Willie Geist
NBC’s ‘Today’ Mocks Michelle Obama’s Latest Food Police Push
May 30th, 2015 1:15 PM
On Friday, even the hosts of NBC’s Today had enough of Michelle Obama’s effort to micro-manage people’s food choices as they mocked the First Lady’s attempt to create a healthy version of s’mores.

Mika Muzzles Talk of Sanders Writing That Women Fantasize About Rape
May 29th, 2015 9:53 AM
Willie Geist wondered out loud what would happen to a Republican candidate who had written that women fantasize about being raped--and Joe Scarborough questioned whether he would he still be in the race.
But when it's a candidate for the Dem presidential nomination who had written those words, well, that's a different story. On today's Morning Joe, when Scarborough raised the matter of Bernie…
NBC’s Engel Continues Tearing Into Obama’s ‘Confused’ ISIS Strategy
May 22nd, 2015 4:53 PM
The morning after he appeared on multiple MSNBC and NBC programs to rip President Obama’s handling of ISIS, NBC News chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel joined the Friday panel of MSNBC’s Morning Joe to continue his streak of tearing into the President for a “confused” and “self-contradictory” plan that “fights itself.”

CBS, NBC Continue to Tout President Obama Joining Twitter
May 19th, 2015 10:49 AM
On Tuesday, CBS This Morning and NBC’s Today continued to promote President Obama officially joining Twitter and featured numerous fawning segments highlighting the “Breaking News.” After CBS and NBC both touted Obama’s new Twitter handle on their Monday night broadcasts, their respective morning shows provided 4 minutes and 35 seconds of free promotion for the new @POTUS account.
NBC Slams Religious Freedom Law...Then Starts Series on Faith
March 30th, 2015 2:26 PM
Early on Monday's NBC Today, fill-in co-host Willie Geist hyped "the growing debate over a controversial law that critics call anti-gay....[who] say it permits businesses, among other things, to refuse service to same-sex couples on religious grounds." Correspondent Gabe Gutierrez followed: "This morning a huge backlash against Indiana's new Religious Freedom Restoration Act and Governor Mike…
NBC Touts Obama's Call for Mandatory Voting, Hosts Urge Easier Process
March 19th, 2015 11:45 AM
Thursday's NBC Today seized on President Obama's seeming advocacy for mandatory voting in the United States during a town hall event on Wednesday, with fill-in news anchor Tamron Hall declaring: "The President said the U.S. should be making it easier to vote, not harder. He says if everyone voted, it would completely change the political map."

Scarborough: 'More and More' Insiders Say Hillary Might Not Run
March 17th, 2015 8:15 AM
Imagine you're David Brock, James Carville or Lanny Davis. Stop: no! Can't do that to our Newsbusters readers. Let's just picture someone in the Hillary camp—even Herself. He/she's settled in front of the tube this morning, Grande, two-pump Vanilla, Non-Fat, Extra Hot Latte in hand, and tuned to fave show: Morning Joe.
Suddenly, from an array of people, you hear these phrases: "in jail for…

Nicolle Wallace: Hillary Email Will Turn Out to Be 'Wedding Stuff'
March 5th, 2015 7:49 AM
What's wrong with this picture: Mika Brzezinski and Willie Geist being tougher on Hillary than ostensible Republican Nicolle Wallace?
On today's Morning Joe, former W aide Wallace said that Hillary would wind up releasing all her emails and they would just turn out to be "wedding stuff." Mika had blasted Hillary for setting up her own servers, and Geist politely pointed out that since Hillary…
CBS Excuses Grabby Joe Biden as 'Comforting,' 'Friendly'
February 18th, 2015 11:18 AM
All three morning shows on Wednesday covered the latest example of Joe Biden's awkward, close talking with women in public. However, the hosts of CBS This Morning went out of their way to excuse the Vice President's caressing touch and whispering into the ears of the new Secretary of Defense's wife.
Nets Omit Calls for Troubled Democratic Gov. to Resign [UPDATED]
February 13th, 2015 1:41 PM
Update, 3:50 p.m. Eastern: Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber (D) announced his resignation Friday afternoon and will be effective next Wednesday (February 18).
With calls for Democratic Govenor John Kitzhaber to resign and Secretary of State referring to the Governor’s behavior Thursday as “strange” and “bizarre,” one would think that the media would devote time to a story…
NBCers React to Williams: 'Truth and Transparency - It's Our Trade'
February 11th, 2015 5:09 PM
Reacting to the decision by NBC News to suspend NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams for six months following his Iraq war lies, Today 9 a.m. hour co-host Willie Geist acknowledged it was "kind of a difficult and strange morning." Fellow co-host Natalie Morales added: "...it is a difficult day here and we are certainly sharing our best wishes with Brian. It's a tough time for him and his family…

‘Big Three’ Networks Mourn Jon Stewart’s ‘Daily Show’ Departure
February 11th, 2015 11:58 AM
On Tuesday night, liberal comedian Jon Stewart announced that he was stepping down as host of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show after 16 years and on Wednesday, the “big three” (ABC, CBS, and NBC) morning shows eagerly praised Stewart's tenure. NBC’s Matt Lauer introduced Today by declaring “Stewart Stunner..The announcement that’s rocking Hollywood, Washington and his millions of fans” and ABC’s…

After Rapping Rand for Shushing Reporter, Scarborough Shuts Down Guest
February 3rd, 2015 8:31 AM
Rand Paul to reporter: "Calm down a bit here, Kelly. Let me answer the question." Joe Scarborough to guest: 'Let me finish my sentence and then you can be a condescending liberal Emanuel." The two responses sound similar, don't they? Two guys getting frustrated by their interlocutors' interruptions.
The irony is that Joe Scarborough devoted a segment on today's Morning Joe to rapping Rand Paul…

Mohyeldin: Real American Sniper 'Racist' Who Went on 'Killing Sprees'
January 29th, 2015 8:29 AM
Ayman Mohyeldin has suggested that Chris Kyle, the real "American Sniper," was a "racist" whose military missions were nothing less than "killing sprees."
With opinions like that, you might imagine Mohyeldin to be some unhinged bloviator from the bowels of the anti-American far left. Or, an NBC foreign correspondent [who formerly worked for Al Jazeera] who regularly reports on events in the…