Wednesday night, Carlson pulled in 7.562 million viewers for the bombshell interview with direct evidence of the Biden family’s rank corruption, including a phone call with Biden associate Bob Walker pleading with Bobulinski not to go public.

Curtis Houck
October 28th, 2020 7:33 PM

Off Key: More Vocalists Sing Praises of Joe Biden

It’s the final stretch toward election day, and left-wing singers are out in force to persuade their fans to vote for Joe Biden. Harry Styles and Fall Out Boy recently announced their support for the Democrat Party’s 2020 candidate, while Demi Lovato sent out another plea via Twitter for people to vote…

Sergie Daez
October 28th, 2020 6:48 PM

Sen. Johnson SKEWERS Dorsey for Denying Twitter Influences Elections

In a hearing about Big Tech censorship, a Republican raked Twitter’s CEO over the coals for daring to suggest that it doesn’t influence American elections.

Alexander Hall
October 28th, 2020 4:46 PM

WashPost: COVID-Positive Dodger Celebration Lessens ‘Accomplishment’

With all do respect to delicate, pearl-clutching matrons, why are so many of them attracted to writing about sports? Check out The Washington Post’s Barry Svrluga and his more-in-sorrow scolding of L.A. Dodgers third baseman Justin Turner for celebrating his world series win with the team. (And Svrluga isn't the only one.)

Matt Philbin
October 28th, 2020 3:55 PM

Michael Keaton: Listen To His Biden Ad Because ‘I’m Friggin’ Batman.’

Superheroes today are becoming less entertaining and more political.

Sergie Daez
October 28th, 2020 3:39 PM

Wicker, Cruz, Thune SLAM Big Tech CEOs for Online Censorship

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) accused Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey of making a "false" statement "under oath" at a hearing on Big Tech censorship. The senator complained that Dorsey said the bombshell “@nypost story alleging Biden’s CCP corruption” could be tweeted. “Still blocked,” tweeted Cruz. The fallout was the perfect top to a contentious hearing. Senate Republicans had been itching to confront…

Kayla Sargent
October 28th, 2020 3:10 PM

Is Getting Trump Worth It?

President Donald Trump is not the first president to be hated by a large segment of the American population. In more recent times, there was considerable hate for President Ronald Reagan. Even though the Democratic Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill and Reagan were polar opposites in their politics, they could be friends. Once, when Reagan confronted O'Neill about nasty things that he said about…

Walter E. Williams
October 28th, 2020 2:56 PM

Tech CEO’s Struggle to Give Single Example of Liberal Censorship

CEO’s from Twitter and Facebook struggled to provide one example of a liberal being censored on their respective platforms during a Senate hearing about Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. “I’m just asking you if you can name for me one high-profile liberal person or company who you have censored,” Lee stated. “I just want one name of one person or one entity.”

Alec Schemmel
October 28th, 2020 2:00 PM

Chelsea Handler Brags About ‘Assaulting’ Conservatives in Airports

The hosts of The View were eager to have left-wing comedian Chelsea Handler on the show this week, after her public blow up on social media at rapper 50 Cent for saying he would vote Trump (then recanting). 

Kristine Marsh
October 28th, 2020 1:58 PM

Bloomberg Employees Trash OAN as Network of the 'MAGA Hajj'

The table of contents of the October 26 Bloomberg Businessweek magazine touts a story on "The Future of MAGA TV: At One America News Network, they're fed up with those lefties at Fox." Inside, the headline is "An Audience of One: OAN has positioned itself as the Trumpiest channel on air -- and an eventual home for the president, win or lose."

Tim Graham
October 28th, 2020 1:49 PM