Nets Have Fun with Obama Golf Game That Forced Couple to Move Wedding
December 30th, 2014 3:46 PM
Between Monday night and Tuesday morning, the “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC covered the news that a golf outing by President Obama at a course in Hawaii forced a Army to move their wedding location after planning to have it on the 16th tee.
While they covered the news, each network made sure their were plenty of laughs and golf-related puns throughout their 12 minutes and 4 seconds of…
Mika: Providers 'Shouldn't Be Charging' for Aviation Wifi
November 26th, 2014 8:18 AM
When the revolution comes, everything will be free! Mika Brzezinski gave us some good insight today into the liberal mind when it comes to economics.
The Morning Joe host was reacting today to news that for Thanksgiving, Verizon will be giving travelers free wifi in flight and at several airports around the country. Mocked Mika: "thank you so much for something you shouldn't be charging us…
Nicolle Wallace Lumps Scott with Crist: Untethered to 'Moral Compass'
October 28th, 2014 8:12 AM
If on national TV you pass along from a "friend" an extremely damning charge about someone's morality, do you have an obligation to identify that "friend" or provide some sort of substantiation for the charge? Nicolle Wallace apparently doesn't think so.
On today's Morning Joe, speaking of Rick Scott and Charlie Crist, Wallace blithely passed along the charge from an unnamed "friend" from…
NBC: Getting Dem Candidate's Name Wrong Gives Him 'Name Recognition'
October 13th, 2014 12:07 PM
On Monday's NBC Today, 9 a.m. ET hour co-host Willie Geist actually tried to spin top Democratic Party surrogates like Michelle Obama and Bill Clinton mispronouncing the name of Iowa Senate candidate Bruce Braley as a boost to Braley's campaign: "But now he's getting a lot of name recognition. Maybe it was like evil genius move, who knows?"
So his biggest supporters not knowing his name helps…
'Morning Joe' Friction: Was Pierson Affirmative Action Hire?
October 1st, 2014 8:27 AM
Imus would call it a "tension convention." There was palpable friction among members of the Morning Joe team today on the question of whether Secret Service Director Julia Pierson was an affirmative action hire. By the end, the almost unfailingly affable Willie Geist was smirking in frustration at Mika Brzezinski.
When Brzezinski first broached the sensitive-for-liberals subject, she suggested…
Kerry Tells MSNBC: Islamic State Not Driven By... Islam
September 22nd, 2014 9:19 AM
Could the "Islamic" in "Islamic State" be a clue? Not for John Kerry. Appearing on today's Morning Joe, our clueless Secretary of State insisted that what drives ISIS is a "radical, extremist, cultish" philosophy, but not—perish the thought!—a "religious attitude."
Kerry was of course echoing the analysis of that noted theologian, Barack Obama, who two weeks ago declared that ISIS is "not…
NBC Frets Over 'Country Club Snub' Upsetting Obama's Golf Game
September 10th, 2014 4:41 PM
Wednesday's NBC Today was the only network morning show to cover President Obama being refused tee times at several top golf courses during his Labor Day weekend trip to New York, with co-host Matt Lauer declaring: "...the President has faced some criticism recently over the time he spends playing golf....[now] more problems tied to his favorite hobby." [Listen to the audio]
Fellow co-host…
Men Need Not Apply: Morning Joe Digs Idea of Women-Only Taxi Service
September 9th, 2014 7:24 AM
All the members of the Morning Joe panel--Mika Brzezinski, Joe Scarborough and Willie Geist--speak approvingly of "SheRide," a new taxi service that hires only women drivers and accepts only women passengers.
Morning Joe Consensus: Hillary's Canned Quality Makes You Cringe
August 14th, 2014 8:17 AM
Inevitability, my eye. If Republicans can't defeat Hillary Clinton in 2016 [assuming she gets there], they should be brought up on charges of political malfeasance.
So lacking is Hillary in the most basic of personal political prerequisites that even Morning Joe called her "canned" and cringeworthy. The panel was commenting on an excruciating clip of Clinton prior to her hug-it-out dinner…
NBC Touts 'Defiant' Edward Snowden Telling Wired Magazine: 'I Feel Lik
August 13th, 2014 1:00 PM
On Wednesday, NBC's Today devoted a nearly four-minute segment to promoting a fawning interview that Wired magazine conducted with NSA leaker Edward Snowden. Despite introducing the story by labeling Snowden as "the man U.S. officials have called a traitor and a coward," co-host Willie Geist went on to proclaim: "Out from the front of the flashbulbs. Appearing at times exhausted,…
'Morning Joe' Brushes Aside Democratic Senate Hopeful's Campaign Plan
July 29th, 2014 2:40 PM
While Chris Matthews avoided the National Review coverage of Democratic Senate hopeful Michelle Nunn’s leaked campaign strategy, the panel of Morning Joe gave the story a brief three minutes during the three-hour morning news show. MSNBC contributor Willie Geist appealed to Daily Rundown’s Chuck Todd to brush the controversy aside, stating “these plans exist on every campaign” and “it’s just…
NBC Hypes 'Gun Fight' Over Open Carry 'Raging Like A Texas Prairie Fir
June 10th, 2014 8:47 AM
On Monday's NBC Today, fill-in co-host Willie Geist posed an ominous question to viewers: "How would you feel if you saw someone walk into a store or restaurant with a rifle strapped to his or her back?" Teasing an upcoming story on the topic, he proclaimed: "It's perfectly legal in one state, sparking quite a controversy this morning, we'll explain." [Listen to the audio or watch the video…
Larry King Rips CNN: 'How Many Times Can You Cover A Plane?' It's 'Emb
May 6th, 2014 1:06 PM
Appearing on Tuesday's NBC Today, former CNN talk show host Larry King ridiculed his former employer when asked if he would ever return to the cable channel: "The tough time I would have at CNN now, I think, would be doing this airplane story. Because I think I'd crack up laughing. I think I would have – you know, how many times can you cover a plane? Six weeks and all we know is it made a left…
NBC Hosts Excited 'Very, Very Impressive' Chelsea Clinton Might Run fo
April 17th, 2014 5:27 PM
At the top of the 9 a.m. ET hour on Thursday's NBC Today, co-host Natalie Morales seized on Chelsea Clinton answering a question she "gets asked all the time, just about every other day": "In a new interview she is saying she is now perhaps is opening that window that she may possibly think about running for public office." [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump]