Todd Purdum
Politico's Purdum Decries 'Trash-Talking the President' Over Denied In
October 24th, 2013 12:50 PM
Taking journalistic hypocrisy to ever-headier heights, Politico's Todd Purdum spent hundreds of words Wednesday evening bemoaning the potential impact of an incident which both sides involved say never happened, and acted as if incivility only comes out of the mouths of conservatives and Republicans.
Earlier Wednesday, the website's Tal Kopan relayed news that Illinois Democratic Senator Dick…

PBS 'Washington Week' Panel: GOP Wave Not So High, Obama 'Punished for
January 5th, 2011 7:51 AM
The December 31 edition of PBS's Washington Week tried to spin the year 2010 in the most favorable way for Obama. First, Washington Post reporter Karen Tumulty tried to suggest the massive Democratic losses in the House were somehow pretty conventional, yawn:
Well, I think it shook out as a pretty conventional midterm election. All year long, right up until Election Day, the Democrats kept…
NPR Host Helps Vanity Fair Writer Trash the 'Profoundly Silly' Press f
August 13th, 2010 5:47 PM
Todd Purdum, a former White House reporter for the New York Times in the Clinton years -- a man so impressed by Clinton's first press secretary Dee Dee Myers that he married her -- discussed his latest Vanity Fair article on how Washington is broken on the NPR show Fresh Air on Tuesday. Purdum's most noteworthy complaint is how the Washington press corps is mean-spirited, even "profoundly silly"…
Top Obama Adviser Valerie Jarrett, Vanity Fair Editor Pine for Days of
August 11th, 2010 2:42 PM
Vanity Fair's national editor Todd Purdum has a long piece in the most recent issue (in the print edition only, as far as I can tell) bemoaning what he argues are the new and unique challenges facing the Obama administration, including the state of the news media. Purdum's opinions on the state of the news business boil down to a call for the press's continuing political uniformity.He offers a…
Hardball Panelist Whines: Townhallers Only Getting News From Limbaugh
August 9th, 2010 6:50 PM
NBC's Chuck Todd, substitute hosting for Chris Matthews on Monday's Hardball, invited on Vanity Fair's Todd Purdum and the Politico's Jonathan Martin to navel gaze about what ailed the political structure as Todd questioned "Is Washington broke and beyond repair?" Pivoting off a Purdum article, that in part, blamed lobbyists, Martin offered his own explanation as he brought up the typical…
ABC's David Wright Continues Sniping at Palin: Gov Lacks 'Firm Grasp
July 8th, 2009 3:27 PM
Good Morning America's David Wright on Saturday continued his habit of dropping insulting comments into stories about Sarah Palin, snidely asserting that the Alaska governor "lacked seasoning and, some would say, a firm grasp of the issues." Wright, who was reporting on Palin's announcement that she would be resigning her office, also speculated that far more serious motives could be behind the…
NYT's Dowd Passes Along Dubious Psych Diagnosis: Sarah Palin's 'Pervas
July 6th, 2009 6:05 PM
In Maureen Dowd's Sunday New York Times column on the shock resignation of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin ("Now, Sarah's Folly"), the proudly shallow columnist piled on with her usual self-satisfied (and pseudo-sophisticated) mockery. More seriously, she regurgitated an extremely dubious anecdote from the recent Vanity Fair hit piece on Sarah Palin by former Times journalist Todd Purdum. It's a good…
PBS's Bonnie Erbe Reiterates Her Palin Derangement
July 1st, 2009 12:42 PM
"If Sarah Palin Weren't a Fanatic, I Might Feel Sorry For Her" blares the headline for Bonnie Erbe's June 30 blog post up at Gov. Palin joins blogger Michelle Malkin as a target of Erbe's rather catty disdain.The PBS "To the Contrary" host and US News contributing editor alerted her readers of her antipathy for the former Republican vice presidential nominee in light of Todd Purdum's…
Baier: Purdum's Vanity Fair Hit Piece Example of 'Palin Derangement Sy
July 1st, 2009 12:13 AM
“Another case of Sarah Palin derangement syndrome has reared its ugly head,” FNC's Bret Baier announced Tuesday night in citing Todd Purdum's lengthy piece in the August issue of Vanity Fair magazine, “It Came from Wasilla.” Purdum, a New York Times reporter for 23 years until leaving the paper in 2006, is married to ex-Clinton White House Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers.In the “Grapevine” segment…
CNN’s Gergen: Vanity Fair Article on Clinton Ignores His Good Works
June 3rd, 2008 2:43 PM
CNN senior political analyst (and former Clinton adviser) David Gergen, responding to Todd Purdum’s recent Vanity Fair article on Bill Clinton during a segment on Monday’s "Anderson Cooper 360," acknowledged that the former President "does have a temper, and he goes off like Mount Vesuvius," but then went on to criticize Purdum’s article, that it "does not give enough weight to what he has done…