NBC Blames Trump Backers for COVID Deaths, Tells People to Be ‘Angry’

In a disgusting closing lecture Wednesday in which NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt thought was an intellectual pontification, he told people to get angry at how the U.S. had surpassed 250,000 coronavirus deaths. And as he was telling them that, images of Trump supporters marching through Washington, D.C. and other anti-lockdown protesters flashed on the screen in grim black and…

Nicholas Fondacaro
November 18th, 2020 8:44 PM

NEW NewsBusters Podcast: Hugs and Flowers for Obama's New Book Tour

In the latest enlightening edition of the NewsBusters Podcast, Executive Editor Tim Graham breaks down the gushy interview tour for Barack Obama's latest memoir that reminds America again that the same press that tortures Trump can turn around and spread love all over Obama. Tim is joined by Jorge Bonilla, Director of MRC Latino, to discuss the dramatic leftist tilt of the Spanish-language "…

NB Staff
November 18th, 2020 7:43 PM
Andrea Mitchell and John Brennan

Mitchell Wants End to Trump's ‘Anti-Iran,’ ‘Pro-Israel’ Foreign Policy

On her MSNBC show on Wednesday, anchor Andrea Mitchell repeatedly whined over the Trump administration still conducting foreign policy after the election, as if that was unusual or improper. She was particularly outraged that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was traveling to the Middle East to push an “anti-Iran” and “pro-Israel” agenda.

Kyle Drennen
November 18th, 2020 5:37 PM

Sexist CNN Host: Female GOP Senator Married Her Way to American Dream

It must be nice to live in the hypocritical world of CNN hacks. After all, you can spew sexist misogyny and you don’t have to feel bad about it. That’s what Bill Weir did on Wednesday as he went after incumbent Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler. She tweeted this: “I’ve lived the American dream. I went from the farm to the Fortune 500. I want Georgians to have the same freedom &…

Scott Whitlock
November 18th, 2020 5:30 PM

Walter Williams Column: Correct Diagnostics Needed

You present to a physician with severe abdominal pain. He examines you and concludes that your ingrown toenails are the cause of your abdominal distress. He prescribes that you soak your feet in warm water but that does not bring relief to your abdominal pain. Then he suggests that you apply antibiotics to your feet. Still no relief. Then the physician suggests that you wear sandals instead of…

Walter E. Williams
November 18th, 2020 5:26 PM

American Principles Project Files FEC Complaint Against Facebook

Conservatives have long pointed out Facebook’s leftist bias, but now, the American Principles Project (APP) is calling the social media platform to the mat for its censorious behavior. APP filed a complaint on Tuesday with the Federal Elections Commission (FEC). 

Kayla Sargent
November 18th, 2020 4:56 PM

Keith Olbermann: 'Ban Trump From Twitter for Life,' 'Right Now'

Liberal commentator Keith Olbermann said the president is undermining American democracy from his “toilet,” and he must be stopped. While President Donald Trump remains in office until at least January 20, calls from the left to permanently ban him from Twitter have…

Alec Schemmel
November 18th, 2020 4:27 PM

Ubisoft to Erase Voice Actress from Video Game for Not Being PC

A video game about resisting authority in a dystopian future reportedly stated it will purge a voice actress for questioning transgender ideology. “Ubisoft has announced that they will be removing the guest appearance of a real-world journalist from Watch Dogs: Legion following accusations from fans that she holds transphobic beliefs,” Bounding into Comics reported back on November 9. The…

Alexander Hall
November 18th, 2020 4:07 PM

Jesuit Magazine: Bishops Shouldn’t Alienate Abortion Enthusiast Biden

The Society of Jesus is at it again. The priestly profession of saving souls, which the Jesuits used to be so good at, is persistently superseded by the desire to uphold social justice. 

Sergie Daez
November 18th, 2020 3:32 PM

Rapper LL Cool J Equates Aborting Babies to Not Wearing Your Mask

90s gangsta rapper and B movie actor LL Cool J has just put the Twitter smackdown on anti-mask wearers and pro-life people, so he thinks. Too bad he never realized there’s nothing gangsta about being so afraid of viruses to the point of wanting the government to start controlling people’s lives.

Gabriel Hays
November 18th, 2020 3:21 PM

‘View’: Americans Chose Far Left Ideas This Election

The View co-hosts showed how they live in an alternate reality on Wednesday’s show by declaring the 2020 election was a big win for far left Democrats. 

Kristine Marsh
November 18th, 2020 3:18 PM
Biden Ireland

MSNBC: Irish ‘Anticipation’ of Biden, ‘Impatience’ for Trump to Leave

On Wednesday, MSNBC’s Morning Joe took a brief break from trashing President Trump to tout eager “anticipation” in foreign countries like Ireland for a Joe Biden presidency and “impatience” for the current occupant of the White House to leave. The left-wing show gushed over Biden’s Irish roots and even talked to one of his relatives in the country.

Kyle Drennen
November 18th, 2020 1:32 PM
John Berman air quotes CNN New Day 11-18-20

CNN: Rudy Trying To 'Bilk' Trump for 'Air Quotes' Legal Services

CNN New Day co-host John Berman accuses Rudy Giuliani of trying to "bilk" the Trump campaign for legal services, which he puts in air quotes. Berman raises questions of Giuliani's "mental acuity," and accuses him of "questionable moral values."

Mark Finkelstein
November 18th, 2020 1:23 PM

Obama's Echo Chamber at MSNBC Worries About Trump Echo Chambers

The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg and PBS White House reporter Yamiche Alcindor joined MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell on Monday to long for the days of Barack Obama because those were the days when the president cared about the truth.

Alex Christy
November 18th, 2020 12:54 PM