Blackmail? ABC: Biden Losing Could ‘Call into Question’ Our Democracy

Early Wednesday morning on ABC, three liberal journalists eagerly entertained the idea that, if voters don’t do as Democrats and young people want in electing Joe Biden through both the Electoral College and popular voter, the legitimacy of our Constitution and electoral process could be called into question.

Curtis Houck
November 4th, 2020 5:36 AM

Meghan McCain Royally Chastises Media, Pollsters for Gaslighting U.S.

With many votes and key states still outstanding Wednesday morning in the aftermath of Election Day 2020, one of the few things that were clear was that predictions from pollsters and the media were AGAIN grossly inaccurate. And AGAIN, showed the Democratic candidate with a larger lead than actually panned out. Embodying the frustrations of millions of Americans around the country,…

Nicholas Fondacaro
November 4th, 2020 5:17 AM

CBS Blames Trump for Possible Riots, Wonders If He Can Face Charges

Early Wednesday morning, CBS went DEFCON-1 in reaction to President Trump’s controversial remarks, asserting that not only did he “castrat[e] the facts of the election results,” but his “rhetoric” could be to blame for businesses boarding up in fear of riots and could result in the President facing “repercussions” (read: charges) for what he said at the White House.

Curtis Houck
November 4th, 2020 4:40 AM

Celebs Fume Over No Blue Wave, Blame Polls, Call Election ‘Damning'

Election Night 1, of possibly several more election nights, is over and the race between President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden has become nail-bitingly close, much to the pain of both sides. This especially didn’t sit well with Hollywood lefties who felt robbed of the “blue wave” that the polls had promised.

Gabriel Hays
November 4th, 2020 3:41 AM

Sputtering Hatred on MSNBC: Maybe U.S. IS as Bad as Trump?

Joy Reid on election night, appalled that Donald Trump had won states like Florida and Ohio, wondered if this means that maybe America is simply as bad as Donald Trump himself. Even a narrow Biden lead, in her eyes, would damage the standing of the country beyond repair. 

Scott Whitlock
November 4th, 2020 2:53 AM

Surprise: NBC’s Brokaw Admits Trump Was ‘Clever’ to Cheerlead on COVID

Just as he did on 2016, longtime liberal NBC journalist Tom Brokaw chimed in during the peacock network’s 2020 election returns early Wednesday morning. Not only did Brokaw credit President Trump for having been “very clever” in calling for Americans to return to work amid the coronavirus pandemic, but he also denounced Black Lives Matter riots for “robbing stores” and “tipping over cars” over…

Curtis Houck
November 4th, 2020 2:51 AM

Van Jones: 'These Polls Are Not to Be Trusted,' Close Election Hurts

It wouldn’t be Election Night in America without some emotional ranting from CNN political commentator Van Jones. In 2016, he infamously declared that President Trump won the elections because of “white-lash” to President Obama. Now, in 2020, he was lashing out at pollsters for getting Democratic voters’ hopes up with the rosy predictions, only to burn them with a closer than expected…

Nicholas Fondacaro
November 4th, 2020 2:12 AM

Sick: Colbert Special Blames Trump for Black Panther Star's Death

Four years after melting down on election night, Stephen Colbert’s live Showtime 2020 election show suffered a similar fate. This time, the former comedian left it to guest Charlamagne tha God for the unhinged freak out. Trump has now won Florida, Ohio and is ahead in Wisconsin and Michigan. Charlamagne tha God snarled, “We are all witnesses. Yet, this election is still close tonight.…

Scott Whitlock
November 4th, 2020 1:06 AM

Hedging Bets: CNN Now Says Dem ‘Landslide’ Was ‘Always a Pipe Dream’

With President Trump holding onto good leads in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and Ohio (with strong numbers in the rest of the rust belt), months of media reports about the death of the Trump presidency may have been greatly exaggerated. So much so that shortly before the 10 o’clock hour, CNN started hedging their bets by suggesting pundit predictions of a Democratic landslide were “always…

Nicholas Fondacaro
November 3rd, 2020 11:33 PM

Twitter Labels Pro-Trump Election Calls Even When Media Agree

Twitter couldn’t wait to test its new labeling policy on election night. Several accounts and influencers were given big blue labels after calling a win in certain states for the incumbent, President Donald Trump. 

Corinne Weaver
November 3rd, 2020 11:06 PM

Bitter Nets: GOP ‘Disinformation’ ‘Scared’ FL Latinos Away from Dems

In the early hours of Tuesday’s election night specials on the broadcast networks, multiple liberal journalists were beset by the fact that President Trump was doing far better than expected in Florida and South Florida, due in large part of what they called “disinformation” that successfully “scared” Latinos with fears of Democrats implementing “socialism.”

Curtis Houck
November 3rd, 2020 10:57 PM

Twitter Allows Daily Show Video Portraying Destruction of Florida

It appears as though Twitter is on a constant rampage to combat what it deems misinformation and hate speech, but there are always exceptions. 

“The Daily Show’s” official Twitter account tweeted, “Do we have this technology yet?” The tweet included a video of the Death Star from “Star Wars” destroying Florida in a fiery blaze. The video appeared to be in response to the poll results…

Kayla Sargent
November 3rd, 2020 10:28 PM

Worried MSNBC Slimes Cubans as Dupes ‘Susceptible' to ‘Propaganda’

As Florida turned sour for the Democrats and Joe Biden on election night, worry crept in at MSNBC. Al Sharpton slimed Cuban voters as dupes who are susceptible to “propaganda.” Nicolle Wallace fretted that the liberal network’s viewers might be heading to the “liquor cabinet.” 

Scott Whitlock
November 3rd, 2020 9:51 PM

NYT Deletes Tweet that the ‘News Media’ Will Declare Election Winner

The New York Times, like many users on Twitter  in 2020, may believe itself to be above the U.S. government. 

The news outlet recanted an earlier tweet which stated “the role of declaring a winner of the presidential election falls to the news media. The broadcast networks and cable news outlets have vowed to be prudent. Here’s how it will work.”

Kayla Sargent
November 3rd, 2020 8:19 PM