
PBS Guests Fret 'Dangerous' Trump, Sessions, FNC Jabbing Al Gore

September 8th, 2017 9:47 PM
Twice this week, PBS's Tavis Smiley show has hosted guests from the far-left The Nation magazine, giving them an unchallenged forum to promote their views of the Trump administration and Republicans. On Tuesday, John Nichols -- promoting his book Horsemen of the Trumpocalypse -- fearmongered about "militant anti-immigration" Attorney General Jeff Sessions having a "nefarious" record on civil…

PBS Guest: Those Who Deny Discrimination Think Blacks Are 'Inferior'

July 19th, 2017 7:43 PM

On the Monday edition of his eponymously named PBS show, host Tavis Smiley provided a forum with little pushback for author and American University Professor Ibram Kendi to claim that the social problems that disproportionately exist within America's black population are the result of continuing racial discrimination, and that those who do not agree with his conclusions therefore must believe…


NYT's Kristof: Media Were 'Profoundly Unfair' to Jimmy Carter

April 18th, 2017 1:42 PM
Appearing as a guest on Monday's Tavis Smiley show on PBS, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof lamented that the media "truly wronged" Jimmy Carter and were "profoundly unfair" to him while he was President, due to "snobbishness" by the media. He also seemed happy to report that Hillary Clinton's personality has improved since her electoral loss, as the liberal columnist also recalled that…

Scahill Ties Trump to Fascists Wanting 'Extermination' of Blacks, Jews

April 7th, 2017 12:17 AM
Appearing as a guest on Wednesday's Tavis Smiley show on PBS, far-left journalist Jeremy Scahill of The Intercept argued that he is opposed to giving "fascists" a forum in which to debate people like himself. Then, after defining "fascists" as people who "want the extermination" of blacks and Jews, he hyperbolically claimed that fascists are "being normalized" by President Donald Trump. Scahill…

PBS Guest: Slavery 'Evolved' Not Ended in 1865, 'Post-Genocide' U.S.

April 4th, 2017 12:40 PM
On Monday's Tavis Smiley show, PBS's Smiley hosted Bryan Stevenson of the Equal Justice Initiative as part of a week devoted to commemorating the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's speech against the Vietnam War at Riverside Church.Toward the end of the show, Stevenson went over the top as he called America a "post-genocide society," asserting that the U.S. had killed Native Americans "…

Reiners Lament: GOP 'Racism' Blocked 'Smartest President' Obama

April 1st, 2017 3:25 PM
As father and son comedy writers and liberal activists Carl Reiner and Rob Reiner appeared as guests on Friday's Tavis Smiley Show on PBS, the two lamented that former President Barack Obama -- whom Carl called "the smartest President we've had since way back" -- was replaced by President Donald Trump -- whom Rob derided as "clearly mentally unstable." A bit later, Rob Reiner blamed "racism" that…

Smiley Likens Obamacare Repeal to 'Drive-By' Shooting of 'Bystanders'

March 24th, 2017 7:16 AM
On Thursday's Tavis Smiley show, PBS host Smiley made one of the most over the top analogies one will hear in the health care debate as he likened the repeal of ObamaCare to a "drive-by" shooting that would "kill" people who are "innocent bystanders" as he hosted liberal activist Sister Simone Campbell as his guest. Smiley wondered how Speaker Paul Ryan views people who might suffer if ObamaCare…

Smiley: Will GOP Try to Ignore Slavery Ban After Garland Blocked?

March 22nd, 2017 6:30 PM
On Tuesday's Tavis Smiley show on PBS, as New York magazine's Andrew Sullivan appeared as a guest to discuss current political events, host Smiley at one point fretted that -- because Republicans denied President Barack Obama the chance to appoint Judge Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court -- they were "trampling" on the Constitution, and oddly asked if they might ignore other parts of the…

Trump Has ‘Hurt the Feelings Of Every Human Being in This Country'

March 7th, 2017 3:49 PM
So the mom from Malcolm in the Middle apparently hates Donald Trump. Or to be more prescise, the actress who played Lois Wilkerson on the Fox hit comedy, Jane Kaczmarek. The actress showed up on last Friday’s edition of PBS’s Tavis Smiley show to charge that the new president has “hurt the feelings of every human being in this I’m not too worried about hurting the feelings of him or…

Pants on Fire: Mitchell Says GOPers ‘Never’ Gave Garland 'A Meeting'

February 6th, 2017 11:47 AM
On Sunday’s Meet the Press, correspondent and MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell perpetuated a glaring lie that not a single Republican Senator met with Obama Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland (when at least 16 met with him) in order to predict that the GOP should not underestimate the opposition aimed at Trump pick Neil Gorsuch.

Unhappy: Smiley Whines that Media Rushed to ‘Normalize’ ‘Racist’ Trump

February 5th, 2017 4:04 PM
The media’s relentless beating of the two-week-old Donald Trump administration could hardly be seen as beneficial to him, but PBS’s Tavis Smiley tried to argue that on NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday. “What troubles me, Chuck, is that we -- too many of us that is -- rushed to normalize a racist, sexist, classist campaign that he ran to win this office,” Smiley whined as he smeared the president…

Jamie Lee Curtis Doesn’t Understand How Women Can Vote for Trump

October 7th, 2016 2:03 PM
To some actors in Hollywood, capitalism is apparently up there with misogyny and bigotry, in the list of the most evil things a candidate can stand for. Actress and author Jamie Lee Curtis, (looking and sounding very much like Rachel Maddow), said as much to Tavis Smiley on his Thursday night PBS show, claiming that Donald Trump represented all these things. Instead, she stated, Hillary stood for…

Tavis Smiley Serially Excuses 'Disaffected Black Men' Like Gavin Long

July 22nd, 2016 11:01 PM
Early this week, in an MSNBC interview, Tavis Smiley said that there's far too much attention being paid to "cop killers" and not enough to "killer cops." Then, in a Tuesday USA Today column, he cast his sympathetic lot with Gavin Long, who killed three Baton Rouge police offices on Sunday before a police sharpshooter killed him. Smiley told readers that we should "Listen to the Baton Rouge…

Quote of the Day: Tom Brokaw Slams 'Pretty Divisive Message' by GOP

July 19th, 2016 10:17 AM
To offer an overview of how the national media are twisting the convention coverage, we're awarding a Quote of the Day to the journalist or pundit who offers the most outrageous quote or best summary of the night's media theme. Former NBC anchorman Tom Brokaw provided the first Quote of the Day for calling out Donald Trump and his supporters for not being unifying if liberals unify…