VIDEO: Lefty Journalists Demand Censorship

Left-leaning TV news networks have been making some alarmingly anti-free speech proclamations, despite their own livelihoods depending on the protection of that right. Over the past week, journalists on these networks have compared conservative social media circles to ISIS terror cells, demanded a reckoning for right-leaning news sources like Fox News and OANN, and even called for the “…

Bill D'Agostino
January 14th, 2021 12:36 PM

Bezos-Owned Post Says Parler Deserved Blackout by Bezos-Owned Amazon

The Washington Post Editorial Board praised the shutdown of free-speech platform Parler by the company owned by the same “world’s richest person” that owns The Washington Post.

Joseph Vazquez
January 14th, 2021 12:21 PM

‘Kill All Republicans’: Amazon Sells 204 Items Promoting Violence

Amazon terminated its contract with free speech platform Parler for “violent content on your website.” But Amazon itself deals with merchandise that advocates the death of all Republicans or specifically targets President Donald Trump.

Corinne Weaver and Alec Schemmel
January 14th, 2021 10:47 AM

Twitter Mocked for Condemnation of Internet Censorship... In Uganda

Not the  Babylon Bee. Twitter is condemning internet censorship. No, not in the United States or Europe. Twitter is condemning  internet service providers blocking social media apps in Uganda in the runup  to their election.

P.J. Gladnick
January 14th, 2021 10:23 AM

Don Lemon's Late Night Hate: Trump Voters Support the Klan, Nazis

The attack on the Capitol last week was a tragic day for all Americans, but the media is hellbent on stoking hatred and division among Americans by demonizing the 74 million who voted for the president as the same as domestic terrorists. 

Kristine Marsh
January 14th, 2021 10:13 AM

SPAT: Mika Whaps Joe For Asking Should Senate Hold Impeachment Trial?

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, co-hosts and husband and wife, got into a spat when Joe Scarborough asked if the Senate should proceed with an impeachment trial. He suggests doing so will hamper the Biden's administration's ability to focus on its agenda. Mika instructs Joe: "don't ask it again." She then upped the emotional ante by telling Joe to ask his question to the…

Mark Finkelstein
January 14th, 2021 9:32 AM

Tech, Telecom Ban Donations to GOP Who Objected to Biden Certification

Big Tech and Big Telecom are punishing GOP members in the House of Representatives and the Senate whose politics they don’t like.

Joseph Vazquez
January 14th, 2021 9:19 AM

Illiberal Left Blasts Matthew McConaughey for Wanting Compromise

One thing the left won’t abide is anyone or anything out of Hollywood not marching in lockstep with progressive heterodoxy. Actor Matthew McConaughey is the latest to draw the ire of the left-wing gestapo for thought crimes because he called out the “illiberal left” for being arrogant towards 50 percent of the population and talked about the country getting "aggressively centrist" instead of…

Alexa Moutevelis
January 14th, 2021 9:18 AM

HERE Were the Worst Moments from MSNBC’s Post-Impeachment Coverage

It was another day of faux somberness Wednesday afternoon on MSNBC as Congress impeached President Donald Trump a week after some of his own supporters terrorized the U.S. Capitol. MSNBC used this second Trump impeachment as a front in its ongoing campaign to relabel tens of millions who think and vote differently as domestic terrorists.

Curtis Houck
January 14th, 2021 1:50 AM

Domenech Rips 'Special Flower' Jake Tapper for Having Become a 'Joke'

In a Wednesday night appearance on Fox News Channel’s The Ingraham Angle, Federalist Founder Ben Domenech scored a critical hit on CNN’s Jake Tapper after the CNN host made disparaging comments against Congressman Brian Mast, questioning the wounded veteran’s dedication to America and democracy. In his rhetorical thrashing, Domenech used his cutting words to call out Tapper for his…

Nicholas Fondacaro
January 13th, 2021 11:51 PM

NY Times Compares Trump Election Claims to Stalin, Hitler’s ‘Big Lie’

The hypocrisy is blatant: While Big Tech giants Twitter, Apple, Facebook, etc., are gleefully banning the sitting president and prominent conservative activists from public platforms while simultaneously using their monopoly power to squelch competition (the free-speech Twitter alternative Parler), the New York Times breezily compares Trump to Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin…

Clay Waters
January 13th, 2021 11:09 PM

CBS Boosts Conspiracy Theory GOP Lawmakers Part of ‘Inside Job’ Attack

With absolutely ZERO evidence to back up the assertion, CBS Evening News spent part of Wednesday’s newscast giving oxygen to a conspiracy theory spawned from a Democratic congresswoman, claiming Republican members of Congress were in league with the insurrectionists and intentionally gave them “reconnaissance” assistance. The network even brought on a former U.S. attorney to call them…

Nicholas Fondacaro
January 13th, 2021 8:54 PM

NEW NewsBusters Podcast: PBS Exposed Talking About Molotov Cocktails

 In the latest vivacious version of the NewsBusters Podcast, executive editor Tim Graham discusses the horrible riot at the Capitol, and the conservative standard that riots are no solution. That said, there's the embarrassing Project Veritas video of PBS counsel Michael Beller (now dismissed) joking that if Trump wins again, he would "Go to the White House and throw Molotov cocktails."

NB Staff
January 13th, 2021 7:22 PM

SCOTUS Ruling Protects Unborn Children From Abortion Drugs

Despite all the bad news clinging to the Trump administration in its final week, President Trump’s commitment to protecting the most innocent and vulnerable among us has yielded another important pro-life victory.

Gabriel Hays
January 13th, 2021 5:35 PM