Stossel Column: Don’t Freak Out!

Worried about Tuesday? Remember: The most important parts of life happen outside politics. Love, friendship, family, raising children, building businesses, worship, charity work -- that is the stuff of life! Politicians get in the way of those things. But despite the efforts of power-hungry Republicans and Democrats, life gets better. You may not believe that. Surveys show most people think…

John Stossel
October 29th, 2020 3:27 PM

Kevin Costner Admires Buttigieg, Thinks Biden Is ‘For Both Sides’

Another Hollywood actor joined the Joe Biden fan club (surprise, surprise), but he’s still pining after one of the former 2020 presidential candidates. 

Sergie Daez
October 29th, 2020 3:24 PM

Twitter STILL BLOCKING New York Post on Platform

Twitter, apparently, is continuing to censor the free press in America. 
For the sixteenth day in a row, the New York Post’s (the Post) Twitter account still appears to be locked.

Kayla Sargent
October 29th, 2020 3:01 PM

Girl Scouts Apologize For Congratulating Justice Barrett

The Girl Scouts of America can't bring themselves to recognize the accomplishments of one very successful woman, SCOTUS Justice Amy Coney Barrett. Apparently, only Democrat, pro-choice, and/or non Trump-appointed judges are GSA material these days.


Gabriel Hays
October 29th, 2020 3:00 PM

SICK MSNBC Argues With Venezuelan-Americans That Trump = Chavez

According to MSNBC's Ellison Barber, the Trump campaign's appeal to Venezuelan-American voters in Florida warning of socialism is working, which naturally led her to interview two Trump supporters for Wednesday's MSNBC Live and argue that Trump is the one who is more like former socialist dictator Hugo Chavez.

Alex Christy
October 29th, 2020 2:36 PM
J.R. Smith

NBA Player Slammed For Privilege Over False Claim About Trump

In a story tagged in the "White People" category, Deadspin writer Donovan Dooley goes off the deep end about a false premise: NBA player Sam Dekker's white privilege. The accusation is based on J.R. Smith, of the Los Angeles Lakers, claiming something Dekker denied -- that he's a supporter of President Donald Trump.

Jay Maxson
October 29th, 2020 1:44 PM

'View' Lets Cuomo Deny Nursing Home 'Conspiracy,' Blame Trump

The media’s “Homecoming King” Andrew Cuomo continues to get treated like royalty by his adoring media fans. While on The View today, the hosts gushed over his leadership while encouraging him to deflect blame from his own nursing home scandal and blame President Trump instead.

Kristine Marsh
October 29th, 2020 1:06 PM

Nets Bury Disappointing Revelation that ‘Anonymous’ Is a Nobody

Back on September 5, 2018, all three networks treated as hugely important an “anonymous” op-ed from someone the New York Times described as a “senior” official in the Trump administration, unloading his list of grievances with the President. It was “jaw dropping,” “an extraordinary alarm,” and “the most daunting opposition he’s faced yet,” according to the Big Three that night.

Rich Noyes
October 29th, 2020 12:40 PM

Michael Stipe, Jack Black, Weezer, Pink Make Desperate Abortion Appeal

As the nation’s electoral reckoning is mere days away, Hollywood entertainers are using their precious last moments of political persuasion to advocate for more killing of unborn children. What a beautiful set of values the left has, huh?

Gabriel Hays
October 29th, 2020 12:32 PM

Comedy Has No Home Here: Unfunny Colbert Cheers ‘Future Senator’ Dem

If the Democratic National Committee ever starts an official comedy show, and Stephen Colbert wants some additional work, he would be a perfect choice. The Late Night host on Wednesday interviewed Democratic senatorial candidate Jaime Harrison and offered not a single joke during the segment. Instead, he praised the liberal for his promotion of “hope” and sneered that incumbent…

Scott Whitlock
October 29th, 2020 11:37 AM

Scarborough Says Jared Kushner's 'Ill-Equipped' For Any Task for Trump

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough, speaking of Jared Kushner's performance as head of a White House task force on PPE procurement, says that Kushner is "of course, ill-equipped to handle this or any other task he's been given at the White House." Scarborough thus ignores Kushner's groundbreaking success in engineering the most important Middle East peace progress in more than 40 years, with…

Mark Finkelstein
October 29th, 2020 10:41 AM

Proof! Sen. Marsha Blackburn Shows How Twitter Censors by Citing MRC

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said “We haven’t censored the U.S. president.” Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) proved him wrong by referencing a Media Research Center study during yesterday’s Senate hearing discussing Big Tech bias.

NB Staff
October 29th, 2020 10:09 AM

The Nine Worst New York Times (Failed) Hatchet Jobs of the Trump Era

The following is a breakdown of just SOME of the worst hatchet jobs by New York Times journalists during the last four years.

Geoffrey Dickens
October 29th, 2020 10:07 AM

Fox Business’s Charles Payne Worried Biden Tax Plan Will Harm 401(k)s

Fox Business host Charles Payne expressed major concerns over the disastrous consequences Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s leftist tax plan would inflict on Americans if it were ever implemented.

Joseph Vazquez
October 29th, 2020 9:53 AM