Vote Approaches for FCC Nomination of Big Tech Bias Hawk Simington

One man’s potential nomination to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) may change the future of the internet.

Alexander Hall
December 1st, 2020 10:22 AM

Bitter Stelter Slams Fox's Bartiromo as 'Not a Journalist at All'

Propaganda. That was what CNN host Brian Stelter accused Fox News of spreading during Sunday's Reliable Sources. Stelter and his guests preached to the choir by attacking the Fox News Channel for hosting Trump for his first post-election interview on Sunday Morning Futures. Stelter said Bartiromo was "not a journalist at all." CNN analyst Amanda Carpenter called it "…

Joseph Norris
December 1st, 2020 9:38 AM

MRC Poll: The Most Clueless Biden Voters Relied on Social Media

Last week, NewsBusters reported on a new poll showing that, at the time they cast their ballot, many Biden voters were unaware of important news stories involving either their candidate or President Trump. A deeper dive into the data shows that the problem was especially acute among those Biden voters who said they typically depended on social media for their election news.

Rich Noyes
December 1st, 2020 8:35 AM

MSNBC's Hallie Jackson on GOP Reaction to Neera Tanden: 'Poor Baby'

Reacting to the news that Republicans oppose President of the Center for American Progress Neera Tanden's nomination to be head of the Office of Management and Budget on Monday, MSNBC Live host Hallie Jackson was unmoved by concerns over Tanden's history of Twitter insults, quoting John McCain's former chief of staff saying "poor baby."

Alex Christy
December 1st, 2020 7:39 AM

Nets Hide Fauci Saying Kids Should Be in School, Tucker SKEWERS Him

While the broadcast networks spent Monday evening echoing Dr. Anthony Fauci’s complaints against fed up Americans spending Thanksgiving with their families, and CBS blasted Florida for keeping schools open, none of them shared his Sunday comments arguing that kids should remain in school and his admission that kids don’t spread the virus as much as they feared. It was a revelation to the fact…

Nicholas Fondacaro
November 30th, 2020 11:03 PM

NY Times Book Review Leads With Long Saga on Obama’s ‘Legacy of Hope'

The New York Times Sunday Book Review led off with a lengthy, almost reverent take on Barack Obama’s latest autobiography A Promised Land: “Legacy of Hope,” a review by Nigerian-born novelist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Her obeisant take took up five full pages of the section, devoting a stunning 4,500 words to what is admittedly itself an enormous book.

Clay Waters
November 30th, 2020 10:49 PM
State Attorney Dave Aronberg

Morning Joe Hysteria: Trump Will Try to Pardon Himself!

Put on your tinfoil hats! On MSNBC’s Morning Joe Monday, host Joe Scarborough and several guests got together to discuss some conspiracy theories surrounding President Trump, including whether he will attempt to pardon himself before he leaves office in January.

John Shannon
November 30th, 2020 9:19 PM

NYC-Based CBS Raged at Shutting Schools, Now Decry Opened Florida

On November 19, New York City-based CBS News joined the ranks of parents made irate by Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio abruptly shutting down the public school system with no notice. It’s understandable as many CBS employees were likely harmed by the chaos it caused to their daily lives. But after de Blasio reversed course over the weekend, CBS spent part of Monday’s Evening News

Nicholas Fondacaro
November 30th, 2020 9:13 PM

Facebook Fact-Checker Accused of Pushing ‘Half-Truths’ about Elections

Facebook’s latest faulty “fact check” shows how little regard the company has for facts or experts. Facebook added a USA Todayfact check” to a post of a Just Facts…

Heather Moon
November 30th, 2020 6:17 PM

Candace Owens Challenges Facebook Fact-Checker And Wins

Conservative commentator Candace Owens fought back against Facebook’s left-wing fact-checker PolitiFact and won. The fact-checker retracted a “false” rating it gave to a video posted by Owens on Nov. 12, and issued a correction admitting fault.

Alec Schemmel
November 30th, 2020 5:45 PM

PolitiFact's 'Half True': Loeffler's 'For Getting Rid of Health Care'

Bryan White at the website PolitiFact Bias points out that the "fact checkers" are tilting in favor of both Democrats running for the U.S. Senate in runoffs. We noted PolitiFact cried "PANTS ON FIRE" when Sen. David Perdue dared to call his opponent Jon Ossoff a "socialist," but somehow it's "Half True" for Democrat Raphael Warnock to suggest Sen. Kelly Loeffler is "for getting rid of health…

Tim Graham
November 30th, 2020 5:17 PM

One Powerful TV Democrat to Another: Now It’s Time to Unify!

It’s time for America to stop being so divided by partisan politics and unify! That’s the message of CBS host Gayle King, a Democratic donor, and host Ellen DeGeneres, also a Democratic donor. 

Scott Whitlock
November 30th, 2020 4:58 PM

Liberal Media Panicking Over Conservative Exodus to Parler

Just build your own platform, but wait, not like that! Liberal media and commentators condemn conservatives for abandoning censorious Big Tech platforms for Parler.

Alexander Hall
November 30th, 2020 4:57 PM

Nets Tout Biden Hiring ‘First, All-Female’ WH Team (Trump Was First)

Between late Sunday and Monday morning, the liberal media showcased their latest double standard between Democratic and Republican administrations and a failure to grasp reality. This time, outlets hailed President-Elect Joe Biden’s hiring of the “first” all-female White House communications team that’s “breaking barriers” despite the fact that the Trump administration’s top communications…

Curtis Houck
November 30th, 2020 4:40 PM