Leftists Whine that Big Tech Hearing Spread ‘Misinformation’

Yesterday’s hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee sought to shed light on Big Tech censorship, but the left would prefer we pay no attention to what’s going on behind the curtain. The left, of course, wanted to brush off the Nov. 17 hearing, which featured testimony from Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. The…

Kayla Sargent
November 18th, 2020 12:48 PM

Tucker Carlson SCORCHES Big Tech as ‘Censorship Cartel’

Fox News host Tucker Carlson has grown tired of hearings that appear to have no effect on censorship, but hammered one critical moment that could change it all.

Alexander Hall
November 18th, 2020 12:22 PM

Kaepernick Demands Release Of Cop-Killer Mumia Abu-Jamal

NFL reject Colin Kaepernick is re-directing his utter hatred of America's public safety officers to the freeing of cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal. The Philadelphia radical was convicted of first-degree murder for killing Philadelphia police officer and U.S. Army veteran David Faulkner in 1981.

Jay Maxson
November 18th, 2020 12:20 PM

With Fate of Senate in the Balance, Nets Hide Radical Raphael’s HATE

Journalists have already shifted from attack dogs for Donald Trump to cuddly puppies in how they cover Joe Biden. But they’ve been strangely quiet on a man who could help the Democratic Party win the U.S. Senate in a Georgia runoff election. Raphael Warnock, who is facing incumbent Kelly Loeffler, is a radical leftist who has attacked serving in the military and trashed America’s ally Israel.…

Scott Whitlock
November 18th, 2020 12:20 PM

Liberal Media Tries to Warn Parler Is Dangerous

Since the conservative exodus from Twitter and Facebook has begun, the liberal media has wrung its hands over Parler, an alternative to Big Tech platforms.

Heather Moon
November 18th, 2020 11:43 AM

Oprah and Obama Boast Over Obama's 'Scandal Free' Presidency

Barack Obama took his book tour with Democrat donors and family friends to Apple TV+ this week in a lengthy virtual interview with Oprah Winfrey. After getting a cushy interview on CBS with his vacation pal Gayle King, the former president turned to long-time Democrat donor Winfrey for another softball interview over his latest memoir

Kristine Marsh
November 18th, 2020 11:27 AM

Fore! WashPost’s Givhan Gripes Trump Golfing Is ‘White Male Privilege’

Resentment is a powerful emotion. It can choke off reason and poison even moments of triumph. And it plays hell with self-awareness -- just look at the November 18th Washington Post “perspective” piece (oh the irony) by Robin Givhan.

Matt Philbin
November 18th, 2020 10:30 AM

CRAZY: New Scientist Exploits Virus to Push Population Control

Exploiting the coronavirus to promote climate lockdowns apparently wasn’t enough for the leftist media. Now, one publication is looking to use it to push for radical population control. New Scientist (NS) recently published an eco-extremist piece arguing for reductions in the world population.

Joseph Vazquez
November 18th, 2020 10:23 AM

Hack Democratic Rag NY Times Warns of GOP's 'Authoritarian Bent'

New York Times reporter Michael Wines climbed back onto his liberal hobby horse -- thuggish Republicans denying voting rights under the spurious excuse of fighting non-existent vote fraud -- in “Limit Votes? The Right May Need a New Tactic.” Meanwhile, “Plan to Make Losing Look Like a Win,” by Jim Rutenberg and Nick Corasaniti, purported to outline a years-long conspiracy by the Trump…

Clay Waters
November 18th, 2020 9:44 AM

Media Hypocrites Preach Unity Now But Blasted Trump’s 2016 Win

You don’t have to watch very much TV news these days to get the basic plot: President Donald Trump lost the 2020 election, it’s improper for him to challenge the result, and we all must unify around President-elect Joe Biden. That’s not exactly how many journalists reacted four years ago. Here’s a quick flashback to how the media that today tout unity and acceptance dealt with President-elect…

Rich Noyes
November 18th, 2020 9:05 AM

Column: The Aerobic Adoration of Obama

Someone might survey the current media landscape and lecture us conservative media watchdogs that our game is over. Is anyone in America so remarkably naive to believe that the news media are “objective” and nonpartisan, fair and balanced? This old claim seems to have been obliterated under President Trump, but it was also deeply eroded in the media’s incessant and aerobic adoration of Barack…

Tim Graham
November 18th, 2020 6:00 AM

Quarantine Dodging, Maskless Cuomo Attacks Sen. Cruz as ‘COVIDiot’

What makes naked hypocrisy worse than it already was? When the perpetrator was loud, pompous, and self-righteous. That was the nasty mixture brewing on the set of CNN’s PrimeTime Tuesday as roid-raging Chris “Fredo” Cuomo attacked Harvard-educated Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) as a “COVIDiot,” because he dared to call out Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) for virtue-signaling with his mask.

Nicholas Fondacaro
November 17th, 2020 11:36 PM

EVIL: Joy Reid Accuses GOP of Wanting to See People Die from COVID

On Tuesday’s ReidOut, MSNBC host Joy Reid went full Ed Schultz, accusing Republicans of “bolt[ing] the door” shut in a burning house, purposefully trapping Americans as the coronavirus rages and see no problem with any and all Americans who die as a result of it. And if the venomous rhetoric wasn’t enough, Reid demanded Americans spend the holidays in crippling mental isolation (or…

Curtis Houck
November 17th, 2020 10:06 PM

Nets Censor Grilling of Big Tech at Conservative Censorship Hearing

At a contentious Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Tuesday, Senate Republicans torched the liberal CEOs of Facebook and Twitter for their sleazy censorship of conservatives on their platforms. Ironically, the events at the hearing were subsequently censored by ABC, CBS, and NBC as they refused to share the news during their evening newscasts. Instead, they chose to fear-monger about…

Nicholas Fondacaro
November 17th, 2020 9:20 PM